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This study purpose to determine the relationship of the level of knowledge about family hallucinations care patient with family character in treating patients in the clinic RSJ (Rumah Sakit Jiwa) hallucinations Tampan Province of Riau. Design of this study used a descriptive correlation. This samples was taked by purposive sampling in families of patients whose come to the clinic in RSJ Tampan at Province of Riau. This study was used a questionnaire that had been tested the validity and reliability. Analysis was used univariate and bivariate analysis. Statistic of Chi Square has been results pv = 0,000 (p<0,05), it can be concluded, there is a significant relations between the level of knowledge about family hallucinations patient care with family character in treating patients in the clinic in RSJ Tampan at Province of Riau.



Knowledge, character, hallucinations, family

