Survey Tentang Jenis-Jenis Emosi Yang Dialami Remaja ( Studi Deskriptif Terhadap Siswa SMPN 4 Rumbio Jaya )

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The study entitled: Survey About the types Emotions Experienced by Youth (Junior High School Students Against Descriptive Study 4 Rumbio Jaya). Research goals are: 1) to know the description of the types of emotions experienced by adolescents SMP 4 Rumbio Jaya. 2). To describe the emotions experienced by adolescent males. 3) To reveal the emotions experienced by adolescent girls. 4). To compare the intensity of emotions experienced by teenage boys with girls. 5). To describe the emotions experienced firstborn. 6). To describe the emotions experienced middle child. 7). To describe the emotions experienced by the youngest child. 8). To compare the intensity of emotions experienced by the oldest, middle and youngest. The subject of the study population is relatively small, the samples taken from the entire population there, namely: 102 students. Subsequently grouped into 52 men, 50 women, 40 children born, 27 middle and youngest 35. The research method used is descriptive method with a quantitative approach. Results of research and discussion, 1). Young happy emotions SMP 4 Rumbio Jaya 61.37%, 59.12% male, 63.20% female, 64.25% firstborn, middle and youngest 61.85% 57.71%. Then the majority of boys, girls, the eldest, middle and youngest experiencing emotional pleasure in the medium category. The most prominent emotion is happy happy, happy, carefree and damai.2). Teens sad emotions SMP Rumbio Jaya 25.58%, 21.50% male, 29.82% female, 28.18% firstborn, middle and youngest 23.91% 23.89%. Then very small boys, girls, the eldest, middle and youngest experiencing emotional upset. Emotion sad that they experienced mostly in the low category and less. The most prominent sad emotion is felt sad and homesick. 3). Emotion of fear Teens 4 Rumbio Jaya SMP 34.54%, 30.13% male, 39.11% female, 38.33% firstborn, middle and youngest 33.75% 30.80%. Then only a small proportion of teenage boys, girls, the eldest, middle and youngest are experiencing the emotion of fear. Emotion of fear they experienced mostly in the medium category. The most prominent emotion of fear is fear, anxiety and embarrassment. 4). The emotions angry teenager SMP 4 Rumbio Jaya 28.43%, 17.69% male, 39.60% female, 35% firstborn, middle and youngest 28.52% 21.15%. Then very small boys, girls, the eldest, middle and youngest experiencing emotional upset. Angry emotions that they experience most of beada in the low category and less. The most prominent emotion of anger is felt angry.


Survey Tentang Jenis-Jenis Emosi Yang Dialami Remaja


Types of Emotion (Happy, Sad, Scared, Angry)

