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    Adopsi Inovasi Petani Kelapa Sawit Rakyat Terhadap Pupuk Kompos Biotrikom di Desa Rantau Bais Kecamatan Tanah Putih Kabupaten Rokan Hilir
    (2014-01-25) Hasibuan, Albi Akandri,Susy Edwina, Roza YulidaSusy Edwina
    The aims of this research are: 1) to analyze the characteristics of civil palm farmers in Rantau Bais Village, Tanah Putih sub-district, RokanHilir district. 2) to analyze innovation adoption process of civil palm farmers to biotricom compost in in Rantau Bais Village, Tanah Putih sub-district, RokanHilir district. 3) to analyze level of innovation adoption of civil palm farmers to biotricom compost in Rantau Bais Village, Tanah Putih sub-district, RokanHilir district. The research was conducted from December 2012 until July 2013. The data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. Methods that used in this study are survey method and demonstration plots. The analytical method used is ordinal scale based on Likert scale. The number of respondents used in this research were 30 people of civil palm farmers in Rantau Bais Village, Tanah Putih sub-district, RokanHilir district. The results of this study showed that the innovation adoption of civil palm farmers seen from internal characteristics, is categorized low, and external characteristics is categorized very low. Innovation adoption processes can be seen through the five stages, namely: 1) Knowledge of farmers is categorized middle, 2) Persuasion of perceived innovation characteristics is categorized high 3) Decision to adopt is categorized middle, the decision not to adopt is categorized very low 4) Implementation is categorized low 5) Confirmation is categorized very low. Therefore, the level of inovation adoption of civil palm farmers in Rantau Bais Village, Tanah Putih sub-district, RokanHilir district is categorized low.
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    Pendugaan Umur Simpan Mi Instan Berbasis Pati Sagu dan Ikan Patin Dengan Metode Akselerasi
    (2013-07-17) Siregar, Harapan; Yusmarini; Restuhadi,Fajar
    The research purpose was to estimate the shelf life of noodle from sago starch and catfish (Pangasius sp.). Shelf life is one of the requirements that must be met before marketing of food products. Shelf life estimation was using the accelerated method of observation of instant noodles for 28 days at three different temperatures namely 35°C, 45°C and 55°C. Parameters observed during the storage process were the assessment of sensory level of rancidity and TBA value. Results show that shelf life of sago instant noodle by organoleptic assessment was 35,81 days and the shelf life of sago instant noodle by TBA value was 44,85 days at a temperature of 27oC. For food quality and safety reason,the shorter shelf life period (35,81 days) was choosen as shelf life of sago instant noodle.
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    Kajian Pembuatan Minuman Jelly Dari Sayuran Wortel dan Brokoli
    (2013-07-17) Sitorus, Afrido; Ali,Akhyar; Hamzah,Faizah
    The purpose of this research is to obtain ratio of carrot and broccoli in making jelly drink. This is an experimental research which is use Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments, they are: WB1 (carrot 50 : broccoli 50); WB2 (carrot 60 : broccoli 40); WB3 (carrot 70 : broccoli 30); WB4 (carrot 80 : broccoli 20) and WB5 (carrot 90 : broccoli 10). The result showed that the ratio of carrot and broccoli in making jelly drink was giving real influence toward calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C and the assessment of organoleptic is the smell, but it gave influence unreal toward the assessment of color organoleptic, taste and whole assessment. The treatment of WB1 (carrot 50 : broccoli 50) gave the better jelly drink with calcium 50,95 mg/100 g, phosphorus 4,45 mg/100 g, vitamin C 49,68 mg/100 g, β-carotene 2,02 mg/100 g, the taste, smell and color whose the panelist like include the whole assessment.
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    Studi Pemanfaatan Tepung Biji Nangka Dan Tepung Ampas Kelapa Sebagai Substitusi Tepung Terigu Dalam Pembuatan Mi Basah
    (2013-07-17) Harefa, Oni Yaman; Yusmarini; Efendi,Raswen
    The research aimed to determine the effect of wheat and flour comparison other (jackfruit seed flour and flour coconut pulp) for the quality of wet noodles according SNI 01-2987-1992. Research using completely randomized design (CRD) with treatment that is M1 = noodles made with 100% wheat, M2 = noodles made with a ratio 90% 10% wheat flour and other (5% jackfruit seed flour and 5% coconut pulp flour), M3 = noodles made with a ratio of 80% wheat flour and 20% other (15% jackfruit seed flour and 5% coconut pulp flour), M4 = noodles made with a ratio of 70% wheat flour and 30% other (25% jackfruit seed flour and 5% flour coconut pulp) and M5 = noodles made with a ratio of 60% wheat flour and 40% other (35% jackfruit seed flour and 5% coconut pulp flour). The results showed that the ratio of flour with another flour significantly different effect on the moisture content, ash content, protein content and organoleptic color, texture, aroma and overall assessment. Noodles M1-M3 treatment meets the standards SNI but for the best treatment in this study was the treatment M3 = noodles made with a ratio of 80% wheat flour and 20% other (15% jackfruit seed flour and 5% coconut pulp flour).
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    Kualitas Sirup Jambu Biji Merah (Psidium guajava L) Selama Penyimpanan Dengan Penambahan Kitosan
    (2013-07-12) Sihombing, Ernita Sumiati; Restuhadi,Fajar; Ali,Akhyar
    The aim of this research is to get the best quality of red seed guava’s syrup during storage with increasing the chitosan. This research use the Complete Random Design (CRD) with 5 treatments of increasing the chitosan (0%, 0.5%. 1.0%. 1.5%. 2.0%) and each of them is repeated by three times. The parameter which is observed were the level of sedimentation, the content of sucrose, the total of soluble solid, pH, viscosity, and organoleptic. The value of observation which is got analyzed with statistic. If F arithmetic is greater or equal with F table so done the next test by using Duncan test on 5% level. The results of this research shows that the increasing of chitosan on red seed guava’s syrup gave the significant effect to the number or total of soluble solid, pH, the viscosity more increase and content of sucrose, organoleptic more decreased. From the results of research which have done, got the average values of sucrose’s content is 65.81 to 70.21 the total of soluble solid is 70.80 to 80.80, the degree of acidity (pH) is 4.41 to 4.51. Viscosity from 75.01 to 226.60 and on k3, k4 and k5 there’s no grow ship worm to the the syrup which is produced during storage.
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    Subtitusi Tepung Terigu Dengan Tepungubi Kayu (Cassava) Dalam Pembuatan Kukis Yang Mengandung Minyak Sawit Merah (Msm), Tepung Tempe, dan Tepung Udang Rebon
    (2013-07-06) Mainnah, Muth; Herawati,Netti; Rahmayuni
    The purpose of this research is to learn the formulation of making cookies from cassava flour, red palm oil, tempe flour, and shrimp flour and determine the best cookies from presentage nutrient and organoleptic. This research is held experimentally by using Complete Randomised Design (CRD) with four treatment and four replication. The treatment were CA (wheat flour 100%, cassava flour 0%), CB ( wheat flour 77,8%, Cassava flour 22,2%), CC (wheat flour 55,6%, cassava flour 44,4%), CD (wheat flour 33,4%, Cassava flour 66,6%). The result showed that the treatmants gave the significant effect on moisture, ash , protein , colour, taste and organoleptic assessment in the children, but not significant effect the texture, aroma and overall. The best treatment in this research was CD.
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    Umur Simpan Soyghurt Probiotik Sebagai Filler Cokelat Praline
    (2013-07-06) Rangkuti, Suherni Safitri; Rossi,Evy; Efendi,Raswen
    This aim of the research was to determine the storage limits of soyghurt probiotics as a filler chocolate praline. The design of the research was completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments (0,1,2,3 and 4) weeks and 3 replications. The design response is used ANOVA and Tukey test further the level 5%. The results showed that the storage time significantly affected the moisture content, total lactic acid bacteria and total lactic acid. Levels of protein and fat were analyzed before storage soyghurt is equal to 4.40% and 2.65%. Results of this study showed that storage time soyghurt probiotic chocolate praline as filler effect on water content, total BAL, and total lactic acid. Storage time 4 weeks resulted soyghurt containing moisture content (85.45%), total BAL (10.34 log cfu/ml), and total lactic acid (0.51%) is still suitable for consumption.
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    Penambahan Gula Kelapa Dan Lama Fermentasi Terhadap Kualitas Susu Fermentasi Kacang Merah (Phaesolus vulgaris L.)
    (2013-06-25) Sitepu, Yucha Eklesia; Harun,Noviar; Rahmayuni
    The aim of the research was to determine the effect of coconut sugar, time length of fermentations and their interaction on the qualities of the red beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) fermented milk. The design of the experiment was factorial 3x3 and arranged by the Randomized Complete Design (RCD) with three replications. The first factor was coconut sugar content (3, 6 and 9)%. The second factor was times of the fermentation (16, 18 and 20) hours. The result showed the adding of coconut sugar content and time length of fermentations affected on pH and total titrated acid. The interaction between coconut sugar content and time length of fermentations was not affected to pH, total titrated acid, total lactid acid bacteria and protein content. It was concluded that the best quality of red beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) fermented milk was on the 9% of coconut sugar content and 16 hours fermentation (G3T1).
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    Pendugaan Umur Simpan Produk Mi Instan Dari Pati Sagu Dengan Metode Akselerasi
    (2013-06-11) Kurniati, Dewi; Pato,Usman; Restuhadi,Fajar
    Shelf life is one of the requirements tht must be met before marketing of food products. This study purpose was to determine the approximate shelf life of instant noodles made from sago starch. Shelf life estimation was using the accelerated method of observation for 32 days at three different temperatures namely 35, 45 and 55 ⁰C. Parameters observed during the storage process were the assessment of sensory level of rancidity and TBA value. Results show that a shelf life of sago instant noodle by organoleptic assessment was 50,78 days and the shelf life of sago instant noodle by TBA value was 75,31 days at a temperature of 27 ⁰C. For food quality and safety the shorter shelf life period (50,78 days) was choose as shelf life of sago instant noodle.
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    Penerimaan Panelis dan Analisis Usaha Mi Instan Dari Pati Sagu
    (2013-06-11) Iqbal, Muhammad; Pato,Usman; Rifai,Ahmad
    The purpose of this research was to analyze panelist acceptance and business analysis of the best treatment instant noodles from 100% sago starch. Parameters observed were acceptance of panelist and business analysis includes analysis cost of revenues, revenues, benefits, cost of production, business efficiency and break event point. Data obtained were analyzed used the Cochran Q test at 5% level. The results showed that acceptance of sago starch noodles can be accepted by the panelists based on chi square distribution at 5% level. calculated Q value has known by 7 meanwhile the value of the critical point or the table value of chi square is 7.814, it was decided H0 was accepted, and deserves to be developed based on the criteria of business analysis.
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    Studi Pemanfaatan Kulit Cempedak Dalam Pembuatan Mandai
    (2013-06-11) Arianti, Dewi; Yusmarini; Pato,Usman
    This study aims to assess the addition of some salt concentration in the fermentation mandai and get the best concentration of salt on the quality of the resulting mandai. Research carried out experiments using a randomized block design (RBD) with five treatments, namely: MG1 (2% salt solution); MG2 (4% salt solution); MG3 (6% salt solution); MG4 (8% salt solution) and MG5 (10% salt solution). Results showed that the concentration of salt solution significantly affected the pH value, total acid, moisture content, ash content and crude fiber content. MG3 concentration salt solution (saline 6%) resulted in a better mandai with a pH value of 4.09; total acid 0.06%, moisture 41.39%, ash 3.23%, crude fiber content of 4.65 % and total lactic acid bacteria 8.89 log cfu/ml.
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    Evaluasi Mutu Kukis Berbahan Tepung Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomea batatas L.), Tepung Tempe dan Tepung Udang Rebon (Acetes erythraeus
    (2013-04-29) Azni, Mukhlisa El; Herawati,Netti; Ali,Akhyar
    The purpose of this research was to acquire best cookies of substitution purple sweet potato flour, tempe flour and small shrimp flour in terms of organoleptic and nutritional content. This research used Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments and four replications. The treatments were UB1 (purple sweet potato flour 71%, tempe flour 29%), UB2 (purple sweet potato flour 67%, tempe flour 33%), UB3 (purple sweet potato flour 63%, tempe flour 37%), UB4 (purple sweet potato flour 59%, tempe flour 41%). The result showed that make of cookies substitution purple sweet potato flour with tempe flour that different gave the significant effect to the ash content, protein content and taste, but non significant effect to the moisture content, colour, texture, aroma, overall and organoleptic assessment in children. The best treatment in this research is was UB4.
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    Karakteristik Pati Sagu Modifikasi Dengan Metode Asetilasi
    (2013-04-29) Hidayati; Hamzah,Faiza; Rahmayuni
    Sago starch is now finding increasing application in various food products such as sago meals, noodles, sauce and edible film. Native sago starch exhibits relatively retrogradation resulting in the formation of a long cohesive gel with increased syneresis. In order to overcome drawbacks of native sago starch, chemical modifications can be carried out to improve its properties. Many types of chemical modifications have been applied to starches of various plant sources, such as acetylation method. Starch acetate was produced by acetylation method using acetate acid addition. The purpose of this research was to get the best reaction time from acetylation method. This research used the Complete Random Design (CRD) with three repetitions from five treatments that consist of SA1 (native sago starch), SA2 (reaction time 30 minutes), SA3 (reaction time 60 minutes), SA4 (reaction time 90 minutes) and SA5 (reaction time 120 minutes). The design response is used Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) the level 5%. The result showed that the acetylation method of starch acetate with different reaction time gave the significantly effect to the moisture content, ash content and acetyl groups but non significantly effect to orgnoleptic (colour, flavor and texture). The best treatment in this research is reaction time 90 minutes.
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    Deteksi Kehadiran Mikroba Indikator di Dalam Es Kelapa Muda di Kecamatan Tampan, Kota Pekanbaru
    (2013-04-24) Al Muzafri; Pato,Usman; Rahmayuni
    Research aim were is to detect the presence of microbial indicators namely Escherichia coli and Coliforms in the young coconut drink in the District of Tampan, Pekanbaru city and to assess the personal hyginie and sanitation practices of young coconut drink sellers. This research was use systematic Sampling method to the seller of young coconut cold drink in Tampan District, Pekanbaru City. The data were collected, tabulated and, descriptively discussed. The research results shows that Eschericia coli was detected in 2 out of 10 samples ovserved. Coliforms were detected in all samples, however, the number of Coliforms were still below than 5 x 105 cfu/ml. Concluded that principle of sanitation and hyginie was not perfectly followed it is by the seller.
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    Deteksi Kehadiran Mikroba Indikator di Dalam Es Rumput Laut di Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru
    (2013-03-06) Nasution, Muhammad Yunus; Pato,Usman; Yusmarini
    The purposes of this study were to detect the presence of indicator microbes namely E. coli and Coliform in seaweed cold drink in Tampan, Pekanbaru and also to asses the personal practice and the hygiene. This study was done from September to October 2012 in the Laboratory of Agricultural Product Analysis, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau by using purposive sampling method. The results of the study show that there was no E. coli detected in the all samples. This fact indicates that the materials used in the process of making seaweed cold drink were not contaminated by the human and animals feses as the main habitat of E. coli. However, Coliforms were found in all samples that have correlation with the principal of hygiene and the sanitation. The seller only know the principal of hygiene but not for the principal of sanitation.
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    Analisis Pati Sagu Yang Dimodifikasi Heat Moisture Treatment dan Sifat Organoleptik Sohun Instan
    (2013-02-05) Dewi, Yossie Kharisma; Johan, Vonny Setiaries; Rahmayuni
    The aims of this research was to get the formula and the process condition to result the best physicochemical and organoleptic properties of instant starch noodle from sago starch that modified by Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT). The treatments that used in this research is addition of water ratio and steaming time. This research used the Complete Random Design (CRD) with three repetitions from six treatments that consist of SI1 (Ratio of sago starch suspension/water 1:1,2 (w/v); steaming time 15 minutes), SI2 (Ratio of sago starch suspension/water 1:1,4 (w/v); steaming time 15 minutes), SI3 (Ratio of sago starch suspension/water 1:1,2 (w/v); steaming time 20 minutes), SI4 (Ratio of sago starch suspension/water 1:1,4 (w/v); steaming time 20 minutes), SI5 (Ratio of sago starch suspension/water 1:1,2 (w/v); steaming time 25 minutes), SI6 (Ratio of sago starch suspension/water 1:1,4 (w/v); steaming time 25 minutes). The result of this research showed that the process of instant starch noodle with different ratio of sago starch suspension/water and different steaming time gave the significantly effect to the hardness level, adhesiveness and entirety acceptance, but non significantly effect to the elasticity level of instant starch noodle. The best treatment in this research is ratio of sago starch suspension/water 1:1,2 (w/v) and steaming time 15 minutes.
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    Substitusi Tepung Terigu Dengan Pati Sagu Dalam Proses Pembuatan Cake
    (2013-02-05) Solihin, Muhammad Atep; Pato,Usman; Rahmayuni
    The purpose of this study were to determine the effect of substitution of wheat flour with sago starch on the quality of the resulting cake and to obtain the best formulation of waking cake. Completely randomized design (CRD) was use in this study, which consists of five treatments, each treatment performed three replications to obtain 15 units of the experiment. The treatments used were: ST1: Wheat Flour 80 % and Sago Starch to 20%, ST2: Wheat Flour 60% and Sago Starch to 40%, ST3: Wheat Flour 40% and Sago Starch to 80%, ST4: Wheat Flour 20% and Sago Starch to 80%, ST5: Wheat Flour sago Starch 0 grams to 100%. The results showed that the variation of substitution of wheat flour with sago starch give significant effect on the levels of protein, carbohydrates, aroma, color, flavor, texture, and overall assesment, did not significant influence the levels of water. The best treatment was ST1 wheat flour substituted with 20% sago starch with moisture content of 14.61%, protein 9.01%, carbohydrate 12.76% and evaluating the overall sensory waluation was liked by panelis
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    Substitusi Tepung Terigu Dengan Pati Sagu dan Mocaf (Modified cassava flour) Dalam Pembuatan Roti Manis
    (2013-02-05) Ulfah, Rahmawati; Pato,Usman; Restuhadi,Fajar
    Bread is one of the meals are very popular in Indonesia. Some advantages of food ready to eat bread as compared to the other is instantly consumed, it is easy to stock when busy, good for kids to adults, easily consumed anytime and anywhere, is more nutritious. But until now, the wheat flour used for bread-making remains to be imported. Breadfruit flour can be substituted with wheat flour in making bread. The resulting sweet bread has a nutritional value that does away with sweet bread made from 100% wheat flour. Along with the increasing consumer demand for snacks instead of staple food, especially bread in the traditional markets in village or city, making the role of bread one day not only limited menu for breakfast. This Research carried out experimentally and using RAL consisting of 6 treatments and 3 replication. The treatment used is ; TSM0: Wheat flour 100%, TSM1: Wheat flour 90%, sago 5% and 5% Mocaf, TSM2: Wheat flour 80%, sago 10% and 10% Mocaf, TSM3: Wheat flour 70%, sago 15% and 15% Mocaf, TSM4: Wheat flour 60%, sago 20% and 20% Mocaf , TSM5: Wheat flour 50%, sago 25% and 25% Mocaf. The results showed that the treatment of TSM3 (Wheat Flour 70%, sago 15% and Mocaf 30%) with 28,66% moisture content, ash content 1.58%, starch content of 13.11%, rate of progression 28,67mm, and overall assessment of sweet bread 3.96 (like) close to 100% wheat flour characteristics.
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    Addition Of Honey And Time Ferment To Quality Of Red Bean Milk Ferment ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
    (2013-02-05) Noviyana Fifin; Hamzah,aizah; Rahmayuni
    This research is to analyse influence of addition of time ferment and honey to quality of red bean ferment milk. A complete random design two factors and three replications, was applied in this research. The first factor that is addition of honey 5%, 10% and 15% and the second factor is time ferment 8 hour, 10 hour and 12 hour. The design response is used Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) the level 5%. The result showed the addition of honey and time ferment not significant on the interaction. Addition honey and time ferment effects to pH and total acid titration. The result showe the addition of honey and time ferment not have an effect on to organoleptic.
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    Karakterisasi Pati Biji Durian (Durio zibethinus murr.,) Dengan Heat Moisture
    (2013-01-28) Sumarlin; Efendi,Raswen; Rahmayuni
    Durian seeds starch (Durio zibethinus Murr.,) can extracted from durian seeds and it has a high starch content. Durian seeds starch potential as an alternative supplier of food ingredients or raw materials in food industry. Durian seeds starch has the disadvantage of less stable, so it need to be modified such as by Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT). Purpose of this research was to obtain the characteristics of starch-modified durian seeds with HMT. The analysis conducted is amylose content, water content, solubility and strength development of starch and design responses are descriptive test against odor, color and taste of durian seed starch. The results showed that treatment of HMT give effect to the characterization of durian seed starch, with amylose content (13.69-27.22%), moisture content (8.90-9.45%), ash content (0.41-0.74), strength development of starch (2.71-6.03 g/g), and solubility (8.33-8.94%). The results of descriptive assessment of the odor, color and taste of starch that produce odor, color and taste normal at HMT temperature of 100, 110, and 120oC.