BIROKRASI DAN KEBIJAKAN KETAHANAN PANGAN Studi Kasus Pelaksanaan Operasi Pangan Riau Makmur di Desa Muara Kelantan Kecamatan Sungai Mandau Kabupaten Siak Tahun 2010-2011
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This study aims to describe the implementation in the village of Muara OPRM years 2010-2011 Kelantan seen influential factors critical to the successful implementation of the communication, resources, attitude / disposition and bureaucratic structures. The usefulness of this research is for information about the interaction of the crucial factors as well as the dominant factor affecting menhetahui OPRM implementation so as to provide input to the government especially OPRM executive team in establishing the program and know the shortcomings and obstacles that occur.
The method used in this study is the qualitative methods of data that can not be expressed in terms of numbers but in the form of an explanation that describes the shape of the state, the process, certain events. Techniques of data collection using interviews and documentation techniques.
From the research it can be concluded that the implementation OPRM in the village of Muara Kelantan 2010-2011 year is determined and influenced by the communication that takes place, its resources, attitudes and bureaucratic structures executor executor.
Bureaucracy,, policy,, food security