Mutu Minuman Energi Serbuk Sari Buah Anggur Berkarbonasi (Effervescent) Pada Berbagai Kadar Natrium Karbonat Dan Kadar Air Fase Asam Setelah Penyimpanan

dc.contributor.authorBasriman, Iman
dc.contributor.authorKesuma, Teguh
dc.description.abstractProblem in the process of energy drink carbonated grape juice powder (effervescent) is to maintain the quality of water damage due to high levels and low levels of sodium carbonate which can trigger the carbonation reaction occurs before dissolved . The research problem is limited on the influence of water content and acid phase sodium bicarbonate (alkaline phase) on the quality of effervescent powder energy drink grape juice . This study used a factorial completely randomized design 3 X 3 . Levels of acid water phase (0.16 % , 0.32 % and 0.48 %) as a factor of 1, and Na2HCO3 levels (10 % , 30 % and 50 % ) as a factor of 2 . Quality tested sachets include level of bloated; pH , moisture content of the final mixture, levels of caffeine, hedonic and hedonic quality . The results showed the water content of the acid phase of 0.16 % , and the levels of Na2HCO3 30 % and 50 % is the best . The best treatment interaction on pH , moisture content final mix , hedonic quality taste and preference level is between the water content of the acid phase and 0.16 % sodium bicarbonate 50 %, while the stability and the level of caffeine content is best bloated on the interaction between levels 0.16 % acid water phase and 30 % sodium bicarbonate . It is recommended to do further research on the techniques of packaging and quality stability effervescent energy drink grape juice during storageen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipProsiding Seminar dan Lokakarya Nasional FKPT-TPI 2014en_US
dc.identifier.otherwahyu sari yeni
dc.subjectenergy drink carbonateden_US
dc.subjectalkaline phaseen_US
dc.titleMutu Minuman Energi Serbuk Sari Buah Anggur Berkarbonasi (Effervescent) Pada Berbagai Kadar Natrium Karbonat Dan Kadar Air Fase Asam Setelah Penyimpananen_US


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