Hubungan Persepsi Mahasiswa PG PAUD Terhadap Profesi Sebagai Guru Paud Dengan Motivasi Belajarnya Di Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Riau
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Based on the data obtained by the authors in here, be seen each new theory is
almost to have level to come in study programe in PG PAUD. But, there are some
students it seem every new academy is almost increase for early into PG PAUD. But
there are some students in the learning process found indications : 1. The quantity who
signed up more than out. 2. At the time of learning activities take a lot of students
who didn’t to pay attention to obtain learning, such as: many who excuse out, there
who played handphone, when the lecture to explains the lesson, they are fun to talk in
the back. And there are also, the students to sleep on the study. And then, when the
lecture to asked about the lesson, they are didr’t know. Objectives of this research are
as follows: 1) To determine how students perceptions of PG PAUD toward PG PAUD
department, 2) To determine how is the learning motivation of PG PAUD, 3) To find
a significant relationship between students' perceptions of PG PAUD with learning
motivation PG PAUD studenst. This research is a form of quantitative research using
correlational techniques. Technique with a correlational research study is to determine
whether there is a relationship between two variables. The population in this reseach is
the Studies Program PAUD Students class of 2009 to 2012, amounting to force 315
people. While the samples, which will be taken in this research is to use the formula
Taro Yaname 75 people (Riduwan: 2005: 65). Based on the survey results revealed
that 1) PG Student Perceptions of PAUD are generally classified as moderate,
meaning that according to students profession as PAUD teachers quite well. 2)
Motivation to learn is generally classified as moderate, meaning that the PG PAUD
students education has a pretty good motivation. And 3) the level of relationship
between the two variables are in the category of medium or strong enough, namely
0.755 (Sugiyono, 2005:214), coefficient of determination (R square) is the
contribution rate of 56.9 PG Student Perceptions of education with the motivation to
learn is by 56.9% and there are some indications found. Conclusion hypothesis testing
is hypothesis of this study that reads "There is a relationship between PG PAUD
Student Perceptions of education with acceptable learning motivation"
Hubungan Persepsi Mahasiswa PG PAUD Terhadap Profesi Sebagai Guru Paud Dengan Motivasi Belajarnya
perceptions,, learning motivation