English Education


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    The Use Of Cooperative Learning Type Roundtable Technique To Improve The Ability Of The Second Year Students Of SMAN 10 Pekanbaru In Writing Hortatory Exposition Text
    (2013-08-01) Fajrin S, Verawati
    The purpose of this classroom action research was to investigate the effectiveness of cooperative learning type Roundtable technique in improving students’ ability in writing hortatory exposition text at SMAN 10 Pekanbaru. The participants of this research were 38 students of grade XI who had poor to average level of English proficiency. The data mainly gained from the writing test which was divided into pre-test and post-test. The findings indicated that Roundtable technique had a positive effect on the students’ writing ability particularly in each components of writing. It can be seen in the statistical analysis which showed that the mean score in the pre-test was 43,9, increased to 60,85 in post-test 1 and 76,37 in post-test 2. It was revealed that the use of Roundtable technique statistically improved students’ writing ability. Moreover, qualitative evidence showed that students within cooperative learning situation were actually making meaning for themselves and others. This classroom situation helped the researcher and the students conducted a creative, effective, and cooperative learning process. Roundtable technique was highly effective with creative writing and enjoyable brainstorming activities. This structure encourages responsibility for the group and team building.
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    The Use Of Jigsaw Iii Method To Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension Of The Second Year Students At SMP Negeri 10 Tapung
    (2013-08-01) Septiani, Tria
    This classroom action research is aimed to describe and to investigate whether Jigsaw III method can improve the students’s reading ability of SMP Negeri 10 Tapung. The participants were 25 students of the second year students SMP Negeri 10 Tapung. The data collection technique consisted of observation sheets, field notes, and tests. The research findings can be briefly explained as follows. First, the students reading ability could be improved by using Jigsaw III method. Before the research was done, the average score of the students reading ability was only 50.8. After the research one for cycle 1, it improved to 62.1. In cycle 2, it increased up to 70.4. Second, the students’ awareness in comprehending the texts. Jigsaw III method can improve students’ reading ability. Third, the teacher was able to apply Jigsaw III method to make the teaching process effective learning and it also helped students improve their reading ability and more active in learning process.
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    Using Number Head Together (NHT) Strategy to Improve the Ability of the Second Year Students of MTs Ann Najah Pekanbaru in Writing Recount Texts
    (2013-08-01) Harianda, Ridhotullah
    This paper aimed to what describe and investigate whether using Number Head Together (NHT) strategy can increase the ability of the second year students of MTs Ann Najah Pekanbaru in writing recount texts. The participants of this research were 18 students of the second year students of MTs Ann Najah Pekanbaru. This research was conducted in 2 cycles. The data collection technique were obtained through observation sheet, test and field note to obtain information about teacher, the student’ activities and performance during the implementation of NHT strategy. The research findings can be briefly explained as follows. First, the students’ ability in writing recount texts could be improved by using NHT strategy. Before the research was done, the mean score of students’ pre-test was 53.5. After the research has done for cycle 1, the mean score of students’ writing was 65.3. The result of post test showed that, the mean score of students’ writing was 74.9. Second, the students’ activeness increased from cycle 1 to cycle 2. Finally, Number head Together (NHT) strategy is an effective method to increase the students’ writing skill and give them opportunity to work in group and present their writing product.
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    The Use Of Video To Increase Students’ Vocabulary Mastery For First Year Students Of SMPN 2 Kuantan Hilir
    (2013-08-01) Kurnia, Wike
    This classroom action research was aimed to study the students’ vocabulary mastery for the first year students at SMPN 2 Kuantan Hilir by implementing video as a media. Teaching vocabulary must be easy and enjoyable for the students. It is intended so the students easy to keep the new words in their mind. One of the ways to learn or teach vocabulary is through video, which is more attractive and appealling to the foreign language learners than the traditional textbook. This research is based on the research question it focusing: Can the application of the video increase the vocabulary mastery of the first year students of SMPN 2 Kuantan Hilir? The results of data analysis revealed that using video could facilitate students’ vocabulary mastery. This study was conducted in two cycles of classroom treatment, each one cycle consists of four stages; Plannning, Action, Observation, and Reflection. The researcher took one class as participants of the study. They were 25 students in class VII 2 of SMPN 2 Kuantan Hilir. The data were analyzed by comparing the result of post test 1 and post test 2 and the minimum criteria of successful action (65). The average score of the first cycle was (62,8), it means that the average score of first cycle was still below the minimum criteria of successful action (65). After two cycles, the post test 2 was given to the students in order to know the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery after using video as a media. The result of average of post test 2 was 70,7. It can be said that the result of research in post test 2 was succesful because it was over than the minimum criteria of succesful. Moreover, the students’s activeness during the teaching and learning process also improved cycle by cycle. Finally, the researcher got the conclusion that the application of video as a media in learning vocabulary could increase the students’ vocabualry mastery. Using video helped the students to memorize the target words, the students also seemed to be able understand the words easily.
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    A Study On The Ability Of The Sixth Semester Students Of English Study Program Of FKIP Of Riau University In Identifying Theme And Elements Of Plot In The Short Stories
    (2013-08-01) Yuliza, Setra
    This is a descriptive research. The objective of the research is to find out the ability of the sixth semester students of English study program of FKIP of Riau University in identifying theme and elements of plot in the short stories and to identify the most difficult and easiest aspects for them. The research was conducted at English Study Program of Riau University from April up to June, in the academic year 2012-2013. The subjects of this research were 27 students of class B at English study program of Riau University. The writer took the sample by using cluster sampling. Before giving the real test, the writer did a try out to 27 students of class A to get validity and reliability of the test. After validating the instrument, the real test was given to the students. After collecting the data, the writer analyzed the result of the test by using statistical analysis as quoted from Wayan and Sunartana based on theme and elements of plot; exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. The analysis found that the mean score of the students in identifying theme was 49.37 which fell into Poor level. Moreover, in identifying elements of plot, the most difficult part for the students is in identifying exposition with the mean score 53.71 while the easiest part is resolution with the mean score 70.37. Finally, based on the data finding, the students’ ability in identifying theme and elements of plot was at Poor to Average level.
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    A Study On The Ability Of The Second Year Students Of SMAN 1 Kasikan Tapung Hulu, Kampar In Comprehending Narrative Text
    (2013-07-31) Masri
    This was a descriptive research. The specific objective of this research was to find out the ability of the second year students of SMAN 1 Kasikan Tapung Hulu, Kampar in comprehending Narrative Text. The research was conducted in the academic year of 2012 / 2013 at SMAN 1 Kasikan Hulu, Kampar. It is located on jalan kampung lama No.10 Desa Kasikan Kecamatan Tapung Hulu Kabupaten Kampar. The data of this research was collected from on April 2013. In this study, the researcher took the sample by using cluster sampling. Before the test was administered to the students, the researcher did a try out to the 40 students of XI.1 class to find out the validity and reliability of the test. After validating the instrument, the real test was administered to the students. The subjects of this research were 40 students of XI.1. After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the result to find out the ability of the second year students of SMAN 1 Kasikan Tapung Hulu, Kampar in comprehending Narrative Texts. The ability of the students was analyzed trough five components: finding factual information, reference, generic structure, language feature and social purpose.
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    The Ability Of Female And Male Of The Third Year Students Of English Study Program FKIP UR Pekanbaru In Writing A Synopsis Of Movie
    (2013-07-31) Surya, Mahadi
    The objective of this comparative research is to find out whether there is significant difference of the ability between female and male of the third year students of English Study Program FKIP UR Pekanbaru in writing a synopsis of movie. The problem that the writer intends to discusss in this paper is concerned with the writing ability. The reason for choosing movie as the media in writing synopsis because this audio-visual could be understood easily by the students because they could watch, hear and comprehend the storyline directly. So the students require paying more attention and concentration about the problems in writing synopsis. Besides, it can give a contribution to other teachers to confer some information in choosing the appropriate method in teaching. By doing this research, the writer assumed that the students have comprehended about writing synopsis. Based on the research finding, it is clear that female students’ achievement is different from male students where females are better than males in language learning which is also evidenced by some theories, namely Oxford (2002) states that “females are superior in verbal skills, while males are superior in spatial skills. In other hand, in this research the students’ achievement in writing synopsis of movie, the writer found out: the score of female is higher than male in writing synopsis of movie and the theories from some researchers are true that female students are better than male students in language learning. The assumption of people that the female are better in writing is true. In this research, with the ranges score both of them are statistically (significant) in writing synopsis of movie.
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    (2013-07-30) Dhela, Dyka S
    The main part of learning a language is the language skill. In learning English, the students will learn four language skills, namely: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Reading is considered as an important aspect in language learning, reading is a process of decoding message which readers own experience and knowledge. In teaching learning process, reading is a must for students in adding knowledge.Without having reading skill, it will be useless for the student to follow the class and they will be lack of knowledge.The problem that the writer intends to discuss in this paper is concerned with the reading ability of the second year students of MAN 1 Pekanbaru. The observation and interview which were conducted in pre research showed that the English text is difficult to be understood by the students for they did not have a sufficient reading skill to comprehend the texts. It is happened because the students are lack of enthusiasm in involving themselves in the English lesson and lack of vocabularies that make them difficult in interpreting and understanding the message of the text. To solve the problem, the teacher should improve her teaching technique from the old method to the new one. Steven & Slavin (1995) mention that problem of reading can be solved by doing Cooperative Integrated Reading and composition (CIRC). The reason for choosing the method because, it could help the teachers to create a very good way in teaching English. The teacher should utilize a teaching method that is attracting to teach reading. Which includes materials, comfortable environment, self-confidence teachers, etc. In other words, the better the teachers in using this strategy, the more interest the students in reading subject.
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    Using Pictures To Increase Students’ Ability In Writing Procedure Text By The First Year Of MTsN Andalan Pekanbaru
    (2013-07-30) Herliyati, Diah
    Using pictures is a method that is employed to enable the learners to think inductively. Pictures enable to interact with the people. It can used in many skills. One of the possible ways of increasing writing ability is by using pictures. This article is based on the research finding in answering the questions: Can picture increase the writing ability of the first year students of MTsN Andalan Pekanbaru? While the second, how is the effectiveness of applying pictures in teaching writing for the first year students of MtsN Andalan Pekanbaru? This study is classroom action research which was conducted in two cycles. The proficiency test (Pre-Test and Post-Tests) was administered as a guidance, and also a set of observation sheets was used to gain the record of the classroom activity during the using pictures treatment. The participants were 35 students of VII-2 at MTsN Andalan Pekanbaru. Based on the findings, it was discovered that there had been improvement of writing ability of the first year students at grade VII of MtsN Andalan Pekanbaru in the Academic Year of 2012/2013 where about 23 students or 65.71% reached the minimum criteria of achievement (KKM), 75. The effectiveness of applying this strategy indicates from the average score of pre-test is 69.27, while the average score of first post-test is 72.57 and and it increases into 76.06 in second post-test. It showed that the students had positive attitudes towards in teaching writing by using pictures where they enjoy in learning writing and become active in every meeting based on the observation sheets result. Thus, the researcher suggested English teachers should be applied this technique to improve writing ability in order to help the learners enjoy and write better, and also makes the instructional process more active.
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    A Study On The Ability Of The Third Year Students Of SMPN 2 Kuantan Hilir In Comprehending Narative Text
    (2013-07-30) Susanti, Deci
    This descriptive research was aimed at knowing the ability of the third year students of SMPN2 kuantan hilir in comprehending narrative texts. In other words, it is intended to investigate a variety of educational problems. This study consists of one variable. A set of test is given to get the students scores. There are 30 items in the test, and the duration is 60 minutes in which the students needed to answer the questions. Before the test is given to the sample of the research, from the participant it has been tried out to 30 students class VIII I and real test 30 students class VIII 2 of SMPN2 Kuantan Hilir to check whether it is valid and reliable. The result of this research showed that the ability of the third year students SMPN2 Kuantan Hilir in comprehending narrative texts fall into Average to good level because the mean score was 64.8. It means that the students have ability in comprehending narrative text, but they still got problem in comprehending this kind of text. Based on the research, there are some suggestions of the research; the writer hopes that this study gives valuable contribution to the students, and for the teacher and readers in term of reading comprehension especially reading narrative text which include five components of reading comprehension. And the writer has recommended for English teacher and Researcher considering that the students’ ability level in comprehending narrative text are at “average to good” level, it is suggested that the students must to do more practice in reading, read any book to improve reading skills, especially in guessing meaning of vocabulary and finding factual information and main idea of the text well
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    The Application Of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) To Improve Students Reading Comprehension In Narative Text Of The Second Year Students At SMPN 3 Pekanbaru
    (2013-07-30) Ramayanti, Amilia W
    This classroom action research was aimed to study the improvement on reading compehension in narative text of the second year students at SMPN 3 Pekanbaru by implementing the Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR). The writer took one class as participants of the study. They were 40 students in class VIII4 of SMPN 3 Pekanbaru. The study was conducted in two cycles which each had 3 meetings. After three meetings, the writer had given a test which was done to know the students’ reading comprehension. The writer continued the action to the second cycle, because the result of the first one was not successful yet. The post test 2 was given to the students in order to know the improvement in students’ reading comprehension in narative text after Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR). The data were analyzed by comparing the result of post test 1 and post test 2 and the minimum criteria of successful action (75). The average score of the first cycle was (68,6), it means that the average score of first cycle was still below the minimum criteria of successful action (75) and below the average score of second cycle (79,7). It can be said that the result of research in post test 2 was succesful because it was over than the minimum criteria of succesful. Moreover, the students’s activeness during the teaching and learning process also improved cycle by cycle. Finally, the writer got the conclusion that the use of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) gave positive contributions and better outcomes to improve students reading comprehension in narative text and made the students challenge to be involved in a discussion actively.
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    A Study On The Ability Of The Second Year Students Of SMA Pgri Pekanbaru In Comprehending Hortatory Exposition Texts
    (2013-07-17) Ulan Dari, Putri
    The study aimed to find out the ability of the second year students in comprehending hortatory exposition texts. This research was conducted at SMA PGRI Pekanbaru on May to June 2013. The participants were 36 students of class XI IA 3 of SMA PGRI Pekanbaru. The data were collected by using multiple choices test. The writer administered a try out to another class before the test was administered. There were 5 items being revised after doing the try out. 2 items revised because their facility value scores were lower than 0.30 (difficult), and 3 items being revised because their facility value scores were higher than 0.70 (easy). The result of this study showed that the students’ mean score in comprehending hortatory exposition text was 63.1. So, it can be concluded that the students’ ability was in “good” level. Based on the result of the students’ ability in each of reading comprehension component, the most difficult component of reading comprehension for the students was making inference and the easiest one was identifying reference.
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    Improving The Speaking Ability Of The Second Year Students Of MTS Al-Muhajirin Tapung By Using Information Gap Activities
    (2013-07-17) Dewi, Ratna
    This action research is aimed at improving the speaking ability of MTS Al-Muhajirin Tapung by using information gap activities. In other words, it is intended to solve some of educational problems especially in speaking skill. This research consisted of two cycles, before the researcher go to the first cycle. First, the researcher started the activity by giving students the pre-test. It was done to know the general ability of students in speaking before conducting information gap activities. Second, the researcher conducted the teaching of speaking by using information gap activities and giving post test I after treatments in first cycle ( 2 meetings ) The last, because of the score did not achieve the Minimum Criteria of Achievement, the researcher conducted to the second cycle to the students by using information gap activities and giving post test 2 after treatments in second cycle( 2 meetings ). Finally, the result of this research showed that the speaking ability of the second year students of MTS Al-Muhajirin Tapung increased from mediocre level to good level. The last, the researcher concluded that by using information gap activities, teacher can apply it to make students enjoy and interest in learning English especially in speaking class. So it can be a kind solution for the teachers to use information gap activities in the classroom
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    Using Task - Based Learning To Improve The Ability Of The Second Year Students Of SMA Negeri 1 Bangkinang In Reading Narrative Texts
    (2013-07-17) Yuliana
    This classroom action research aimed to describe and to investigate whether Task-Based Learning can increase the ability of SMA Negeri 1 Bangkinang in reading ability. The participants were 31 students of the second year students of SMA Negeri 1 Bangkinang. The data collection technique consisted of observation, field note and tests. The research findings can be briefly explained as follows. First, the students reading ability could be improved by using Task-Based Learning method. Before the research was done, the average score of the students reading ability was only 50.4. After the research one for cycle I, it improved to 61.1. Cycle 2, it increased up to 77.2. Second, the students’ interest and motivation also increased. These can be seen from the increasing of students’ awareness in comprehending the texts. Task-Based Learning method can improve students’ reading ability. Third, in teaching learning process, students can work together, discuss, share information, get mutual understanding, as well as give mutual support to get the objectives. Forth, the teacher was able to apply Task-Based Learning method to make the teaching process effective. learning and it also helped students improve their reading ability and more active in learning process.
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    A Study On The Ability Of The Fifth Semester English Study Program Students Of FKIP UR In Writing Argumentative Essays
    (2013-07-17) Pebriyanti, Fenny
    Writing in college often takes the form of persuasion. It should be convincing, interesting, and attracting readers. In college, course assignments often ask students to make a persuasive case in writing such as analytical essay, expository essay, and argumentative essay. One kind of essays that is important and useful in academic life is argumentative essay. In this kind of essay, students are asked to convince the readers of their points of view. This article is based on descriptive research which focuses on checking the ability of the fifth semester students in writing argumentative essay.
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    Using Real Objects Through Discussion To Improve The Speaking Ability Of The Second Year Students Of SMPN 11 Pekanbaru In Describing Things
    (2013-07-17) Amelia, Ayu; Sally
    The problem of this research is how to improve the speaking ability of the second year students of SMPN 11 Pekanbaru in describing things using real objects. The research was guided by a conceptual framework leading to the use of real objects through discussion to improve their motivation to speak English during the classroom communication interaction. This is an action research. The subject consists of 35 second year students of SMPN 11 Pekanbaru in 2012-2013 academic year. The research data were collected using the pre-test (before the treatments) and the post-test (after the treatments in three meetings), and observation concerning on the students’ motivation in describing things using real objects. Their speaking ability will be analyzed using five components: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. The study concluded that using real objects through discussion as a teaching strategy variation can improve the students’ speaking ability in describing things.
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    Using Sq3r Strategy To Improve The Students’ Reading Comprehension Of Expository Text At The Second Year Students Of SMAN 10 Pekanbaru
    (2013-06-26) khairunnisa'
    The aim of this research was to know whether SQ3R strategy can improve students’ reading comprehension of expository text at the second year students of SMAN 10 Pekanbaru. Expository/Exposition text is a piece of writing that tries to convince the readers to agree with the author’s viewpoint by analyzing a certain issue within the text. Communicative purposes of this text are to persuade the readers by presenting arguments and analyzing how and why arguments given. The researcher was helped by a collaborator in conducting this research. The researcher used reading test to see the improvement of students’ reading comprehension on each cycle, while observation sheets and field notes was used to reflect teacher and students activities. The research started from March 12, until May 13, 2013. At the beginning of cycle 1 the average score of the students’ reading comprehension was 46.67. At the end of cycle 1, it improved to 57.26, at the end of cycle 2 it improved to 75.24, and at the end of cycle 3 it improved to 79.88. The factors of SQ3R strategy that influence the students’ reading comprehension are: (1) activation of background knowledge; (2) making inference; (3) having rich experience. Based on research finding, it was concluded that SQ3R strategy can improve students’ reading comprehension at the second year students’ of SMAN 10 Pekanbaru.
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    A Study On The Speaking Ability Of The Second Year Students Of MTS Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru In Retelling Favorite Holiday
    (2013-06-26) Lestari, Mela
    Speaking is one of the language productive skills learned by students for communication. The students must be able to speak well, in order to pass ideas to listeners affectively so they can communicate well. But some problems appear in learning speaking, particularly in speaking English. In this research, the writer wants to know the student’s speaking ability of the second year students of MTS Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru in retelling their favorite holiday in recount text. It was conducted from March 18, 2013 to April 8, 2013. The participants were the second year students of Mts Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru, particularly class VIII A2 and the number of the students was 38. It is a descriptive research. The writer gives the instruments for the students in collecting data. The data will be scored by three raters for each student, and the scores of the three raters will be totaled and then divide by three, so that the writer know the student’s speaking ability.
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    A Study On The Second Year Students’ability Of Smpn 1 Cerenti In Reading Comprehension
    (2013-06-24) Mailisa, Rezka
    This was a descriptive research. The specific objective of this research was to find out the ability of the second year students of SMPN 1 Cerenti in reading comprehension. The research was conducted in the academic year of 2012 / 2013 at SMPN 1 Cerenti. It is located on Jalan Raya Cerenti. The data of this research was collected from March to April 2013. In this study, the researcher took the sample by using cluster sampling. Before the test was administered to the students, the researcher did a try out to the 30 students of VIII5 class to find out the validity and reliability of the test. After validating the instrument, the real test was administered to the students. The subjects of this research were 30 students of class VIII5. After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the result to find out the ability of the second year students of SMPN 1 Cerenti in reading comprehension. The ability of the students was analyzed trough five components: finding main ideas, finding factual information, finding the meaning of vocabulary in context, identifying references, and identifying inferences.
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    A Study On The Ability Of The Second Year Students Of Madrasah Aliyah Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru Writing Report Text
    (2013-06-10) Aditya
    This research was conducted to find out the ability of the second year students of Madrasah Aliyah Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru in writing report texts. The subjects of this research were 38 students. This research was descriptive conducted from December 2012 to January 2013. The data were obtained through a writing test. The findings of the research showed that the ability of the second year students of Madrasah Aliyah Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru in writing report texts fell into mediocre level. It could be seen from the mean score of the students which is 59.12. Based on the result findings related to the students’ ability in writing report texts, it was suggested to English teachers to improve their teaching strategies so that the students can get better understanding and result especially regarding report texts