Analisis Masalah Belajar Siswa Kelas VII SMP Satu Atap Kecamatan Kampar Timur T.P 2012/2013
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This study aimed to determine 1) description of thelearning problems of students
by sex class VII Junior One Roof TP. 2012-2013, 2) description of the learning
problems of students based on their parents' job class VII Junior One Roof TP.
From 2012 to 2013. 3) description of student learning problems based on parent
education class VII Junior One Roof TP. From 2012 to 2013. The definition of
learning problems of students in the study consistsof 5 indicators are PTSDL of
Prayitno et al, which consists of: P = prerequisitemastery of subject matter, T =
learning skills, S = Means of studying, D = Self-personal, and L = learning
environment and socioeconomic. The samples in this study were all members of
the population to be members of the sample (sample total or saturated) as many as
60 students. Based on the results obtained some conclusions related to the
learning problems of students of class VII Junior One Roof TP. 2012-2013,
among others: 1) learning problem of men and women belonging to higher
categories in the field of learning skills indicators, the indicators of self learning
problems including higher male than female problem.On indicators of student
learning means many women the problem than male students. 2) The problem of
student learning that his parents became farmers and merchants generally high
category in the field of learning skills, while in P, S, D, L low category. 3)
learning problem whose parents completed primary school, junior high, high
school and university in general has categorized problems high on indicators of
learning skills. While the indicator P, S, D, L lowcategory.
Analisis Masalah Belajar Siswa
Analysis of learning problems