Hubungan Daya Ledak Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Dengan Hasil Akurasi Servis Forehand Topspin Dalam Permainan Tenis Meja Pada Perkumpulan Tenis Malay Sport Kota Pekanbaru
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This type of research is correlational, which aims to determine whether there are explosive Relations Arm and Shoulder Muscles With The service Accuracy Forehand Topspin In Tennis Games Table Tennis Malay Sport In Society Pekanbaru. The population in the study were 10 people, for a sample of the total number of 10 using the technique of sampling of the entire population. With the results of the analysis showed an association explosive power of Arm and Shoulder Muscles With The service Accuracy Forehand Topspin In Tennis Games Table Tennis Association Malay At Sport City pekanbaru city. The instrument used in this study is a test Two-hand medicine ball put variable X with accuracy results forehand topspin serve variable Y. After that analysis data obtained by using statistical correlation and hypothesis testing with (t test) at the rate of 95% in the form of explosive power relations research Muscle Arm and Shoulder Service Results Accuracy Forehand Topspin in Table Tennis Games Tennis Malay Sport In Society City, for r = 0.70 and 2.28 for bearti t_hitung t_hitung> t_tabel (1.860) with that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted means of explosive power relationship exists Muscle Arm and Shoulder Service Results Accuracy Forehand Topspin in Table Tennis Games On Society Malay Tennis Sport City. Conclusion: The hypothesis is accepted with a confidence level of 95% with α = 0.05 with that there is a significant relationship between the explosive power arm and shoulder muscle with a forehand topspin serve accuracy in a game of table tennis at the tennis association malay pekanbaru city sports.
Hubungan Daya Ledak Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Dengan Hasil Akurasi Servis Forehand Topspin Dalam Permainan Tenis Meja
Muscle Explosive Power Ard, Shoulder With The Accuracy Of Servive Forehand Topspin