Pengaruh Tayangan Film Animasi ShaunThe Sheep Terhadap Perilaku Anak Di KotaPekanbaru
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The purpose of this research is to know there is the influence of Shaun The Sheep animation film 10 elementary student's behavior in pekanbaru and to know what the positive and negative impact of Shaun The Sheep animation film to the behavior elementary student's in Pekanbaru. This research use quantitative method where the data is collected by questionaire and documentation. Researcher takes 92 sampel as from 3 elementary schools in Pekanbaru by using Cluster Sampling technique. The locations of Research are SDN 80 Pekanbaru, SDN 97 Pekanbaru and SDN 181 Pekanbaru. Furthermore, the researcher uses simple linier regression analysis by using SPSS 17 for windows to know what the influence is.The result of research indicate show that Shaun The Sheep animation film influence to behavior of elementary students in Pekanbaru. Based on simple linear regression analysis there is coefficient regression on this research that is Y=0,002 < a= 0,05 and R2=0,102. The influence of Shaun the Sheep animation film to the behavior of elementary students in Pekanbaru numbered 10,2 % and the rest amount was influenced by environmental factor outer part this research.
animation film, children, behavior