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    (2015-12-12) Fitriah, Dini; A Ratna; S. Mira Dharma
    Film academy’s design is based on creative industry developing. Film academy purpose to develop and improve human resource that distributed to the creation of creativities, concepts, and ideas. Film academy must be able to potray an institution that leading user to think creatively or producing a brilliant ideas.This potray can be expressed through the building even interior to show the fantasy or imagination. Fasade at the film academy building will be designed to be able to provide a potray of creativity spirit for students. In addition the design film academy also have a practice facility in accordance with film activities with academic atmosphere. Film academy can be embodied with postmodern architecture style. Postmodern architecture emerged as a reaction to reject the demands of modern building to reflected as a unity. Building of film academy tried to show and display the conflicting styles, shapes, and patterns. The architecture design method that used in film academy consists of, first representative method, second hybrid, or both and which applied to the architecture elements. This method is taken from Klotz and Venturi’s Theory. From the theory and method that have used in the design the conclusion is the potray of design film academy can be displayed with fictional representative and academic facility designed to applied a postmodern characters in architectural elements.
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    (2015-12-12) Pryanto, Nanda; H Wahyu; Rijal M
    Bengkalis Science Center Building is an infrastructure that works as the science center in Bengkalis. Bengkalis Science Center Building also works as the place to learn many things about science. The planning of Bengkalis Science Center Building is prepared in Bengkalis City, which incidentally is the area which has many nature potentials and character as the strong Riau Malay cultured region. In the planning of Bengkalis Science Center Building, the design approach which was applied puts forward the green architecture and contextual aspect with the host malay culture without regarding the functional aspect as a Science Center. The election of Green Architecture theme in the planning of Bengkalis Science Center Building is that the planned building can be more synergy in efforts of the enviromental conservation.In addition, there are some Malay ornaments and carvings which were adopted in this planning, among which : Selembayung, Motif Pucuk Rebung, Lebah Begayut, and other kind of carvings to be realized in field’s form or space, without forgetting the functional aspect as a place of Science Center in Bengkalis City.
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    (2015-12-11) Mudin, Hasim; Djauhari Zulfikar; Yuniarto Enno
    Masonry wall considered to be burden in the a planning. That assumption is correct, but will change if there is horizontal force (quack). Existence of lateral force effected wall have interaction with portal and this matter will have effect to inflexibility of structure, this matter necessitate characteristic masonry wall need to be brought into play in the a plan. At the moment many building development using underside as place of business and upper with partition (cladding), this matter make the structure relative stiffer on the top. Effect of masonry wall which unevenness alterable become structure that having disrepair mechanism soft-storey. Analysis done to two objects test that is RM-A and RM-B. From result analysis with equation ACI to two objects test obtained force of compression (axial) equal to 107,2 kN and 108,4 kN with deflection 1,794 mm and 1,79 mm. analysis with equation Euro code obtained force of compression equal to 298,76 kN and 302,72 kN with movement 4,99 and 5,165 mm. Verification with RAM Element program for force of compression 270 kN and 330 kN obtained movement equal to 1,22 mm and 7,05 mm. Whereas from experimental study which there have been obtained force of compression equal to 248,23 kN and 333,83 and kN with movement 8,91 mm and 11,07 mm.
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    (2015-12-11) R, Tessa Rahmita; Taufik Hendra
    Inventory planning of raw material ready mix concrete is an activity to plan the amount of raw material needs at a particular time of the production process of ready mix concrete. The purpose of this study is to plan raw material requirement and cost of supplies ready mix concrete at the PT. Riau Sarana Beton in 2013 through 2017. The initial steps to plan for supplies of raw materials are analyzed with the SPSS forecasting. After it carried inventory planning of raw materials by using the Q method and the P method. As a research results obtained in each year forecasting that ready mix concrete demand is constantly increasing. In planning the amount of raw material ready mix concrete in 2013 through 2017 is for a number of 129.532.183 kg of Semen Padang, a number of 240.943 m3 of gravel and sand a number of 225.297 m3, so we get the raw material inventory costs are minimal by using Q amounting to Rp 297,737,361,050.
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    (2015-12-11) Ridwan, Mohammad; Darmayanti Lita; Handayani Yohanna Lilis
    Throwing domestic waste water directly to the drainage without treatment had caused the water pollution. The effect of water pollution can disturb the health and water biota. One of simple technology to decrease the pollutant in the water is constructed wetland. This research is aimed to know the effectivity of Free Surface Constructed Wetland with water bamboo (Equisetum Hymale) and peat in processing the hotel waste water. The research used constructed wetland. The quality parameter of water that was tested are pH, COD, TSS. Statistic calculation that was used in this research is one way Anova (Analysis of variance) .The result of the research showed that the constructed wetland with peat and water bamboo (Equisetum Hymale) resulted the highest effeciency in decreasing pH from 8.5 to 6 or 29.41% , COD from 97.7 mg/l to 43 mg/l or 55.98% , and TSS from 447.90 mg/l to 66.00 mg/l or 85.26%. Constructed wetland with the media of peat and without using the plant resulted the highest effeciency in decreasing pH from 8.5 to 6.5 or 23.53% , COD from 250 mg/l to 173 mg/l or 30.8% , and TSS from 447.90 to 79.20 mg/l or 82.32% All result showed that constructed wetland can improve the quality of the waste water.
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    (2015-12-11) Ikhsan, M; H Wahyu; A Pedia
    Children’s hospital is one of the special hospital which is the place and medical care institutions that hold the children specialist medical services, child medical support services, installation services and services on an outpatient basis and hospitalization which has been adapted to the characteristic and the physical and mental state of children. In design of a children’s hospital, the important things that should be considered is hospitalization in children. Hospitalization is a process because of planned or emergency reasons, that requires the children to stay in the hospital get the therapy and treatment until their return back home with a variety of feelings that often appear in children, the anxiety, anger, sadneess, fear and guilt. To solve the problems of hospitalizations in children in needs to performed architectural approach behavior with the concept of a Hierarchy of Human Needs (Hirarki Kebutuhan Manusia) which are the needs of every human being, this requirment consists of physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, ego needs, and honor, as well as the needs of love and cherished.
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    (2014-11-02) Hafiz, Jodi Ahmed; A Ratna; S Mira Dharma
    Drugs rehabilitation center is a place to rehabilitate people that use drugs. Moreover, drugs rehabilitation center is a place to stop drugs user dependency. Many drugs users have unusuall behaviors. This behaviour appears after they use drugs. Some researchers found that behaviours are related to behavior architecture and environment. Many issues around architecture such as site design and circulation, mass organisation, and building psychological will be main problems of rehabilitation. This behaviours directing will be implemented to building design. In method of designing behaviour, architectural issues and behaviour issues is laid on basis of data. Combination of both issues will be treated to be model concept architecture. This concept will be used as reference design to build drugs rehabilitation center. Based on the problem designing, there are some summaries as follows: (1) Site design of drugs rehabilitation center are designed to get a nice nature of views. (2) Mass organisation are designed to have crosswise shape that make buildings get enough sunshines and aerations. (3) Drugs patient has to follow rehabilitation step from isolation room in medic rehabilitation unit to public park for raise up confident of drugs patient to make interaction with society.
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    (2014-11-02) Sari, Desy Fransiska; H Wahyu; A. Pedia
    On resort design in North Rupat, it use contextual architecture theme. Resort is place that used by both domestic and foreign tourist for taking a rest. Contextual architecture is a design which the context is design building with providing enough visualization between old building and new building for making cohesive effect. North Rupat has one of the beautiful beach natural resources and mangrove tour. Therefore, in this resort design the place selected is North Rupat located in Bengkalis Regency Riau Province, with the purpose to develop tourism in Riau Province. Problem contained in the site is contextual resort design, resort design which show existing view, circulation management, resort mass arrangement. The objectives are to give view on every resort mass, design contextual mass, design site and circulation which directing tourists. The method that used in this design is analysis method consist of environment analysis, functional analysis and contextual analysis. Thus, contextual resort design is design which notice around environment aspect and values that can develop design. Along create cohesive effect between old building and designed building.
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    (2013-08-26) Yuliana, Rizqi; Muhardi; Ferry, Fatnanta
    POFA is an agrowaste ash which is produced from fibers, nut shells, and empty fruit bunches when burnt at temperatures of about 800-10000C in boiler. The production of POFA is rising every year, it is disposed for landfills, now become an important environmental disposal issue. A large area is required for the disposal of these POFA waste materials. The landfill of POFA is the problem for the palm oil industry when it is not reused for any work. POFA contains a large amount of silicon dioxide with high pozzolanic reactivity and has high potential to be used in any engineering work. This research examined POFA characteristics in geotechnical application and its influence by curing periods on 0, 7 and 28 days. In this paper, physical and mechanical characteristics of POFA in geotechnical work will be shown. The chemical composition of POFA prove the existence of SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and CaO as important substances supporting pozzolan reaction during cured. The result shows that the characteristic of POFA has similar behaviour with sands. Coefficient of permeability decreased during curing periods. Besides, cohesion shear strength, angle of friction, cohesion undrained, and CBR value are improve during curing periods.
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    (2013-07-27) Idris, Mahendra; Kurniawandy Alex; Fatra Warman
    According to SNI 07-2052-2002 in tensile test on concrete reinforcing steel rolled skin should not be removed, so it is not profitable for institutions that provide services because does not have the tensile test machine with a large capacity. This study was conducted to find out the effect if the diameter of the specimen is reduced in tensile testing. This test compares the applicable standard SNI 07-2052-2002 with the following diameter rebars SNI 07-2529-1991 and ASTM E8 M, to find a comparison the value of the yield and tensile specimens. SNI 07-2052-2002 mention that yield value for U 40 can not be less than 390 N/mm2 and tensile values for U 40 is not less than 500 N/mm2. Based on research, the use of standard SNI 07-2529-1991 and ASTM E8 M if viewed from the value Yield (390-480 N/mm2) and Tensile (600-688 N/mm2) still resides in the Standard SNI 07-2052-2002 range.
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    (2013-07-27) Kusuma, Ilham Jaya
    This study aims to determine the optimum levels of fly ash to cement that can be used in normal quality concrete (f’c 10, f’c 17.5, f’c 25) and study the effect of fly ash on compressive strength test, absorption, porosity, and shrinkage of concrete. Percentage of fly ash used each with a variation of 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% by weight of cement. The results showed that the use of fly ash on compressive strength testing of concrete quality on all three types of plans tend to decrease the compressive strength of concrete. Decrease in compressive strength increases with the addition of fly ash in the concrete mix. Based on test results obtained composition compressive strength concrete mix with the optimum use of fly ash is 30% on each of the quality of concrete plans. The use of fly ash in concrete mixtures tend to increase absorption, porosity, and shrinkage of concrete.
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    (2013-07-27) Isnaini, Yunan; Sutikno Sigit; Handayani Yohanna Lilis
    Limitations on the completeness and accuracy of the data become the problem to analyzing and to perform hydrological modeling. One attempt to overcome this problem is to use analytics programs satellite rainfall data, it is Integrated Flood Analysis System (IFAS). IFAS program is quite effective and efficient to simplify or approximating of an actual reality hydrological phenomena. This study took place at the sub-watershed Indragiri, Pulau Berhalo. Utilization of satellite rainfall data in this study was simplified in the form of models. The model was simulated and calibrated with rainfall-runoff period from 1 January to 31 December 2004 and was validated with period 1 January to 31 December 2006. Modeling become optimal after the calibration process with the correlation (R) value of 0,65, volume error (VE) of 3,34%, and the coefficient of efficiency (CE) of 1,06. This showed that the model has a substansial realeted with the measured data (0,4 0,75).
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    (2013-07-27) Khalifatullah, Edhy; Sutikno Sigit; Rinaldi
    Southern coast of Java Island is one of the areas that susceptible of Tsunami wave impact. Pacitan city topography which located around bay area makes it become one of the city with high risk of water influx if Tsunami happen. Thus, Shelter evacuation is necessary to protect citizens from the impact of Tsunami wave.To minimalize number of victims, government has determined ‘the safety zone’ as a temporary shelter if Tsunami happens. However it is located outside Tsunami coverage area according to the map that published by Mardiatno (2008). After evacuation drill is performed at existing shelter, it has been identified that majority of residents did not have enough time to reach the nearest shelter point (using various scenarios and different timeframe). There are only 22.93% - 71.28% of residents that successfully reached the shelter.Ineffective evaluation result will possibly increase the number of Tsunami victims. Therefore, it is recommended that the nearby area should have at least 45 shelters (public places or mosques) and located within the submergence area, thus, required time for evacuation is lesser. With the support of ArcGIS software, shelter is analyzed by building service area for each shelter based on the required time to perform evacuation and maximum distance. After implementation, number of residents that have enough time to reach evacuation point is increased to 80.22% - 83.09%. In conclusion, recommended shelter is more effective than the existing shelter in Pacitan area.
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    (2013-07-26) Mudin, Hasim; Djauhari Zulfikar; Yuniarto Enno
    Generally masonry wall (brick) considered to be burden (non-structure) in the a planning. That assumption is correct, but will change if there is horizontal force (quack). Existence of lateral force effected wall have interaction with portal and this matter will have effect to inflexibility of structure, this matter necessitate characteristic masonry wall need to be brought into play in the a plan. At the moment many building development using underside as place of business and upper with partition (cladding), this matter make the structure relative stiffer on the top. Effect of masonry wall which unevenness alterable become structure that having disrepair mechanism soft-storey. Analysis done to two objects test that is RM-A and RM-B. From result analysis with equation ACI to two objects test obtained force of compression (axial) equal to 107,2 kN and 108,4 kN with deflection 1,794 mm and 1,79 mm. analysis with equation Euro code obtained force of compression equal to 298,76 kN and 302,72 kN with movement 4,99 and 5,165 mm. Verification with RAM Element program for force of compression 270 kN and 330 kN obtained movement equal to 1,22 mm and 7,05 mm. Whereas from experimental study which there have been obtained force of compression equal to 248,23 kN and 333,83 and kN with movement 8,91 mm and 11,07 mm.
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    (2013-07-25) Saputra, Wirya; Fauzi Manyuk; Siswanto
    The needs of clean water in Pasir Pengaraian City increasing in line with population growth and urban growth. Water supply systems that are currently held by BPAB still have the problem with the lack of service coverage. Therefore, the existence of Lubuk Batang River is expected to be a solution to overcome these problems. This study uses IHACRES in modelling flow discharge, which in calibration stage generated the R2 value of 0,437 with a bias 53,131 mm/year. Analysis for the availability of water is done by analyzing the mainstay of river discharge (Q90%) based on the average annual discharge that produced the flagship in 2005. Mainstay discharge occurred in January 2005 amounted to 260,8 m3/sec and smallest discharge in June 2005 was 30,5 m3/sec. Analysis of water needs is projected to the population growth in the next 10 years, produced the total water demand for the Pasir Pengaraian City’s (Rambah District) service area at the beginning of the projection year (2012) that is equal to 0,0491 m3/second (49,082 liters/sec), while the total requirement water at the end of the projection year (2022) amounted to 0,066 m3/second (65,962 liters/sec). The analysis showed that the available flow at Batang Lubuk River very inadequate even exceed the total water demand in the area of service coverage.
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    (2013-07-24) Putra, Ade; Sutikno Sigit; Trimaijhon
    Tsunamis are ocean waves that can be caused by earthquakes, landslides or volcanic eruptions that occur at sea either vertically or horizontally. Waters south of Java island is characterized by active seismicity, earthquakes often cause tsunamis to watch, especially in densely populated coastal areas. This is a potential major disaster for the Cilacap city, it takes effort for a more integrated disaster response. Effective evacuation planning is an effort to minimize the possible impact of the tsunami will occur. Building evacuation shelter for tsunami are analyzed by using existing Network Analyst extention in ArcGIS software. Network analyst extention will generate a service area of population for evacuation safely. The results show that the potential shelter in the Cilacap city apparently not be able to cover all the areas that are in tsunami-prone zones. To overcome this, the addition of a potential shelter building have to be include on all inundated area. Tsunami evacuation maps of network analysis result has a character that is on tsunami early warning period, the longer the warning time, the shorter the evacuation time it self, the resulting service area will be smaller as well.
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    (2013-07-19) Harison, Victor
    Methods of soil improvement by using reinforcement was first introduced by Vidal (1966) and shown to reduce the deformation of both vertical and lateral directions. With previous research on the basis of pull test on soil reinforcement materials, there are other alternatives to conduct similar research with natural ingredients such as reinforcement materials. One of the natural ingredients that have not been used as a reinforcement material is rattan. While the type of soil used was sandy soil. Chosen considering the availability rattan material is so abundant in Indonesia. Association of Indonesian Rattan Furniture and Craft (2011) stated that Indonesia is the largest cane-producing countries in the world. Approximately 85 percent of the raw materials produced by Indonesian rattan. Used for this kind of rattan is Sega (Callamus Caesius) diameter of 8 mm. The purpose of this study was to test how much resistance rattan pull as reinforcement in reinforced soil structures at various levels of changes in water content, and the normal force is given above. Pull out resistance value of the soil reinforcement consists of longitudinal reinforcement frictional resistance and bearing capacity resistance on transverse reinforcement. Frictional resistance rattan reinforcement would be worth the higher ground when the water content of sand are in optimum condition (15%) with a note that the addition of normal stress has reached 0.05 kg/cm2 when laboratory testing. Bearing capacity value of resistance per unit area of rattan reinforcement will be highest when the soil water content of sand on the wet side of optimum conditions (16.5%) with the consideration of taking the maximum value of which does not have a broken rattan reinforcement of 3.422 kg/cm2
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    (2013-07-19) Age; Djauhari Zulfikar; Iskandar R.S
    In this final analysis compared the characteristics of two models of unreinforced walls (URM) given axial load and lateral load (earthquake). Analysis was performed referring to ACI Standards and Euro Code, and compare with the RAM program V8.i Element and Experimental tests have been done by (Djauhari and Ridwan, 2011). Analysis was performed on a given wall axial loads and lateral loads to get the magnitude of the compressive strength of the wall and the displacement that occurs in the wall. The analysis showed that for the calculation using the standard ACI showed that the wall had given load displacement 50% smaller than the experimental test. As for the RAM program Element analysis using the results obtained are very close to the experimental test results.
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    (2013-07-17) Hasan, Hasniati; Sutikno Sigit; Fauzi Manyuk
    The use of modeling techniques in hydrology research is now highly developed. It can be seen from the increasing number of hydrologic modeling that appears along with the development of knowledge and the advancement of computer technology. IFAS is a remote sensing program that was developed by a research institution of the Japanese public works called the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM). the IFAS system has several parameters are initially set to default parameter values based on the data downloads from the satellite. This parameter is then calibrated by using a reference from the local hydrological data observed (measured data). If we do not have measured data then must use the default parameter values. Rain hydrological modeling process is carried out in the watershed flow Lubuk Ambacang with data length for 1 Januari until 31 Desember 2004 and then was validated with data length for 1 January until 31 December 2006. Modeling become optimal after the calibration process with the correlation (R) value of 0,717, volume error (VE) of 3,13%, and the coefficient of efficiency (CE) of 0,89. This showed that the model has a high degree of association with the measured data (0,7
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    ANALISA KEANDALAN SISTEM KESELAMATAN BANGUNAN TERHADAP BAHAYA KEBAKARAN (Studi Kasus Gedung Surya Dumai Group dan Bank Tabungan Negara Kota Pekanbaru)
    (2013-07-16) Safriandi; Trikomara Rian; Sebayang Mardani
    Fires can occur anytime and anywhere. No workplace can be guaranteed to be free of risk (immune) from fire hazards. Fires in the workplace can bring many consequences which adversely affects both parties nagi employers, workforce and wider community. The impact of fire incidents in the workplace can lead to loss of life, loss of material, loss of jobs and alain indirect losses, especially if there is a fire on the vital objects can impact more broadly. Consequently picture above is a very valuable lesson for the board of supervision K3 especially in the field of fire prevention. At the end of this task is to identify availability and spesific existing fire protection systems in buildings Surya Dumai Group Pekanbaru City and State Savings Bank (BTN) Pekanbaru. Components were identified, namely completeness footprint, the means of salvation, active protection system and passive protection system. Reliability assessment system for fire safety of buildings is done by check-list method using direct survey of the building. The results in the form of value system reliability against fire safety of buildings (NKSKB) in buildings Surya Dumai Group with 22,19% tread completeness assessment, system safety means 15.32%, 19.79% active protection system and passive protection system 21.74%. The level of reliability of fire protection systems in buildings Surya Dumai Group as a whole is "Enough" with a percentage of 79.04%. The results in the form of value system reliability against fire safety of buildings (NKSKB) in buildings Savings Bank Negara (BTN) Pekanbaru with 20.89% tread completeness assessment, system safety means 18.25%, 15.80% active protection system and 19.19% passive protection system.The level of reliability of fire protection systems in buildings Surya Dumai Group as a whole is "Enough" with a percentage of 74.13%.