Hubungan Pemberian Insentif Terhadap Kinerja Agen Penjualan Polis Asuransi Pada PT. Asuransi Bintang Tbk Cabang Pekanbaru

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This study discusses the relationship of incentives on the performance of insurance sales agents in PT. Asuransi Bintang Tbk Pekanbaru Branch, while the indicator of the incentives in the form of material incentive and bonus commissions, non-material incentives for the provision of sign services, career development and provision of recreation, while the performance indicators in the form of discipline, responsibility, diligence and the work of the agency. The purpose of this study was to determine how the relationship of incentives on performance. The research was carried out at PT. Asuransi Bintang Tbk Pekanbaru Branch, collecting data through questionnaires conducted in 35 respondents (an agent working in the company). Data analysis techniques in this study using the analysis of correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination and hypothesis testing (t test) searched manually (using the formula). The results showed there is a significant and positive relationship between incentives appreciating the performance of insurance sales agents in PT. AsuransiBintangTbkPekanbaru Branch.



relationship, incentives,, the performance
