Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Inkuiri Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 74 Pekanbaru
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The problem in this study were teachers still use the lecture method and rarely use learning
strategies, while students mostly silent during the learning process. This makes students less active
and creative in the learning process, making a low student learning outcomes. Therefore, in order
that the student learning outcomes better, the researchers conducted a study that aims to improve
student learning outcomes IPS. This research inquiry learning strategy, which is implemented in
the class V SD Negeri 74 Pekanbaru. The results of this study are: Activity Teacher at the first
meeting of the first cycle of 58.33%, and 62.5% in the second meeting, the first meeting of the
second cycle increased to 70.83%, then at the second meeting increased to 79.16%, the cycle III
first meeting increased to 87.5%, and then increased again to a second meet ing of 91.66%.
Student activities at the first meeting of the first cycle of 54.16%, and 62.5% in the second
meeting, the first meeting of the second cycle increased to 66.66%, then at the second meeting
increased to 75%, the first meeting of the third cycle increased to 83, 33%, then at the second
meeting increased to 91.66%. Learning outcomes, Application of Inquiry Learning Strategies to
improve learning outcomes IPS fifth grade students of SD Negeri 74 Pekanbaru, it can be seen
from the results of students' baseline mean 58.37 and UH -I 64.45 with the UH- II 70,40 and UH-III of 77.43. From the initial data to the UH -I has increased 10.41%, from the initial data to the
UH-II 20.60% rise again, and from the initial data to the UH -III increased again as much as
32.65%. In studying the classical completeness result reached 91.89% and can be said to be
completely classical. It can be concluded that with the implementation of the strategy of inquiry
can improve learning outcomes fifth grade social studies SDN 74 Pekanbaru.
Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Inkuiri Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS
strategi pembelajaran inkuiri,, pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial