Hubungan Kelincahan Dengan Kemampuan Menggiring Bola Dalam Permainan Sepak Bola Pada Siswa Man 1 Kecamatan Mandah Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir
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The form of this research is correlational by team population sampling in this study is the total sampling technique. Because the population is less or below 100 people, then the total number of samples taken from a population of 16 people (Suharsimi Arikunt,2006:130).backgroud of the problem in this research is tack students’ ability at MAN 1subdistrict mandah district Indragiri hilir to do dribble in football game. This research correlation with students population at MAN . the purpose to known how the correl;ation between agility and ability dribbling ball.
Instrument is this research is agility tes wis running turn back by using ( Winarno,2006: 88-92) and dribbling tes via hindrance (Nurhasan, 2001 : 160-162 ). Then the analeses data by using statistic, before analysed dat do the normalitation test by using liliefors on significan = 0,05. Hiphoteses indicted there is correlation agility and ability dribbling ball in football game the studenst MAN 1 1subdistrict mandah district Indragiri hilir.
Base on result of the research so the conclusion is that agility give significan correlation with dribbling ball agility, the normalatation dat test obtainedagility and dribbling ability in football game is r= 0.64 ant Tvalue(3.11)>Ttabel(0.227) between determination is 40,96%. Then the rest explained by other variable
Hubungan Kelincahan Dengan Kemampuan Menggiring Bola Dalam Permainan Sepak Bola
Agility, Dribbling Ability