Studi Pemanfaatan Tepung Biji Nangka Dan Tepung Ampas Kelapa Sebagai Substitusi Tepung Terigu Dalam Pembuatan Mi Basah

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The research aimed to determine the effect of wheat and flour comparison other (jackfruit seed flour and flour coconut pulp) for the quality of wet noodles according SNI 01-2987-1992. Research using completely randomized design (CRD) with treatment that is M1 = noodles made with 100% wheat, M2 = noodles made with a ratio 90% 10% wheat flour and other (5% jackfruit seed flour and 5% coconut pulp flour), M3 = noodles made with a ratio of 80% wheat flour and 20% other (15% jackfruit seed flour and 5% coconut pulp flour), M4 = noodles made with a ratio of 70% wheat flour and 30% other (25% jackfruit seed flour and 5% flour coconut pulp) and M5 = noodles made with a ratio of 60% wheat flour and 40% other (35% jackfruit seed flour and 5% coconut pulp flour). The results showed that the ratio of flour with another flour significantly different effect on the moisture content, ash content, protein content and organoleptic color, texture, aroma and overall assessment. Noodles M1-M3 treatment meets the standards SNI but for the best treatment in this study was the treatment M3 = noodles made with a ratio of 80% wheat flour and 20% other (15% jackfruit seed flour and 5% coconut pulp flour).


Oni Yaman.Jur.2013


jackfruit seed flour, coconut pulp flour, noodles
