Pengaruh Dosis Kompos Ampas Tahu Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma cacao, L)
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Growth of cocoa seedlings to a maximum of one of them with the required nutrient availability in the soil. Utilization of tofu waste into compost is a waste of
effort to change the negative perceptions of the environment to be beneficial to plants. This study aims to get a dose of compost tofu is best for the growth and
development of the cocoa seedlings. Studies have been conducted in experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture, University Village Rimbo Riau Kampar
Regency Long District Mine Riau province for 6 months from March to September
2012. This research was conducted using completely randomized design (CRD)
consisting of 7 treatments and 3 replications, each re-treatment at 3 times so it gets 21 experimental units. Parameters measured were seedling height increment (cm), increase the number of leaves, stem diameter increment (cm), root volume, and plant dry weight ratio of the root crown. Used statistical analysis using analysis of variance and tested further by Duncan's test New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at the level of 5%. Based on the research that has been done dosing compost tofu 250 g / polybag showed the best results on the High parameter Seeds, stem diameter, root volume and plant dry weight, so to get a good growth of cocoa seedlings can use tofu waste compost dose 250 g / polybag.
Dose, compost tofu, cocoa seedlings