Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Lengan Bahu Dengan Hasil Tolak Peluru Gaya Orthodox Pada Mahasiswa Putra 4a Kepelatihan Universitas Riau Pekanbaru
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This research is indigenous researcher observation in the field, that shot put result inspires orthodox is lower slightly, at this causes the reducing arm brawn shoulders. To the effect in this research is subject to knowing the brawn and relationship shoulders with shot put result inspires orthodox. Kinds form of this researcher is observational korelasional with son college student population. Data in observational it is 4A to Riau Pekanbaru University training that total are 42 person. Observational in Data it is tekhnik full scale sampling. Sample in observational is overall of total population, so sample it total 42 person. Instrument who is done in this research is essay arm brawn shoulder by essay to push Expanding Dynamometer and shot put result inspires orthodox by essays to utilize numbers. Then data at o with statistic, to normality quiz with liliefors's quiz on signifikan's level α=0,05, hypothesis that is proposed is arm brawn shoulder with shot put result inspires orthodox. The data collected, the resulth it the data correlation get correlation coefficient as big as r=0,52 where its significance at quiz t gets computing = 4,50 t table. = 0,553 So if t computing = 4,50> t table = 0,553 therefore gets at concludes rejected Ho and Ha at is accepted, therefore relationship among variable x and variable y. at kategorikan Rather Low.
Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Lengan Bahu Dengan Hasil Tolak Peluru Gaya Orthodox
Arm brawn Shoulders, Shot Put result Inspires Orthodox