Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Dengan Hasil Tolak Peluru Pada Mahasiswa Putra 4 A Prodi Penjaskesrek Universitas Riau Pekanbaru
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The purpose of research are : 1) to know corelation between the strength of the arm and shoulder muscle with shot put result, 2) to know how much the strength of the arm and shoulder muscle with shot put result. This research using corelation research that purpose to know how much the corelation between the strength of the arm and shoulder muscle with shot put result of male student 4A penjaskesrek University of Riau Pekanbaru. The population of this research is 28 students. And the writer used sample technique by using total sampling technique. So all the students 4A penjaskesrek University of Riau pekanbaru as a sample. The variable in this research is shot put result and the ordinal variable is the strength of the arm and shoulder muscle. The data was taken by test technique and measurement. the data that writer got, analized by using regresion analysis and simple corelation or plural.The result of corelation analysis : 1 ) there is no correlation between the strength of the arm and shoulder muscle with shot put result , corelation coefisien 0,17 on signifikan rate α 0,05 on the other word there is no signifikan corelation between the strength of the arm and shoulder muscle (x) with shot put result ( y ). With determination ( compare ) as much 0.03 %. It show that the strength of the arm and shoulder muscle not have signifikan corelation with shot put result. Based on data analysis the result of coefision corelation we got r = 0.17 where is the existance that tested with t test and got count t 1,05 it mean count t < t table ( 1,05 < 1,796 ) and it mean Ho accepted and Ha rejected. Based on the research result, so the conclusion from this research is there is no signfican corelation between the strength of the arm and shoulder muscle ( x ) with shot put result ( y ) of student 4A semester majoring penjaskesrek University of Riau.
Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Dengan Hasil Tolak Peluru
Muscle Strength, Shoulder