Analisis Sentimen Pengguna Terhadap Aplikasi Netflix di Google Play Store Menggunakan Support Vector Machine
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the activities commonly carried out by the
community, such as going out of the house, was limited by the PSBB (Large-Scale
Social Restrictions). This made people stay at home more and use internet access, one
of which was by streaming movies using the Netflix application. Users can provide
reviews of application services in the review feature on the Google Play Store. The
existence of this feature is one of the considerations for prospective users to download
the application. Therefore it is necessary to do sentiment analysis to find out how the
user's sentiment is on the application. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze reviews
and discovered the results of the accuracy of public sentiment reviews on a movie
streaming application, namely Netflix on the Google Play Store using the Support
Vector Machine method. In this study, data collection was carried out using web
scraping techniques on Google Colaboratory. The data used was data when the
pandemic spread to Indonesia, namely in 2020. The method used in this study resulted
in an average accuracy of 85%.
Sentiment analysis, Netflix application, Support Vector Machine