Analisis Perbandingan Pendapatan Petani Peserta Feati dan Non Feati Pada Usahatani Padi Sawah di Desa Bahal Gajah, Kecamatan Sidamanik, Kabupaten Simalungun)

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This research was done with goals: 1)To know the mechanism realization of farmer efficiency on FEATI’s program. 2) To Compare the productivity and income of FEATI and Non FEATI’s farmer on Rice-Field Farm business. 3) To Compare the level efficiency Rice-Field Farm business of FEATI and Non- FEATI’s farmer. This research was done on April 2012 until August with used total sample 24 Rice-Field Farmer, which included FEATI and Non-FEATI’s farmer. The efficiency realization of FEATI’s farmer had compatible with the components FEATI’s program, it was ‘A component’ which purpose to strength the information system according to the farmer necessity and ‘C component’ was done by presented the technology meeting between farmer researcher-investigator which very helpful farmer to increase productivity, income and welfare by increasing the connectivity of information, technology, financial, and production infrastructure and also agribusiness improvement. According to the calculation and analysis, can be know that on the average productivity per Ha of FEATI and Non FEATI’s farmer on Rice-Field Farm business, each of them 5.339 Kg GKP and 4.794,67 Kg GKP with total income Rp. 7.607.701 and Rp 4.950.682. Whereas, total for the level of suitable in the amount of 1,90 for FEATI and 1,53 for Non FEATI. From the result of analysis test t showed that productivity, income and level efficiency of FEATI’s farmer higher/bigger than Non-FEATI’s farmer. That’s because of the value t hit > t table. So, the conclusion that FEATI’s program influence to the level productivity, income and level efficiency of rice-field.


Dewi Kartika. Jur.2013


FEATI programme’s, income, sample t test analysis

