Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Number Head Together untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV di SDN 94 Pekanbaru

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Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Number Head Together untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV di SDN 94 Pekanbaru Ulfa Ismianty1, Neni Hermita2, Lazim,N3 Abstract This research based of study result IPA at SDN 94 Pekanbaru, has still low, it cause learning still directed on teacher, the stedent not interested enough when teacher explain the lesson in class room, the student skill do passively the consequence their study result still low. The action that have taken is assembling of learning of Cooperatife model Numbered Head Together type (NHT). Type of this research class action research. This research’s subjec is this student grade fourth SDN 94 Pekanbaru with total of student is 35 people, with 18 male and 17 female. The research’s instrument is like silabus, RPP, LKS. Result of research indicate that increase of study result from first cycle to second cycle. The activity of teacher first cycle at meet is 58,33%, second meet 72,22%, second cycle at first meet 83,33% second meet 94,44%. The activity of student first cycle increes from first meet 47,22% second meet 66,67% and second cycle at first meet is 83,33% second meet 91,67%. Consderation from study result increes base score average 67,54 rise to 73,43 on frist UAS I and 83,42 on second UAS II. Based of result of research so the conclusion is the assembling of learning of Cooperation model Numbered Head Together ty


penelitian Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Number Head Together untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA


Cooperative Type Numbered Head Together (NHT),, Science Studies Outcomes PENDAHULUAN 1 Mahasiswa
