Strategi Peremajaan Usaha Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Pola Plasma Di Desa Sari Galuh Kecamatan Tapung Kabupaten Kampar

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The study aims to formulate a proper strategy in the implementation of the rejuvenation oil palm plantation pattern plasma. The mehod that the research used was survey method. The result of this research show that the rejuvenation strategy oil palm plantation can be implemented by (1) Rejuvention is done with a pattern of KKPA, where farmers as participants, PTPN V as contractors, and the Bank as the funders, (2) Rejuvenation is done with a pattern of Pir-Bun by utilizing the available most resources, and farmers as workers with the help of Bank and government, (3) The company partner and KUD facilitating the farmer in overcoming the limitations of capital and provide job opportunity for farmers to participate in the rejuvenation, (4) The company partner, KUD, and farmers, keep maintaining good relations between estate agencies and find a best solutions for the limitation of capital, (5) the company partner and government direct and provide information and training to farmers about how good and right technical rejuvenation (6) the company partner, KUD, and farmers take advantage from a farmer high experience to direct farmer to minimize occurance of errors in the rejuvenation oil palm so it will incrase productivity.


Rudi Pambela.Jur.2013


Rejuvenation Strategy, Pattern Plasma

