Hubungan Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Dengan Hasil Kecepatan Lari Pada Putra Kelas VIII Smp Negeri 15 Pekanbaru

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HUBUNGAN DAYA LEDAK OTOT TUNGKAI DENGAN HASIL KECEPATAN LARI PADA PUTRA KELAS VIII SMP NEGERI 15 PEKANBARU Intan Damayanti1, Drs.Saripin,M.Kes,AIFO2, ,Drs Yuherdi S.Pd,3 PENDIDIKAN JASMANI KESEHATAN DAN REKREASI FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU ABSTRACT The form of this research is correlational research with a population of students at SMP Negeri 15 Pekanbaru which consists of 30 students. The data in this research is the total sampling techniques. The sample in the study is the whole of the population, so the sample is 30 students. Instrument that was in this research is a explosive power leg muscles with vertical jump test and the result of running speed test by using numbers. Then the data was processed with statistical, to normality test with liliefors test in the significant level α= 0.05, the hypothesis is explosive power leg muscles with the results of running speed. Based on the data processed, it can be concluded that the data correlation that got the kooefisien correlation data obtained of r=0.94 which is means that in the t-test got thitung=14.62 ttabel.1 can t count, 1,701. So if thitung=14.62> ttable=1,701, it can be concluded Ho rejected and Ha accepted, then the relationship between the X variables and Y in the High categorize. From the calculation above, then the data is otherwise normal. By using Liliefors test of the X variables and Y, where X variables obtained Lhitung =0.0664, while the variable Y obtained Lhitung=0.1787. Then Ltable=0.161, so if Lhitung= 0.0664 <Ltable= 0.161, then the data is considered to be normal. The conclusion of hypothesis is accepted with a confidence level of 95% and a significant level of α=0.05, so there is a significant contribution between explosive power leg muscle with the result of running speed at eight grade students of SMPN 15 Pekanbaru 2013.




explosive power leg muscle, The result of the Running Speed
