Struktur Dan Distribusi Pendapatan Rumahtangga Petani Karet Di Desa Sukamaju Kecamatan Batang Peranap Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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The purpose of this study to analyze household income structure and its of the rubber farmers in Sukamaju village Batang Beranap district of Indaragiri Hulu. Number of samples were diter mined by proposive sampling method. The number of heads of household have additional efferts beyond rubber fatming in farmers Sukamaju. The results of research shrug that agricultural sector is the main contributor to total household income of rubber farmers, that is 56 percent famers income comes from rubber plantations, 4 percent from oilpalm and 40 percent from non agricultural sector.The distribution of household income rubber farmers in Desa Sukamaju is at a low ineguality, the index gini ratio of 0,279 this meas that the distribution of income among household in farmers Sukamaju relatively evenly.


Amel Hasan. Jur.2013


Structure, distribution, household income

