Aplikasi Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Yang Dikombinasikan Dengan Pupuk Hijau Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Padi Gogo (Oryza sativa L)

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Upland rice cultivation has many obstacles, because the dry land is generally nutrient-poor, high acidity levels, and poor organic matter. To help the absorption of nutrients can be done by using organic materials as fertilizer. Organic fertilizers can be used is composted oil palm empty fruit bunches (TKKS) and green manure LCC. This research has been conducted on the experimental farm of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau in May to October 2012. The research was conducted using a randomized block design experiment (RAK) non-factorial. The number of combinations is 12 combinations with each treatment was repeated 3 times to obtain 36 units of the experiment. Each of these 35 plots planted clumps. Data were collected for five clumps of samples taken at random in each experimental plot. The data obtained were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and ANOVA results further tested by the test of Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at the level of 5%. Giving TKKS compost 5 tons / ha + 5 tons / ha LCC significant effect on the formation of the maximum number of tillers and dry weight gabah/m2. Compost TKKS 10 tons / ha without LCC can increase soil organic matter are influential in increasing plant height and weight of upland rice straw.


Mindo Panjaitan.Jur.2013


Upland Rice, Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch, green manure

