Uji Ketahanan Beberapa Hasil Persilangan Kelapa Sawit dan Medium Tanam Terhadap Penyakit Busuk Pangkal Batang yang Disebabkan oleh Jamur Ganoderma boninense di Pembibitan

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The present studied aims to know and obtain the better interaction of oil-palm breeding resistance and planting media against of basal stem rot disease caused by Ganoderma boninense Pat in nursery. The experiment conducted from January to June 2012 at Technical Implementation Unit Agricultural Faculty University of Riau and Laboratory of Plant Quarantine Class One Pekanbaru. The research conducted experimentally using Factorial Completly Randomized Design with 3 replications. Data obtained from the observations were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance and tested further by Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DMNRT) at 5% level. The better results showed at the combination beetwen breeding of Dura Deli x Pisifera Ekona and Inceptisol soil interact positive to plant growth and midrib palm number of oil palm seedlings. The main effect from breeding of Dura Deli x Pisifera Ekona showed the better quality compared with the other crosses. The main effect of inceptisol (Mb) showed the better ability to improved the quality of oil palm seedlings


Mario Naldo Samosir. Jur.2013


oil palm, seedling, growing media

