Hubungan Minat Dengan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Ipa Fisika Melalui Penggunaan Media Asli Pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 32 Pekanbaru
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This study aims to describe the relationship of interest to physics students
cognitive learning achievement of students class VIII4 Junior High School 32 in
Pekanbaru in the subject matter in class optical instruments through use of the original
media. The design of this study is Pre-Experiment Design. Research data collection
instrument was conducted at the end of the learning process by providing cognitive
achievement test and questionnaire of interest after the learning process. Techniques
analysis using descriptive and inferential analysis. Descriptive analysis of the results
obtained by the average absorption is 77% with good categories. Based on inferential
analysis with a level of 95% is obtained rcount = 0.017, rtable = 0.349 (rcount < rtable) with
value is 3%, so Ho accepted and Ha rejected, there isn’t positive and significant
relationship between interest with cognitive achievement in science physics of students
class VIII4 Junior High School 32 in Pekanbaru in the subject matter in class optical
instruments through t use of the original media.
Hubungan Minat Dengan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Ipa Fisika Melalui Penggunaan Media Asli Pada Siswa Kelas VIII
cognitive learning achievement, optical instruments, learning interest, authentic media