Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Kelas V SDN 024 Tarai Bangun Kabupaten Kampar

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Learning process on SDN Tarai Bangun 024 is still a lot of monotony that is still using the lecture so that students are less creative, low learning motivation and learning outcomes did not reach the classical completeness. The purpose of this research is to improve students' mathematics classroom learning outcomes SDN Tarai Bangun 024 after application of cooperative learning model STAD. This research uses research Classroom Action Research (CAR), which is conducted through two cycles and four phases: planning phase, implementation phase action, phase observation and reflection stages. Each cycle is done two meetings and one-time daily tests. The subjects were 024 grade Vc SDN Tarai up consisting of 30 students, with the formulation of the problem "Is Application Model Type STAD Cooperative Learning Outcomes to Improve Math 024 Elementary School Fifth Grade Students Tarai Bangun?. Quantitative data such as test student knowledge and understanding through repetition cycle I and cycle II. Average student before action categorized by the percentage of low achievement KKM 46.66%, whereas the daily test cycle I KKM attainment percentage 63.33%, while the percentage of daily test cycle II 86.66% KKM achievement. Data collection instruments using teacher observation sheet activities and activities of students during the learning process in class Vc SDN Tarai Bangun 024, the average activity of teachers first cycle and second cycle 90% 97.5%, the next activity in the learning process using the STAD cooperative model the first cycle of 72.5% and 97.5% with the second cycle Amat Neither category. Of explanation suggests that through the implementation of STAD cooperative learning model to improve learning outcomes Elementary School fifth grade students math Tarai Bangun 024, District Mines, Kampar regency.


Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Kelas V


Model Type STAD Cooperative Learning, Math Learning Outcomes
