Hubungan Daya Ledak Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Dengan Hasil Akurasi Servis Forehand Tenis Meja Mahasiswa Putra 4A Kepelatihan Universitas Riau
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Problem in this study originated from the observation that the authors have
encountered in the field, which is still the difficulty of servicing precision forehand table tennis
players who allegedly influenced by the low explosive power arm muscles. The purpose of this
study was to determine the explosive power relations arm of shoulder muscles with a forehand
serve on student outcomes 4A son coaching the University of Riau.
This type of research is correlational. The population in this study was student son
coaching 4A Riau University who participated actively in the lectures which amounted to 41
people, then the sample in this study amounted to 41 men. To obtain research data used
medicine ball test, and test accuracy forehand service. Data were analyzed with product
Based on the analysis and testing of data obtained it can be concluded that the
explosive power of the arm and shoulder muscles to the accuracy of the results table tennis
forehand service there is a meaningful relationship. In other words, the relationship variable X
with Y variable values obtained r = 0.97 then the relationship between the variables X with Y
variables are categorized High. Where keberatiannya tested by t test and obtained 25.22 tcount
means t> t table 0.141. Before the data were analyzed first tested for normality with Liliefors
Test. The maximum value is denoted Lomax, where the value L0maks <Ltabel the samples
come from normally distributed population.
Thus, it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted at significance level = 0.05,
in other words there is a confidence level of 95% is a significant relationship between the
Power Burst arm and shoulder muscle with a forehand service Accuracy results table tennis
coaching students 4A son Riau University.
Hubungan Daya Ledak Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Dengan Hasil Akurasi Servis Forehand Tenis Meja
Power Burst Arm And Shoulder Muscles With Accuracy Results Table Tennis Forehand service