Influence Storytelling Method Against Chilhood Emotional Intelligence 5-6 Year In Kindegarten Humairoh Kubang Village Jaya Siak Hulu District In Kampar District
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Emotional intelligence is critical for embedded and developed from an early age in
children because the child good emotional intelligence capable of empathy and
respect for others, and have a tendency to express awareness and self-confidence. The
survey was conducted on 20 children at the age of 5-6 years in Kindergarten
Humairoh. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of emotional
intelligence methods of storytelling to children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten
Humairoh Desa Jaya Kubang Siak Hulu district in Kampar District. This study uses a
form of quantitative research with an experimental approach. Research data collection
through data collection instrument in the form of the observation sheet. Analysis of
experimental data using techniques and significant test (t test). he results showed that
the effect of storytelling on children's emotional intelligence has increased the
original child before using storytelling methods er emotional intelligence is at 100%
or less category and then a significant increase by using the method of storytelling
that is at a 80% higher category. Significance of the research results obtained t test t
value = 30.74 l and t table value at 5% confidence level (dk = n-2 = 20-2 = 18) so that
the value of the t table = 2.101 t count> t table thus ho = Hα rejected and accepted.
Means that in this study there is a significant relationship between emotional
intelligence of children before and after the use of storytelling using story-telling
method in class B3 kindergarten Humairoh Desa Jaya Kubang Siak Hulu district in
Kampar District
Pengaruh Metode Bercerita Terhadap Kecerdasan Emosional Anak Usia 5-6
Tahun di Taman Kanak-kanak
Storytelling Method, Emotional Intelligence Children