Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV A SD Negeri 021 Balai Makam Kecamatan Mandau.

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CTL is one of learning learning model which emphasizes student involvement in the process in full to find material to learn and connect with real life situations that encourage students to be able to apply it in their lives. The purpose of this research is to improve students' learning outcomes IPS fourth grade A. The study subjects were students / fourth grader A Grave Hall Elementary School District 021 Mandau. Data collection techniques used observation and achievement test data analysis techniques while using descriptive statistics. Based on the analysis of data, showing the average activity of teachers who can be counted on teacher activity sheets from the first meeting to meeting to II increased by 14.29%, meeting to meeting to II to IV by 4.16% and from meeting to IV to meeting to V by 8%. Based on data analysis, an increase in student activity can be counted on the student activity sheet from the first meeting to meeting to II increased by 7.26%, meeting to meeting to II to IV by 5.52% and from meeting to meeting to IV to V at 10 , 45%. Implementation of CTL model can improve student learning outcomes, it can be seen from the average score is 67.71 basis then averages the learning cycle I was 77 with an increase of 13.72% and an average of the results of study on the second cycle is 80.71 with an increase of 19.19%. So, from the first cycle to the second cycle of student learning outcomes increased by 4.82%. Means that the hypothesis "If applied learning model CTL IPS can improve student learning outcomes", the hypothesis can be accepted.


Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV A SD


CTL learning,, student learning outcomes IPS.
