

Recent Submissions

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    (Dody, 2019-07-08) Faisal, Gun; Sulistyani, Andri; Gustina Sari, Genny; Yesicha, Chelsy; Firzal, Yohannes; Safri, Safri
    Pariwisata merupakan sektor unggulan dalam Nawacita dan strategi pembangunan nasional, yaitu pembangunan Indonesia dari daerah pinggiran dan desa dalam kerangka negara kesatuan, serta mewujudkan kemandirian dengan menggerakkan sektor-sektor strategis ekonomi domestik. Salah satu perwujudan partisipasi perguruan tinggi dalam hal ini adalah penyiapan sumber daya manusia lokal sebagai pengelola potensi kewilayahan melalui program desa binaan. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk menyiapkan desa Koto Sentajo sebagai destinasi wisata desa adat unggulan Provinsi Riau. Program pemberdayaan dilaksanakan dengan cara menganalisis ragam sumber daya pariwisata desa, penyiapan masyarakat sadar pola hidup sehat, serta penguatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia melalui pembinaan dan pendampingan lapangan terhadap pimpinan masyarakat serta kelompok sadar wisata Koto Sentajo. Analisis situasi menemukan bahwa desa adat ini dicirikan oleh 27 Rumah Godang lestari dari empat suku yang bermukim, yaitu Suku Melayu, Suku Patopang, Suku Piliang, dan Suku Chaniago, berserta kelengkapan budayanya. Atraksi tambahan didominasi oleh adat Sentajo, berupa pacu jalur, sosoran pondam pandekar tuah (silat randai), tradisi makan bersama di rumah adat, serta atraksi alam berupa areal perkebunan, sungai, sawah, dan hutan adat yang siap dikembangkan. Kelemahan yang ditemukan berupa sanitasi lingkungan yang kuang baik, ketidaksiapan amenitas, dan atraksi yang monoton. Dengan demikian, pendampingan lanjutan masih terus dibutuhkan, terutama dalam pembentukan industri kreatif dan jasa layanan pariwisata yang baik.
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    Malay wood carving: The Godang house at Koto Sentajo
    (Dody, 2019-07-06) Faisal, Gun; Firzal, Yohannes; Kuswoyo, Indra
    Malay house varies in roof forms such as Limas, Lontiok, Bagonjong, Kajang, Layar, Crossbreed. The house can be identified from its shape, stage, saddle roof, and finials. The house is also enriched by ornaments and carved panel with in certain philosophies and meanings. One of Malay houses is known as a Godang house which can be found at Koto Sentajo. However, this house shows how Malay house is starting about to change. It can be found from wood shifting material, and less ornament used today. This paper investigates on the Godang house in order to understand the changing, the meaning, and preserving Malayness. Qualitative research approach was used to obtain data and information. It has also added with interviews to local ethnic leaders. Field data is analyzed by open coding, axial coding, and selective coding techniques to find variation of wood carving. The finding shows about house layout and typologies of wood carving such as engraving panel on windows. Another carving motif has figured out that is known as Pinang-Pinang, Gasing, Terali Biola, Wajid, Lebah Begantuang, Awan Larat, Kaluk Pakis and Semut Beriring that are carved on the house.
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    Study of Vernacular Coastal Architecture: The Construction of Akit’s House in Rupat Island
    (Dody, 2019-07-06) Faisal, Gun; Firzal, Yohannes; Rijal, Muhammad
    Akit’s house is made mainly by a wood construction, and found as a stilt type house. Roof of the house is made by leaves, and skin of tree is still used as its wall. Nowadays, some changes have occurring on this vernacular house. In turn, this changing becomes an interesting phenomenon, particular on its construction of the house. This research has conducted in qualitative approach in order to find how the changes of the house. Field data gathered by a range of methods such as observation, story-telling, and documentation. The data are analysed and interpreted within an iterative process to expand understanding of the house’s changing. Thus, this research offers an architectural insight into how the cultural life affects on Akit’s house
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    Akit’s house: identification of vernacular coastal architecture in Meranti Island
    (Dody, 2019-07-06) Faisal, Gun; Amanati, R
    Akit people can be found on Meranti islands near east coast Sumatra. Their houses made mainly by wood construction as stilt type house. The roof of the house was made by leaves, and bark of the tree was used on house wall. Nowadays, some changes have occurred on this vernacular house. The changes are not only as responding to the environment, environment but also are affecting by way of their life. In turn, this changing becomes an interesting phenomenon, particular comparing to the house on other islands. This research has conducted in qualitative research approach to identify how the changes of the house. Field data gathered by a range of methods such as observation, story-telling, and documentation. The data are analyzed and interpreted within an iterative process to expand understanding of the house’s changing. This research offers an architectural insight into how the vernacular houses are changing.
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    (Dody, 2019-06-06) Faisal, Gun
    Arsitektur melayu memiliki tipologi yang sangat banyak, diantaranya rumah melayu Limas, rumah Lontiak, rumah Begonjong, rumah beratap Layar dan Bersayap, rumah Melayu Peranakan (campuran etnis China), serta beberapa tipikal rumah melayu lainnya. Selain memiliki 4 (empat) ruangan yaitu selasar, rumah induk, telo dan penanggah, rumah melayu juga memiliki ornamen yang terdapat pada atap lisplank dan dinding serta tiang rumah. Salah satu rumah tradisional yang ada di kabupaten Kampar yaitu Rumah Lontiok (Lentik) Melayu Majo. Tulisan ini mengidentifikasi dan mendokumentasikan rumah ini sebagai salah satu bangunan melayu yang perlu dijaga dan dilestarikan. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus digunakan dalam penelitian ini dikarenakan objek penelitian yang sudah hilang dimakan usia. Teori tentang arsitektur Melayu dan ornamen bangunan Melayu sebagai background knowledge dengan didukung informasi yang diperoleh dari literatur dan data dilapangan serta pelaku kegiatan dalam lingkup penelitian. Pengolahan dan analisis data dilanjutkan dengan mengevaluasi dan membuat sketsa dan penggambaran ulang, kemudian diakhiri dengan penyusunan hasil temuan lapangan. Secara umum rumah ini dibagi kedalam 2 (dua) masa bangunan, bagian pertama yaitu rumah induk, dan yang kedua yaitu dapur, terdapat penghubung antara rumah induk dan dapur. Rumah melayu Majo merupakan bangunan bertipologi panggung dengan ciri khas atap Lontiak. Ornamen yang pertama kali terlihat pada rumah ini adalah Selembayung atau Tanduk Buang, terdapat pula ornamen seperti tombak terhunus yang disebut tombak-tombak begitu juga dengan sayap layang-layang yang terletak pada keempat sudut atap. Bermacam jenis ukiran juga terdapat pada setiap sudut bangunan ini.
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    (Dody, 2019-07-06) Faisal, Gun
    territory. They were mostly found as sea-gypsy who live on canoes that was close to sea shore area. Along with time and acculturation, today’s Duano people have starting inhabit at seaside area, and are dwelling at stilt house which is found as a vernacular house pattern. Therefore, this is interesting to investigate how transformation of the pattern. Qualitative research approach in rationalistic paradigm is used in this research. By focusing on looking at changes in pattern of shape and space, daily values, perceptions, as well as on other ongoing changes at Duanu. The findings in the field show that the transformation of the Duanu’s house are occured due to acculturation and negociation of daily cultural life, accepting update outside information that come to Duanu people, and is also through government intervention.
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    Bentuk arsitektur sebagai media komunikasi ritual pengobatan suku Akit di pulau Rupat
    (Dody, 2019-07-06) Faisal, Gun; Gustina Sari, Genny
    Salah satu bentuk aktivitas komunikasi terjadi pada ritual Bedekeh yang dilakukan oleh Suku Akit di Pulau Rupat. Ritual Bedekeh merupakan sebuah ritual pengobatan dimana seorang Bomo (dukun) menjadi perantara antara si sakit dengan arwah nenek moyang yang dipercayai mampu menyembuhkan penyakit. Dalam ritual Bedekeh terdapat aktivitas komunikasi ritual yang sarat dengan makna dan simbol khususnya dari segi bangunan arsitektur serta peralatan yang digunakan Bomo dalam ritual ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji bagaimana bentuk arsitektur berfungsi sebagai media pengobatan masyarakat suku Akit. Kajian ini membahas bentuk tidak hanya sebagai bagian dari arsitektur tetapi juga bagian dari ritual dan kebudayaan. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian dimulai dengan mengkaji bentuk arsitektur vernakular dan ritual Bedekeh sebagai background knowledge, dilanjutkan dengan mengumpulkan informasi mengenai tata cara dan ritual pengobatan tersebut. Selanjutnya melihat elemen-elemen arsitektur yang terdapat dalam cara pengobatan beserta fungsi dan maknanya. Berdasarkan temuan lapangan, model Rumah Roh (Huma) dan Istana (Balai) digunakan sebagai media komunikasi antara Bomo (dukun) dengan para roh, jin, maupun hantu. Bentuk dari model Huma dan Balai tersebut tercipta dari wahyu atau bayangan, maupun mimpi Bomo sesuai dengan keinginan roh tersebut. Proses pembuatan Balai dilakukan oleh Bomo dan keluarganya, sedangkan model Huma dikerjakan oleh keluarga pasien dan tetangga pasien. Jika dilihat dari proses terciptanya bentuk dari Balai dan Rumah Roh tersebut, bentukan itu terlihat lazim seperti bentuk dari rumah suku Akit itu sendiri.
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    High-Pressure Adsorption Isotherms of Carbon Dioxide and Methane on Activated Carbon From Low-Grade Coal of Indonesia
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-07-01) Martin, Awaludin; Alhamid, Muhammad Idrus; Nasruddin, Nasruddin; Suryawan, Bambang; Loh, Wai Soong; Ismail, Azhar Bin; Chun, Wongee; Choon, Kim
    Adsorption isotherms data of methane and carbon dioxide gases on the activated carbons were measured experimentally using a volumetric method with pressure and temperatures ranging from 0 to 3.5 MPa and 27 to 65°C, respectively. Two types of activated carbons, namely, (1) Kalimantan Timur type activated carbon, which is lab-produced from Indonesian low-grade coal and (2) a commercial (Carbotech) activated carbon were used. The adsorption isotherms obtained were found to belong to type 1 of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry classification. The adsorption uptakes for both carbon dioxide and methane on commercial activated carbon are higher than for the Kalimantan Timur activated carbon. This is due to higher Brunauer–Emmet–Teller surface area and pore volume of the former. Langmuir and Tóth isotherm models are correlated to predict the experimental data with acceptable accuracy.
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    Green technology as a strategy in managing the black spots in Siak Highway, Indonesia
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-07-01) Sandhyavitri, Ari; Martin, Awaludin
    It was identified that the total traffic accidents in the highway section of Siak, Indonesia within the period of 2011 to 2015 were 1,208 events (2 accidents per 3 days). This accidents figure were considered relatively high and it need to mitigate. The aim of this research are to; (i) analyze the location of Black Spot in the Siak highway, and (ii) drawn a strategy reducing the traffic accidents based on green technology. This study identified that the black spot area was located in the STA 44 + 050 (with a value of the weighted index was 86 and an accident severity rate was 6.21), these values were relatively high. The road horizontal alignment condition at this location was highlighted as a sub-standard high way, consists of low visibility, numerous turning pads, minimum road signs, and minimum road shoulders width. The technical strategy was then drawn as follow; conducting regular road rehabilitation and maintenance, equipping road markings and the street lights as well as road safety facilities based on the green technology such as solar cell traffic lights, solar cell street lights and deploying police statues in reducing traffic accidents within the black spot areas.
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    Freeze Vacuum Drying With Utilized Waste Heat of Condenser by Quick Drying Method
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-07-01) Martin, Awaludin; Prayetno, Utari; Wahyudi, Wandi; Kurniawan, Iwan; Romy, Romy
    Freeze vacuum drying process is an optimum process to dry the product without changing the physical and chemical properties of materials. The advantages of drying with freeze vacuum drying are can be maintain the structures, nutrient, and colors of original substances. A weakness of freeze vacuum drying is its high consumption of energy due to the long drying time required especially in the process of sublimation below triple point condition. The aim of this research are to optimizing freeze vacuum drying in order to reducing energy consumption by utilized waste heat of condenser to speed up the sublimation process and by using quick drying method. Thefreezing temperatures in this study were 6oC and 9oC with a variation of the drying time is 1, 2 and 4 hours. This research was result the water content losses in yam bean are 78% at a freeze temperature -9oC with drying time 4 hours.
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    Exergy Analysis Of Gas Turbine Power Plant 20 Mw In Pekanbaru-Indonesia
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-07-01) Martin, Awaludin; Miswandi, Miswandi; Prayitno, Adhy; Kurniawan, Iwan; Romy, Romy
    The performance of a 20 MW gas turbine power plant was described by using the exergy analysis and data from the plant’s record books. The first and second laws of thermodynamics, as well as the mass and energy conservation law, were applied in each of the components. The results show that more exergy destruction occured in the combustion chamber up to 71.03% or 21.98 MW. Meanwhile, the lowest exergy occured in the compressor at 12.33% or 3.15 MW. Thermal efficiency of the gas turbine power plant, according to the first law, was 33.77%, and exergy efficiency was 32.25%.
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    Energy Analysis of Gas Engine Biogas Power Plant 835 kW in Kampar - Indonesia
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-07-01) Martin, Awaludin
    Riau Province is one of the largest palm oil producers in Indonesia. Pome of biogas is one form of renewable energy that can be utilized through biogas power plants. One of the biogas power plant in Riau is a Rama-Rama biogas power plant in Kampar. As a first step to improving power plant efficiency, this plant has been identified as the location of the largest loss in power plant by energy analysis. Energy analysis were performed for a gas engine with multiple cylinder on biogas power plant 835 kW otto cycle. The data from the plant’s record books using for this analysis. The result, each gas engine cylinder has different efficiency values. The highest and lowest energy efficiency of gas engine found in cylinder 11 and cylinder 7, respectively 56,12% and 56,02%. That different efficiency value occurred due to the fact that there are large temperature differences between the combustion process every cylinder and the working fluid.
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    Designing of Inverse Taper Wind Turbine Blade for Pekanbaru Wind Speed Condition
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-07-01) Martin, Awaludin; Hatta, Muhammad
    Wind energy as one of renewable energy resource has a great potential to solve the problem of dependency on fossil fuels, especially in Pekanbaru, Indonesia. Pekanbaru wind speed condition which is considered relatively low can be harnessed efficiently by designing blades which suits wind condition in Pekanbaru. Blades are designed using aerodynamic equations and software assistance such as Microsoft Excel, Qblade, and Autodesk Inventor. As a result, the blades can generate mechanical power at low wind speeds with a radius 1.1 m and hub 0.2 m and the chord length at the base of the blade 0.13 m and at the tip 0.26 with twist angle at the base of the blade 20.4  and at the tip 5.6 . The result of this research is to show that the inverse taper blade design is applicable in low wind speed conditions in order to produce an affordable, compact, and efficient wind turbine appropriate for wind characteristic in Pekanbaru.
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    Adsorption Isotherms of Hydrogen on Granular Activated Carbon Derived From Coal and Derived From Coconut Shell
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-07-01) Nasruddin, Nasruddin; Martin, Awaludin; Alhamid, Muhammad Idrus; Tampubolon, Daniel
    The development of adsorption-based storage systems requires a basic understanding of the isotherms over a wide range of pressure and temperatures for various types of adsorbents. This research is to generate experimental isothermal adsorption data for the adsorption of hydrogen gas on activated carbon. The adsorption apparatus is based on a volumetric method, and the experiments were conducted at temperatures ranging from 273 to 308 K and pressures up to 4 MPa. Two types of activated carbon, (i) a granular coal from Indonesia and (ii) a coconut-shell activated carbon that is produced in the laboratory, were used in the experiments. The experimental data are analyzed using the Langmuir, Toth, and Langmuir–Freundlich isotherm models
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    Preparation of Activated Carbon by Physical Activation with Rotary Autoclave
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-07-01) Martin, Awaludin; Suryawan, Bambang; Alhamid, M. Idrus; Nasruddin, Nasruddin; Senoadi, Senoadi
    The aim of this research is to produce activated carbon from Indonesian coal with rotary autoclave and the rotation of rotary autoclave is ± 6 rpm. In this research, after fill in the raw material to autoclave, activated carbon were produced with following processes: carbonization; coal were pyrolysed at temperature 300oC for 6 hour with flowed of oxygen and physical activation; After carbonization process coal were pyrolysed at temperature 950oC for 6 hour and CO2 were flowed into autoclave as activating agent up to 300 ml/minute. Iodine Number is a quality parameter of activated carbon was done at laboratory. The result of this research is the iodine number of activated carbon with vertical autoclave is higher than rotary autoclave. The maximum iodine number with vertical autoclave is 589.1 mg/g and with rotary autoclave is 247.63 mg/g.
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    Pengaruh Variasi Komposisi Campuran Bioetanol, Putaran Poros Dan Pemasangan Vacuum Tube Tipe 4y2 Terhadap Prestasi Pada Motor Bakar Bensin Empat Langkah Satu Selinder
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-06-01) Romy, Romy; Martin, Awaludin; Setiawan, Agus
    Pemanfaatan bioetanol sebagai bahan bakar alternatif yang dapat diperbaharui (renewable) merupakan salah satu langkah yang dapat dilakukan dalam menjaga ketersedian energi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi putaran poros, variasi komposisi campuran bahan bakar bensin dengan etanol dan pemasangan vacuum tube tipe 4Y2 terhadap komsumsi bahan bakar, torsi, daya poros dan efisiensi termal efektif. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian secara eksperimental. Penelitian ini menggunakan variasi putaran poros 500, 600, 700, dan 800 rpm serta variasi komposisi campuran bensin dengan etanol E0, E20 dan E40. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah motor bakar bensin dengan bahan bakar E20 dan E40 dan vacuum tube tipe 4Y2 menghasilkan komsumsi bahan bakar yang dibutuhkan lebih rendah, dan efisiensi thermal efektif lebih tinggi sedangkan dengan bahan bakar bensin murni menghasilkan torsi dan daya poros efektif lebih tinggi
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    Rancang Bangun Kondenser pada Pengering Beku Vakum
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-07-01) Kurniawan, Iwan; Martin, Awaludin; Mintarto, Mintarto
    Pengeringan ialah suatu cara atau proses untuk mengeluarkan atau menghilangkan sebagian atau seluruh air dari suatu bahan dengan cara menguapkan sebagian besar air yang dikandungnya dengan menggunakan energi. Faktor yang mempengaruhi laju pengeringan antara lain ialah temperatur, tekanan, laju aliran udara, luas permukaan bahan, kadar air bahan, komposisi kimia bahan. Pengeringan beku (freeze drying) adalah salah satu metode pengeringan yang mempunyai keunggulan dalam mempertahankan mutu hasil pengeringan, khususnya untuk produk-produk yang sensitif terhadap panas. Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan hilangnya kadar air pada bahan yang akan dikeringkan dengan melengkapi proses pengering beku vakum dengan proses penguapan (secondary drying) dengan memanfaatkan panas buang kondenser. Perhitungan dan pembuatan yang dilakukan menghasilkan kondenser dengan panjang tube 17,58 m dengan diameter bagian dalam tube 0,008 m dan diameter luar 0,0095 m dimana bahan tube yang dipilih adalah tembaga. Tube yang dibuat berbentuk helical coil dengan jumlah lilitan 41 lilitan dan ketinggiannya 0,6 m. Kondenser yang dirancang dan dibuat mampu menaikan temperatur air sampai dengan 40oC.
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    Pemanfaatan Panas Buang Kondenser pada Pengering Beku Vakum
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-07-01) Martin, Awaludin; Kurniawan, Iwan; Mintarto, Mintarto
    Teknologi pengeringan beku sangat berperan penting pada pengembangan dan produksi berbagai jenis produk inovatif terutama untuk keperluan ekspedisi luar angkasa, obat, vaksin, enzim, dan lain sebagainya. Pada prinsipnya berbagai bahan pangan yang cocok dan relatif mudah untuk proses pengeringan-beku adalah produk pangan larutan, lapis tipis daging, dan irisan buah dan sayuran, atau buah dan atau sayuran utuh yang berukuran kecil. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lanjutan pengering beku vakum dimana pada penelitian sebelumnya di peroleh bahwa kehilangan kadar air maksimum pada bengkuang sebesar 62% pada temperatur ruang pengering-18oC dengan tekanan 66,7 Pa selama 24 jam. Penelitian lanjutan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hilangnya kadar air pada bengkuang dengan melengkapi proses pengering beku vakum dengan proses penguapan (secondary drying) dengan memanfaatkan panas pada kondenser. Penelitian yang dilakukan menghasilkan kehilangan kadar air maksimum sebesar 84% pada temperatur bengkuang -9oC dengan waktu secondary drying selama 6 jam pada temperatur air yang dialirkan 40oC.
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    Adsorption Isotherms of CH4 on Activated Carbon from Indonesian Low Grade Coal
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-07-01) Martin, Awaludin; Loh, Wai Soong; Rahman, Kazi Afzalur; Thu, Kyaw; Surayawan, Bambang; Nasruddin, Nasruddin; Choon, Kim
    This article presents an experimental approach for the determination of the adsorption isotherms of methane on activated carbon that is essential for methane storage purposes. The experiments incorporated a constant-volume-variable-pressure (CVVP) apparatus, and two types of activated carbon have been investigated, namely, activated carbon derived from the low rank coal of the East of Kalimantan, Indonesia, and a Carbotech activated carbon. The isotherm results which cover temperatures from (300 to 318) K and pressures up to 3.5 MPa are analyzed using the Langmuir, T oth, and Dubinin-Astakhov (D-A) isotherm models. The heat of adsorption for the single component methane-activated carbon system, which is concentration- and temperature-dependent, is determined from the measured isotherm data.
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    Adsorpsi Isotermal Co2 Bertekanan Tinggi Pada Karbon Aktif Dengan Metoda Volumetrik
    (wahyu sari yeni, 2019-07-01) Martin, Awaludin; Suryawan, Bambang; Alhamid, Muhammad Idrus; Nasruddin, Nasruddin
    Sistem adsorpsi adalah salah satu cara atau metoda yang paling efektif untuk memisahkan CO2 dengan zat lainnya yang dihasilkan dari pembakaran bahan bakar fosil. Pada rancangan untuk aplikasi tersebut, disamping data karakteristik material berpori (adsorben), data penyerapan CO2 pada adsorben (kinetik dan thermodinamika) juga dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan data adsorpsi isotermal pada tekanan sampai dengan 3,5 MPa dengan menggunakan metoda tak langsung (metoda volumetrik) pada temperatur isotermal 300, 308, 318 dan 338 K. Adsorben yang digunakan adalah karbon aktif berbahan dasar batubara Kalimantan Timur yang diproduksi dengan menggunakan metode aktivasi fisika (CO2) derngan luas permukaan karbon aktif (karbon aktif KT) adalah 668 m2/g dan volume porinya 0,47 mL/g. Karbon dioksida (CO2) yang digunakan adalah karbon dioksida high purity dengan kemurnian 99,9%. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil eksperimen kemudian dikorelasi dengan menggunakan model persamaan Langmuir dan Toth. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kapasitas penyerapan maksimum adalah 0,314 kg/kg pada temperatur 300 K dan tekanan equilibrium 3384,69 kPa. Hasil regresi data eksperimen dengan menggunakan model Langmuir dan Toth adalah 3,4% dan 1,7%.