Evaluasi Kinerja Kompor Gasifikasi Forced Draft

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Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia dan Musyawarah Nasional APTEKINDO 2012


The availability of biomass as a source of primary energy in Indonesia is very abundant, reaching 280 million barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) and approximately 84% of the biomass has been used for the household sector. The application of gasification stove especially in cooking purposes can increase the efficiency of fuel usage. This research uses three units gasification stove with dimension stove 1 (H1 = 16 cm , D1 = 10 cm); stove 2 (H2 = 16 cm, D2 = 12 cm) and stove 3 (H3 = 20 cm, D3 = 12 cm). While the fuel was branches of acacia wood with moisture content 7.26%, 9.63% and 12.58%. Procedure water boiling test (WBT) was used to evaluating stove performance. Additional parameter such as operating time and flame temperature of the stove is including in evaluation of stove performance. The experimental results obtained average start up time is to 2 minutes and operating time of gasification stove reach to 32 minutes. Thermal efficiency of the forced draft gasification stove is approximately 25.03% to 30.44%, with the highest efficiency is on the stove with 12 cm diameter, 16 cm high and fuel with 9.63% biomass moisture content. Although the resulting flame is reddish yellow, but the forced draft gasification stove capable of producing up to 3.43 kWth thermal energy with the highest flame temperature reaches 933OC. The results show that the gasification stove operating conditions greatly affect the performance of the stove.



biomass, gasification, forced draft, stove, thermal efficiency
