Sustainable Hunters and Gatherers in Bel urn-Temenggor Tropical Rainforest

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Belum-Temenggor trop1cal rainforest is located 1n the distr1ct of Upper Perak, state of Perak. Peninsular Malaysia CovemlQ an area of 300.000 hectars which represent 5 % of forest and 50% of known spec1es in the world and is home for 80% of primates 1n Peninsular Malaysia Th1s complex 1s a comb1natron of four forest reserves namelv Roval Belum Forest Reserve. Temenaaor Forest Reserve. Gerik Forest Reserve and Bandino Forest Reserve in which onlv Royal Belum State Park has been fully protected since 2007 rFioure 1l The Belum-Temenaoor rainforest also consists of man made lake known as Tasek Temenoaor which is the result from hydroelectric dam project which covers an area of 22,672 acres and is home to at least 42 species of freshwater f1sh This tropical rainforest 1s rich in its divers1tv of ftora and fauna wh1ch became the source of subsistence. med1c1nes domestic and econcmic to semi-nomadic Jaha1 hunters and oatherers who l1ve in this area. These neorito subarou~nqs adapt 1n the rainforest enwanment with ma1oritv of them built their huts at the lake shores and rivers. The lake and rivers act as a medium of communicaticn and offers source of darly necessities w1th its abundance of fresh water fish. Apart from that. the sustainable adaptation was also contrrbuted by the element of belief in spirits that inhabited the forest these peoples ask protection from the spirits lhrough r1tuals. The Jahai believed that this area 1s their country and they were the custody of the rainforest. Therefore it is the1r responsibility to protect and sustain the surroundino area. Based on ethnooraph1c survey conducted rn Jaha1 settlements in Belum-Temenqqor rainforest, th1s paper aims to discuss shortly on hovi these communrties survived and sustarned therr living pattern Within the environment.



Belum-Temenggor, rainforest. Jahal, hunters and gatherers, sustainable
