Pengaruh Bimbingan Kelompok Terhadap Penurunan Masalah Belajar Siswa Berprestasi Rendah Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Tambang Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013

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This research study entitled Guidance on the Effect of Group Against decline Learning Problems Low Class X Student Achievement SMA N 1 Mine. This study aims to: 1. To know the description of the learning problems of students underachieving group counseling before being implemented. 2. To describe the learning problem on low-achieving students after execution group counseling. 3. To determine differences in learning problem in low-achieving students performed before and after group counseling. 4.Seberapa large group guidance to decrease the influence of learning problems in low-achieving students. Assumptions of this study are: 1. Learning problems of students underachieving given group counseling process and not given guidance group in SMA N 1 Mine 2012-2013 school year varies. 2. Learning problems of students underachieving given group counseling process and not given guidance group in SMA N 1 Mine can be defined the indicators. 3. Data on the subject of underachieving students are given guidance given group and the group that was not given guidance in SMA N 1 Mine revealed through a questionnaire. The population in this study are: all students are low achievers (ranked 10th lowest) X.1 class, and class X.7 given group counseling and group guidance given in SMA N 1 Mine 2012-2013 school year as many as 10 people. In this study using the total sample, the sample saturated / census, which takes all members of the population being sampled members. This refers to the number of members of the population only slightly.


Pengaruh Bimbingan Kelompok Terhadap Penurunan Masalah Belajar Siswa Berprestasi Rendah Kelas X


group counseling, low achievers, learning problems

