Strategi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berbasis Gender Dalam Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir Di Kecamatan Pasir Limau Kapas Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

dc.contributor.authorFarida, Lena
dc.contributor.authorKartikowati, Sri
dc.description.abstractThe coastal region is a strategic region while most vulnerable to alteration, disturbance and pollution by man. The area is strategic because it said almost all of the coastal area in Indonesia is the main gate of marine economic activities on its territory respectively, while said to be most vulnerable to changes that occur naturally, due to the human activity, or a combination of both. Development of the coastal area is carried out focused, systematic and planned, to achieve the welfare of society. To that end the community must be a subject/major offender in the management of the coastal areas, so it can continue to noticed and kept the power support ecosystems and biological resources stock waters. In law No. 1 year 2014 stated that: Coastal Zone is a transitional area between terrestrial and marine ecosystems that are affected by changes in land and sea, towards land covering the administrative area of the sub-district and towards the sea as far as 12 nautical miles measured from the coastline Along with the development of the issue of human rights, democracy, environment life and gender equality, it has influenced the government's thinking to improve the management of natural resources and the environment by promoting the principles of justice, democracy and the sustainability of the functions of natural resources and the environment. For this reason, it is hoped that the role of women in policy making is related to environmental management issues. (Darmastuti, 2010). Generally in coastal areas, the economic contribution of women is quite high. Likewise, what happened in the coastal area of Kecamatan Pasir Limau Kapas Kabupaten Rokan Hilir, many women participated in utilizing coastal resources. As for the purpose of this research was: analyzing gender-based community empowerment, analyse the management of the coastal area and Formulating Gender-based community empowerment Strategies in the management of the coastal area in Kecamatan Pasir Limau Kapas Kabupaten Rokan Hilir. Method of data collection is to disseminate the questionnaire against 99 (ninety-nine) respondents women and doing interviews with the informant of the man who was chosen intentionally, relevant to the research. As for the indicators of the management of the coastal area consists of 8 indicators, namely: planning, decision making, organizing, leadership, control, financial, physical and information. Data analysis was done with Descriptive Analysis and SWOT analysis. Based on the research results obtained an idea that communities of the coastal area in Kecamatan Pasir Limau Kapas, already powerless, especially in terms of self-empowerment (self empowerment), meaning that their activities because of the strength they have as well as a fairly high spirit in doing various activities. While the empowerment of Governments (Government empowerment) and from non government (community empowermment) is still low, meaning that it has not been fully able to assist the activities of the community. However reviewed from the perspective of gender, women are still lagging behind in comparison to men, especially not yet maximal participated strategic decision-making. The management of coastal areas is based on eight indicators, the average results show good enough, and can be sorted from the highest to lowest percentage as follows: Leadership 78.60%; Organizing 69.50%; Information 68.80%; Finance 67.70%; Physical 67.70%; Control of 67.50%; Planning 62.30% and Decision Making 61.70%. The research data from the eight indicators above are SWOT dimensions for analyzing coastal area management strategies grouped into four elements, namely Internal which consists of Strength and Weakness, and External consisting of Opportunity and Threat ( Threats). Furthermore, it is reviewed based on four elements, namely: Strength: Leadership and Organization; Weakness: Decision Making and Planning; Opportunity Elements: Information and Physical and Threat Elements: Control and Finance. The results of the analysis with a qualitative SWOT matrix approach, obtained an illustration that the dimensions of leadership and organization are factors that become strengths, while the weakness is in decision making and planning. The 'SO' strategy (Strengths Opportunity) is a strategy to use the power that is owned to take advantage of the opportunities that exist, for that strategy to develop leadership is very important and local organizations are social capital to empower women. The 'WO' (Weaknessess Opportunities) strategy is a strategy to reduce weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities. Of the various forms of weaknesses and opportunities that have been identified from research, the strategy of involving women in planning is very important, because it can accommodate the needs of the community so that sustainable development, while infrastructure and infrastructure are sufficiently good, can be utilized maximally, and involve women in decision making. The 'ST' strategy (Strengths Threats) is a strategy to use force to avoid threats. For this reason, it is necessary to develop a strategy to improve supervision from leaders of organizations both Formal and Informal, and to conduct various collaborations in collecting funds used for coastal area management. The 'WT' (Weaknessess Threats) strategy is a strategy to reduce weaknesses or minimize weaknesses to avoid or control threats. Of the various kinds of threats that have been identified that can have an influence on the achievement of coastal area management objectives. For the strategy of involving local governments to conduct planning in the short and long term in managing the environment and conducting periodic evaluations, an alternative strategy can be developed. Based on the results of the above research, the Gender-Based Community Empowerment Strategy in Coastal Area Management is to involve women in planning because it can accommodate the needs of the women's community for sustainable development, education and training for women so that women can contribute to the decision-making processen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipSeminar Nasional Pelestarian Lingkungan (SENPLING) 2018 Program Studi Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Riau Pusat Studi Lingkungan Hidup LPPM Universitas Riauen_US
dc.identifier.otherwahyu sari yeni
dc.publisherwahyu sari yenien_US
dc.subjectGender and Management Strategyen_US
dc.titleStrategi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berbasis Gender Dalam Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir Di Kecamatan Pasir Limau Kapas Kabupaten Rokan Hiliren_US


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