This study entitled "Analysis of Student Learning Styles And Regular Featured In SMP N 2 Bangkinang"

dc.descriptionThis study entitled "Analysis of Student Learning Styles And Regular Featureden_US
dc.description.abstractThis study entitled "Analysis of Student Learning Styles And Regular Featured In SMP N 2 Bangkinang". The formulation of the problem in this research are: 1) how the picture of student learning styles featured in SMP 2 Bangkinang, 2) how is the learning styles of students in the regular Bangkinang SMP 2, 3) how the perception of the child's learning style which is held in SMP 2 Bangkinang. The purpose of this study was to: a) to describe students' learning styles featured in SMP 2 Bangkinang, b) to describe the learning styles of students in the regular SMP 2 Bangkinang, c) to determine the perception of the child's learning style they have in SMP 2 Bangkinang. This study is the assumption of a) learning style of each student is different, b) students' learning styles can be measured and identified. The place and time of the study, namely SMP 2 Bangkinang in February 27, 2013. SMP student population consists darti 2 Bangkinang as many as 128 students and a sample of 128 students. The data captured is about the learning problems of students in SMP 2 Bangkinang. In that study used questionnaires to obtain. Furthermore, the results of this study are: 1) learning styles of students in SMP 2 Bangkinang generally superior students classified in the medium category, 2) learning styles of students in SMP 2 Bangkinang generally classified as regular students in the medium category, 3) description of student perceptions of learning styles in SMP 2 Bangkinang generally excellent class and a regular class is generally classified in the category ofbeingen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipElni Yakub, Prof. Dr. H. Zulfan Saamen_US
dc.subjectStudent Learning Styles and Studentsen_US
dc.titleThis study entitled "Analysis of Student Learning Styles And Regular Featured In SMP N 2 Bangkinang"en_US
dc.typestudent Paper Post Degreeen_US


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