Peningkatan Produktivitas Usaha Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Rakyat Melalui Teknologi Biotrikom Berbasis Limbah Padat Kelapa Sawit Di Kabupaten Rokan Hilir Provinsi Riau

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Biotrikom Technology is a technology that combines local ingredients such as the organic waste of oil palm using indogenous microorganisms of local Riau namely Trichoderma spp. which acts as an activator with the addition of a carrier (inert carrier) such as bentonite, kaolin and ash bunch. the Long term aims of this research is to increase business productivity and livelihoods of the farmer of oil palm plantations in Rokan Hilir through the application of Biotrikom technology. The short term aims is the adoption of innovation and biotrikom technology by palm oil farmers so as to using the waste into products of high economic value, aplication Biotrikom as biofertilizer and biopesticide on oil palm cultivation so as to improve business efficiency and productivity of oil palm plantation. The result showed that the level of innovation adoption palm growers toward compost Biotrikom are in the low categories if seen of the variable knowledge, persuasion, decision to adopt or not adopt, implementation and confirmation. Biotrikom application in the main nursery may slow the appearance of symptoms of leaf spot attack, and biostimulan the growth of oil palm seedlings



Biotrikom, Trichoderma spp, biofertilizer, biopesticides, solid waste palm oil
