“Pengaruh Program Kemitraan Oleh Ptpn V Terhadap Tingkat Pendapatan Petani Semangka Di Kelurahan Simpang Baru Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru”

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The study aims to determine the revenue respondents before and after the program, analyze the causes do not change the use of the means of production of watermelon and how the rights and duty of PTPN V and respondents. The method used is the method of survey respondents with a purposive sampling technique by the total number of respondents were 13 people. The results showed an average of 1 hectare of land area farmers with a total production cost of farming watermelons before 32370.800/year and after 38280.800/year increase of 15.44%, the average gross income built before Rp 49546.154/year with an average production rate of 26.077/year rose by 5.80% to 26.692/year and net income before the amount Rp.17.175,354/year be 28449.969/year (65.64%). Before and after the program, the use of the means of production remain as respondents around the needs of watermelon cultivation tokke supplied by the agreement are entitled tokke prices. However, after the assistance, assisted respondents are able to meet the needs of a watermelon farm without the help of tokke so farmers more independent. Rights and duty between PTPN and respondents also been running well.


Rini Aprilia. Jur. 2012


income, rights and duty, the means of production

