Korelasi Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa Pada Mata Kuliah Struktur Hewan Dengan Perkembangan Hewan Di Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UR 2012/2013
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The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation of Student
Learning Outcomes between Animal Structure and an Animal Development
subject conducted in Biology Education in Guidance and Counseling the
University of Riau in March-June 2013. This research is a descriptive
correlational study. The sample was 50 students from biology class of 2010 by
using purposive sampling technique. Parameter data of the study are student
learning outcomes in animal structure and animal development subject consisting
of the average score of task, the average score of quiz, Mid-term score (UTS), the
score of the final-term (UAS). The instruments of data collection such as
secondary data are using data documentation of student learning outcomes include
average score of task, quiz average value, the mid-term score and the final-term
score calculated by the formula of product moment correlation and prim ary data
obtained through closed questionnaire as supporting data. The results showed that
the difference of correlation index, it could be seen at the 5% significance level of
the correlation coefficient on the average score of the task is weak (0.22), th e
coefficient of the correlation on the average score of quiz was classified as very
weak (0.05), the coefficient of correlation on the mid-term score (UTS) has a
sufficient correlation (0.52), the coefficient of correlation on the final-term score
(UAS) has a sufficient correlation (0.55) and the coefficient of correlation on the
total value has a strong correlation (0,64). It can be concluded that there is a
positive and significant correlation with the total value of the animal structure and
animal development subject (0,64).
Korelasi Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa Pada Mata Kuliah Struktur Hewan Dengan Perkembangan Hewan Di Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi
Animal Development, Correlation, Animal Structure