Analisis Tentang Upaya-Upaya Guru Dalam Meni Ngkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Di SDN Gugus I Katulisti Wakecamatan Kampar Kiri

dc.descriptionAnalisis Tentang Upaya-Upaya Guru Dalam Meni Ngkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswaen_US
dc.description.abstractThe pur pose of thi s s tudy i s to 1) find a pi c ture of t efforts of t eachers in i mpr oving student motivati o n as perce i v ed by stude nts, 2) reveal the e fforts of tea chers i n i mpr oving studen t motivati o n in SDN Clus ter I Katul ist Kampar Kiri district, acc ord i ng to the teache rs' perce ptions . Assumpti o n of this e : 1) Each cl a s s roo m teacher h as gi v en motivati o n to the s tud ents, 2) the m a ns meningatkan t eacher motiva tion can be identified and measurable ind i cat o rs The study population was all students e xce l i n Class V Cluster I Ka tulisti wa SDN Kampar Kiri d i s tr i c t, amounting to 78 students . The sampli ng tech nique was performe d in t i s s tud y with a total s a mpl ing technique. The metho d u s ed is descr i ptive and analytic l . Da ta c ol lec tion t echn i ques by using a q ues tionnaire. Anal y sis o f data u sing technique s rcentage. Res ults of da t a ana l ys i s : 1) the effor ts of teacher s t o moti vate stude i n SDN Clus ter I Ka tulisti wa Kampar Kiri subd i s tr i c t ave ra g e dominant i n item number 1 "in teaching, teacher gives asses sment to students with a figur e" wi th a p ercentage of 1 00% sta t ed of ten; 2) the ef for t s of teac her s to mo tivate studen ts in SDN Clus te I Katuli s tiwa Ka mpar Ki r i subdi s tr ict av era ge dominan t at n umber 1 ite m that the eache r i n teaching often provide asses sments to stu den ts with a f i gure with a percentag e of 100%.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipProf. zul f a n Sa am, Dr a. E lni Yak u b .M. S ien_US
dc.subjectEfforts Incr eas e Moti v ationen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Tentang Upaya-Upaya Guru Dalam Meni Ngkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Di SDN Gugus I Katulisti Wakecamatan Kampar Kirien_US
dc.typestudent Paper Post Degreeen_US


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