Subtitusi Tepung Terigu Dengan Tepungubi Kayu (Cassava) Dalam Pembuatan Kukis Yang Mengandung Minyak Sawit Merah (Msm), Tepung Tempe, dan Tepung Udang Rebon
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The purpose of this research is to learn the formulation of making cookies from cassava flour, red palm oil, tempe flour, and shrimp flour and determine the best cookies from presentage nutrient and organoleptic. This research is held experimentally by using Complete Randomised Design (CRD) with four treatment and four replication. The treatment were CA (wheat flour 100%, cassava flour 0%), CB ( wheat flour 77,8%, Cassava flour 22,2%), CC (wheat flour 55,6%, cassava flour 44,4%), CD (wheat flour 33,4%, Cassava flour 66,6%). The result showed that the treatmants gave the significant effect on moisture, ash , protein , colour, taste and organoleptic assessment in the children, but not significant effect the texture, aroma and overall. The best treatment in this research was CD.
Muth Mainnah.Jur.2013
cookies, wheat flour, cassava flour