Pengaruh Bimbingan Kelompok Dengan Topik Membaca Cerita Terhadap Peningkatan Kepercayaan Diri Rendah Siswa Kelas XI IA SMA N 5 Pekanbaru Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013
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This study aims to 1) knowing description low confidence of students class XI IA
before group counseling organize. 2) knowing description low confidence of
students class XI IA after group counseling organize. 3) knowing the difference
before and after group counseling to increase low confidence of students class XI
IA. 4) knowing the effect before and after group counseling organize. Data
collection using the form of questionnaires. The population in this research was
16. Determining sampling of students scoring medium and low confidence (total
sampling). A description low confidence of students class XI IA before group
counseling in medium category is 31.25%, and 68.75% for low category. A
description of low confidence after given group counseling in category is 100%.
Based on the calculation of the correlation coefficient between x
and x
is 0.56
and the coefficient of determination r2 = 31%, it can be knowing t-test (t
observed) is
greater than t- table (t
critical), (15.11> 2.042) so the null hypotesis (Ho) is rejected
and alternative hypotesis (Ha) accepted. It is concluded that, there was a different
low confidence of students class XI IA before and after group counseling organize
with read story.
Pengaruh Bimbingan Kelompok Dengan Topik Membaca Cerita Terhadap Peningkatan Kepercayaan Diri Rendah Siswa
group counseling, self-confidence, reading story