Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 114 Pekanbaru

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Out of 35 students in grade IV of SD Negeri 114 Pekanbaru, there are only 13 students (37,14%) who can reach the minimum standard criteria (KKM) of IPA subject and 22 students (62,86%) are below the standard. It is assumed that the learning output of IPA subject is very low. Based on this condition, it is important to conduct a research by applying a Cooperative Learning Model: Teams Games Tournaments (TGT). The application of TGT is a new thing to students. It gives a different and interesting learning atmosphere that enables students to be more motivated because of tournament system. Besides, it also trains students to be fair in a competition. The objective of the research is to improve the learning output of IPA subject in grade IV of SD Negeri 114 Pekanbaru. The research reported in this paper is a collaborative classroom action research that consists of 4 phases in each cycle. They are planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research is conducted in 2 cycles. Based on the observation of teacher’s performance in cycle 1, it is found that teacher’s performance is improved for about 17, 36% from 71, 30 % with good predicate to 88, 66% of very good predicate in cycle 2. Students’ activities are improved for about 19, 21% from 69, 21% of good predicate in cycle 1 to 88, 42% of very good predicate in cycle 2. Based on data analysis of the research, it is found that the average of students’ score for IPA subject is improved. The students’ average score in UAS 1 is improved from 64, 86 to 70, 57 (improved 5,71 points or 8, 80%) and the average score in UAS 1 is improved in UAS 2 from 70, 57 to 78, 14 ( improved 7, 75 points or 10, 73%). In cycle 1, it is found that there are only 22 students out of 35 students who can reach the minimum standard criteria (KKM). Then, the number of students who can reach the KKM is improved to be 31 students (88,5%) in cycle 2. It is finally concluded that The Application of Model of Cooperative Learning Type: Teams Games Tournament (TGT) can improve the learning output of IPA Subject in Grade IV of SD Negeri 114 Pekanbaru


Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV


Model, Learning Output, Cooperative Learning Type: Teams Games Tournament (TGT)
