Montreal Protocol and Values on Sustainable Development in Malaysia
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Environmental sustainabilitv 1s verv essential to protect the enwonmental surroundinqs as well as for
the better livinq environment for consumers. One of the International law that adopted the principle of
protectinq the environment is Montreal Protocol. Montreal Protocol is one of the successfulmternational
enwonmental laws. Montreal Protocol manaqed to seek international enwonmental cooperation
amonq almost all of the states 1n the world. There are several values that supported the sustainable
development has been asserted compromised and manirulated throuahout the implementation of
Montreal Protocol at the nat1onal level 1n Malays1a This values that have been asserted 1n the
implementation process helped 1n successful of Montreal Protocol's Implementation in Malaysia. Thus
this paper 'liill di<euss the values sustainable development values that had been asserted in the
implementation of Montreal Protocol in Malaysia. Those values are freedom, shared responsibility,
respect for nature, equality and solidarity
Montreal Protocol, susta/flable development values. freedom, shared responsibility respect for nature, equalliy, solidarity, solidarity