5. Proceeding of The 3rd International Seminar of Fisheries and Marine Science 2014


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    Analysis and Strategy Business Development Mariculture (Keramba Cage) in the Sialang Pasung Village West Rangsang District Kepulauan Meranti Regency
    (2016-03-31) Yulinda, Eni; Arief, Hazmi
    The main objective of this research to analize the development of maintenance strategy for the marineculture efforts at Sialang Pasung Village, Kepulauan Meranti Regency. This research in particular has purpose to: Know contribution of fishery culture in Sialang Pasung Village, West Rangsang Subdistrict, Kepulauan Meranti Regency. Analize marine culture efforts and the management of fishery efforts in Kepulauan Meranti Regency. Analize congruent development of the potential, opportunity and the constraint of fishery culture in Kepulauan Meranti Regency. The analysis was descriptive to the condition of marine culture in Sialang Pasung Village that dominate by aquaculture association’s (KONSIP) White Scout Fish (Lates calcarifer). White Scout Fish (Lates calcarifer) takes about 6-7 months to produce. In each production, 1 fish have weight about 1 kg – 0,7 kg. The average of White Scout Fish Production in Sialang Pasung Village is about 8.687,2 kg/harvest.Based of macro economy analysis, fishery are basic sector that give important influence for Kepulauan Meranti Regency economics matter. It was shown by value of LQ>1 from the last 3 years and Kelupauan Meranti Regency fishery that support this sector developed to become main district economic sector. In compliance with analysis of the fishery development priority and analysis fishery as the most potential developed sector. Therefore, need some policy combination to develop product/superior sector in the regency to reach prosperous economic. Internal factor in marine aquaculture efforts development in Kepulauan Meranti Regency is productive human resources, fishery culture product raising, handmade materials, Government policy. External factor is market and economy.
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    Proceeding of The 3rd International Seminar of Fisheries and Marine Science Pekanbaru-INDONESIA
    (2016-03-30) Hutauruk, Ronald Mangasi; Heltonika, Beni; Karnila, Rahman; Windarti; Syawal, Henni; Efriyeldi
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    Mangrove Vegetation Effect of Nutrient Conditions in The Ponds of Sembilang National Park, South Sumatra
    (2016-03-30) Agustriani, Fitri; Purwiyanto, Anna Ida Sunaryo
    Sembilang National Park is one of the national parks which is located in South Sumatra and became the largest mangrove area in western Indonesia. However, most of the mangroves area in the national park has been experiencing over the function to be plots of tidal ponds. This has resulted in concerns mangrove destruction of land in national parks. One of the efforts made to maintain the mangroves area is to do sylvofishery system, which is mangrove planting and cultivation of milkfish simultaneously in the plots of ponds. This study aims to analyze the water quality and nutrient levels (nitrate and phosphate) in the ponds in the area of sylvofishery restoration in Sembilang National Park. This study conducted by purposive method sampling in the restoration ponds, non-restoration ponds, and river water bodies in all area of Sembilang National Park. The analyze include insitu parameters measurement and nutrient (nitrate and phosphate) analysis. The results showed that the presence of mangrove plants in the ponds area is able to improve the content of DO and pH of pond water, mangroves also showed satisfactory results in the capture of nitrate that would indirectly prevent the pond water from pollution. However, based on the phosphate condition, high phosphate in ponds area that have been restored showed that young mangrove plants have not been able to significantly phosphate binder.
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    Local Community Participation on Ecotourism/Marine Tourism and Impact on Their Economy in Simakakkang Island, Mentawai Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia
    (2016-03-30) Zein, Alfian
    The objective of this study is to analyze the potentials of ecotourism at Simakakang Island, Mentawai Regency and the economic participation of the local community. This study was done inn August - October 2012. The data were collected by survey method and analysis data used by descriptive and qualitative. The result of the study shows that Simakakang Island has high potentials of ecotourism. It’s supported with complexity ecosystem biodiversity e.g. mangrove, coral reefs and others coastal ecosystem. The priority potentials for ecotourism in this island i.e ; sandy beach, swimming, snorkeling, diving, surfing and hiking. This potential had been supported an economic benefit into goverment and the local community. Based on tourism zonation, have devided on ; sandy beach zone, snorkeling and diving, surfing and hiking zone. From the ecotourism/marine tourism potentials has gave an impact to the government around Rp1 Billion/year as tax revenue. And the ecotourism/marine tourism services have given the economic benefit an average Rp1,830,000.-/month for the local community. To development of ecotourism in this Island, easy transportation, information and communication services are very important.
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    The Application of Led Lights (Light Emitting Diode) as Replacement of Kerosene Pressure Lamps at Stationary Lift Nets in Sungsang Estuary, South Sumatera
    (2016-03-30) Fauziyah; Supriyadi, Freddy; Saleh, Khairul; Hadi; Suteja, Yulianto
    Kerosene pressure lamps used in stationary lift nets in Sungsang Estuary South Sumatra as a tool for catching anchovies. The high price of kerosene is the main considerations for conducting research to find a replacement of kerosene pressure lamps. The purpose of the study were 1) analyze the characteristics of catchment in stationary lift nets using kerosene pressure lamps and LED lights, and 2) analyze differences catches in stationary lift nets using kerosene pressure lamps and LED lights. The research was conducted on new moon (dark condition) in July 2013 by experimental method in stationary lift nets that using kerosene pressure lamps and LED lights. Both of them operated 4 times in each trip. The results of this study indicated that the use of kerosene pressure lamps and LED lights not statistically significantly different for the anchovy, squid, other fishes catches, and total catch. Thus technically, LED light can be used as a substitute for kerosene pressure lamps in stationary lift nets.
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    The Mitochondrial D-loop Region of Kryptopterus apogon from Indragiri Hulu River of Riau Province
    (2016-03-30) Elvyra, Roza; Roslim, Dewi Indriyani; Novitasari, Dede Aryani
    The preliminary study on the D-loop region of mitochondrial DNA against Kryptopterus apogon has been done. This study aims to obtain sequence of D-loop region of Kryptopterus apogon.from Indragiri Hulu river of Riau Province. Primer of D-loop or control region used for Polymerase Chain Reactions process. The results of Polymerase Chain Reactions is partial D-loop region of 248 bp. The partial D-loop region can distinguish Kryptopterus apogon with other fish species
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    Potential of Sea Cucumber Rivet Red Extract (Holothuria leucospilota) As Antibacterial MDR (Multi Drug Resistant)
    (2016-03-30) Pringgenies, Delianis; Ridlo, Ali; Pratiwi, Henni
    Resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics is a serious problem in the treatment of infections of this period, so that necessity search for new bioactive compounds was inevitable. Secondary metabolites found in marine organisms is one of the alternative materials discovery of new antibiotics. The potential producers of bioactive compounds of secondary metabolite is sea cucumber. Rivet sea cucumbers Holothuria leucospilota is one of sea cucumbers found in abundance in Bandengan coast Jepara, but so far very limited use for marine pharmacology. The purpose of the study was to determine the antibacterial activity of the extract fractions rivet red sea cucumber (H. leucospilota) against MDR bacteria and compounds that have potential as antibacterial MDR. Analysis of samples of sea cucumbers includes extraction, fractionation, and analysis of bacterial sensitivity test Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS), the extraction process is carried out by solid-liquid extraction method (solid-liquid). Fractionation is done with Open Column Chromatography (OCC). Test sensitivity of bacteria using the agar diffusion method according to the Kirby-Bauer. The results showed that the extract of Holothuria leucospilota has 7 fractions active against MDR bacteria Klebsiella sp and Enterobacter-10. The average value of inhibition zone is highest in fraction III with concentration of 80 ug / disk for each type of bacteria Klebsiella sp and Enterobacter 10 was 11.87 ± 0.90 mm and 11.49 ± 0.86 mm. The results of GC-MS analysis showed that the fraction IV containing the compound 2-methyl butanoic; 2-butoxy ethanol; 3,5,5 trimethyl 2-cyclohexane-1; propandiat phenyl and 2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl) or eugenol.
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    Economics Scale of Zero Waste Processing of Pangasius
    (2016-03-30) Kusumawati, Rinta; Darmawan, Muhammad; Wibowo, Singgih
    Pangasius is one of the fastest growing aquaculture commodities in Indonesia which in turn requires more appropriate processing technology. The processing of Pangasius will economically be more beneficial if the processing is targeted to produce Pangaqsius fillet as the main product. Other part of the fish such as fish head, bones, and skin commonly known as a waste,reaching 60% of the total weight of the fish, can be processed into other valuable products such as fish meal, crackers, and fish crunchy product. Such products can be commercially produced as single products separately and will even be more beneficial if the products are produced as additional products to Pangasius fillet as the main product. This total utilization strategy of Pangasius processing leaving no waste can be considered as the implementation of the blue economy of zero waste concepts. From quantitative financial study there several recommendation are proposed, i.e. integrated processing units to get more profit, establishment of a model of integrated processing which implemented GMP rule to get qualified product, culture system development to get sustainable raw material supply for processing unit, and a better system of export mechanisms so that Pangasius product can be absorbed maximally by any market.
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    The Effect of Activated Carbon on Biodegradation of Soil and Ground Water Contaminated with Petroleum
    (2016-03-30) Afriani, Susi; Effendi, Agus Jatnika
    The soil and ground water contaminated with petroleum research increases in many observation. This will become important since the soil and ground water contaminated petroleum was hazardous waste and toxic for human life, aquatic biota and not environmental friendly. Biological Remediation process as called Bioremediation is one of popular treatment for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) removal , which is in slurry phase system (contaminated soil contacted with make up water). In this research was hold on slurry phase system. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the biodegradation of hydrocarbon degradating bacteria in the presence of activated carbon hold on slurry phase system. In this research Total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) removal will become measurement parameter since activated carbon and bacteria simultaneously in 250 mL batch reactor. From this research was found that with 10 gr activated carbon and bacteria revealed that there was a significant TPH reduction in the level 11,12 % to 0,94 % during 18 hour observation. The percentage reduction was found 91,55% for reactor with activated carbon contacted bacteria and 85,5 % for reactor with bacteria only. The pattern of bacterial growth in activated carbon added to the reactor which is also better than the reactor without the addition of activated carbon.
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    Analysis of Benthic Dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis andProrocentrum Density in West Coast of Sumatera Island and Bintan Island Coast in Riau Archipelago, Indonesia
    (2016-03-30) Thamrin
    Field experiment was conducted in Pulau Pesumpahan and Pulau Pisang Coast ofWest Coast of Sumatera Island and in Malang Rapat and Teluk Bakau Coast of Bintan Island coast, Riau Archipelago to examine the density of benthic dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis and Prorocentrum. The density was observed by field experiment using plastic screen. Four field stations (P. Pasumpahan and P. Pisang in the west of Sumatera Island waters, and Malang Rapat and T.Bakau in the east site of Sumatera island waters) were established. The results showed that the role of nutrients toincrease number of dinoflagellates, including Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis anapat and Prorocentrum is unclear. Increase of dinoflagellate including benthic dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis and Prorocentrum may be indirectly as an effect of degradation of coral reefs, and increase of HAB including benthic dinoflagellate may be controlled by macroalgae and seagrasses.
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    Evaluating and Monitoring of National Post-Harvest Fish Loss in Indonesia
    (2016-03-30) Wibowo, Singgih; Utomo, Bagus Sediadi Bandol; Syamdidi; Kusumawati, Rinta
    The demand of fish supply as food increases significantly as the population grows. One of the crucial aspects related to the production of fish is post-harvest fish loss which will substantially reduce the fish supply. Due to the perishable characteristics of fish, especially in tropical climate areas as Indonesia with high daily temperature and humidity, the situation will be more crucial and the reduction in quantity and/or quality could be considerably high. In the other side, the figure of fish stock potency does not indicate the available fish for further processing yet. Therefore, the figure will be more meaningful when it is corrected by the loss. Until recently, post-harvest fish loss in Indonesia is estimated as high as 30%; this figure has been used as reference for decades eventhough many effort has been done to reduce the fish loss. This situation indicates very serious problem since no further information how the data or the figure had been quantified. This figure needs to be evaluated and monitored periodically in order to provide more reliable number resulted by appropriate method of quantification. Questionnaire Loss Assessment Method (QLAM) developed by Ward and Jeffries in 2000 is recommended for fish loss calculation employing physical, quality and financial data as quantification bases. The quantification of national total post-harvest fish loss should be started from the fish is caughtuntil ready to be consumed. It is recommended that a system for evaluating and monitoring of national post-harvest fish loss is designed. The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries needs to assign a team consisted of Directorate General of Capture Fisheries, Agency of Research and Development for Marine and Fisheries to initiate and establish a system for evaluating and monitoring of national post-harvest fish loss comprehensively. Local Government should also be involved in the system, especially in coordination and providing enumerators. Agency for Marine and Fisheries Human Resources Development and Agency of Research and Development for Marine and Fisheries are responsible for providing capacity building and training of the enumerators systematically and periodically.
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    The Characteristics and Perception of Fish Farmer to The Field Facilitator Performance in Empowerment in Koto Mesjid Village
    (2016-03-30) Zulkarnain; Lubis, Djuara P; Satria, Arif; Hubeis, Musa
    The research had three main objectives. The first objective was to know the characteristics of fish farmer and facilities to aquaculture production. The second was to understand the perception fish farmer on the field facilitator. Correlation between characteristics and perception of fish farmer was also analyzed. Field survey was applied and 95 respondents was interview in the field. The result showed that, the fish farmer characteristics was varied in the area under study; in term of age, education and income, number of family members, pond size, working time and experiences. The majority of fish farmer age in adult categories, education is moderate, and high in income. The next, pond size is big in size (higher than 1000 m2), the family members can categories is middle categories, working time is moderate the categories in 4 until 7 hour in a day, and experience is high more than 10 years. Finally there is correlation between characteristics and perceptions
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    Management and Production Technology of The Traditional Dockyard in Bagan Siapiapi, Indonesia
    (2016-03-30) Nofrizal; Ahmad, Muchtar; Syaifuddin; Sukandi, Farian
    A series research activity was conducted on four traditional wooden dockyards in Bagan Siapiapi, Indonesia to be conscious production technology and management system of the traditional dockyard for producing wooden boat. Six respondents were interviewed from four traditional wooden dockyards, which as an owner of dock yard, foreman, and carpenter. The data of wooden boatbuilding skill, management of employee, material and tools for wooden boatbuilding, and quality assurance were collected and then those are described and analyzed. The results show that the productions of traditional wooden dockyards were decrease since 2007 to 2012 due to limited wooden material for boat’s construction. Wooden boatbuilding technology is traditionally carried out by the simple equipment, i.e. 82.4% of tools used manually by hand and 17.6% mechanical equipment with electric power. Boatbuilding skill was obtained by them from generation to generation. Almost all of boat construction was made of wood, which they obtained around Rokan Hilir, Rokan Hulu and Bengkalis Regency. Wood processing for boat construction is conducted by sunlight drying, whichever after coated by kerosene or diesel oil. Even though, the boat production generated by the traditional wooden dockyard still gets quality assurance, such as boat performance and leak test. Further, production technology and management of the traditional wooden boat dockyard in Bagan siapiapi are discussed detail in this paper.
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    Bioeconomic Analysis of Capture Fisheries in Bengkalis Regency
    (2016-03-29) Rengi, Pareng; Tang, Usman M; Siregar, Yusni Ikhwan
    Bengkalis coastal and offshore seas are well known for high fishing productivity. Fisheries sector had a significant contribution to regional economy, thus the development of fisheries become important for local government policy to increase fishermen welfare. However, it was indicated that the Bengkalis fishing production showed a decreasing trend which suggested an overfishing status. The present research aimed to analyze the fisheries resources state in Bengkalis Regency, and performed a Shift Share (SS) Analysis as well as Location Quotient (LQ) Analysis, to determine the trend of fisheries sector to Bengkalis economy. Furthermore, Bioeconomic Analysis and Institutional Analysis were also carried out to describe the institutional aspect. Apparently, Parang-parang (Chirocentrus dorab) have been over exploited. Bioeconomic analysis revealed that exploitation rate of Parang-parang reached 263%. Natural growth level of Parang-parang was calculated of 1,142, capture capacity coefficient was 0,0000002721 and carrying capacity coefficient was 168.882,96. Bioeconomic analysis result of Kurau (Eleutheronema tetradactylum) was overfishing 33,42%. Natural growth level of Kurau was 0,614, capture capacity coefficient was 0,00000020 and carrying capacity coefficient was 28.820. Fisheries management policy of this economic resources had better used MEY regime. Based on LQ and SS analysis, it appeared that fisheries sector had high effects to regional economic so that fisheries development provide significantly contribution to public welfare opportunity. The degradation of marine ecosystem and high exploitation (overfishing) become a serious problem. The role of social culture (local wisdom) should be revitalized. Stakeholders involved in fisheries development policy were fiseheries office, Bengkalis Parliament, Forestry Departement and Bengkalis Environmental Agency.
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    Rearing Of River Catfish Seed (Mystus nemurus C.V) in Aquaponic Resirculation System with the Addition of EM4
    (2016-03-29) Mulyadi; Tang, Usman M; Pamukas, Niken Ayu; Tambunan, Erni Parulian
    This research was conducted from March to April 2013, for 45 days in Breeding Laboratory Unit of Fisheries Faculty and Marine Sciences, University of Riau. The aim of the Research was to investigate the effect of EM4 inoculant and the use mustard plant as biofilter, on growth and survival rate of river catfish seed (Mystus nemurus). The Method used was experiment with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were A = Water without the inoculant EM4 (as control), B = 250 ml inoculant EM4, C = 300 ml inoculant EM4, D = 350 ml inoculant EM4. The best result was treatment C (300 mL inoculant EM4) with absolute growth weights (11,83 g), absolute growth length (6.01 cm), daily growth rates (2.77) and survival rates 93,06 %. Water quality recorded during in the research period with ammonia (NH3) 0,02-0,09 mg/L, nitrite (NO2) 0,73-4,10 mg/L, nitrate (NO3) 0,63-2,73 mg/L, temperature 30-310 C, pH 6-7, dissolved oxygen (DO) 3-4,5 mg/L
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    Purse Seine Design and Construction in Barru District Waters, South Sulawesi
    (2016-03-29) Najamuddin
    The research conducted on July to August 2014 in Barru Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The aim of the study was to analyze the purse seine design and construction. Survey methods applied with selected five purse seine units randomly as samples. Result of the study shown that the purse seine in Barru can be categorized as American one boat type with pocket located in the side part of the net. Purse seine dimensions length was ranged from 300 – 800 m and the depth was ranged from 40 – 50 m, with 2 inches mesh size. Plastic ball used as floats with total 1500-2250 floats in each unit. Netting materials consist of polyamide multifilament 210D/9 in all part of the nets. Sinker materials consist of tin with ring form, weight range 1-2 kg each, and the total weight of the rings ranges from 92 – 251 kg per purse seine units. Analyses of result showed the all purse seine were not fit to standard criteria, mainly net depth, mesh size and sinking force. To meet the standards criteria and also to refer to sustainable fisheries and CCRF, the purse seine design need to be improved.
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    Contribution of Fishing Vessel Hullform on Ship Safety
    (2016-03-29) Hutauruk, Ronald Mangasi; Rengi, Pareng
    The research was conducted in June 2014 at Fishing Vessel Laboratory of Department of Fishing Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau. The objective of the research is to compare the ship stability of a hull as a part of ship safety standart which is designed with hardchine and no hardchine. Both vessels will be kept in the same displacement with error no more than 5% of its modification. The hullform was modelled in Hydromax which is known as a powerfull software in marine vessel. The results show that chine effects the stability of a vessel around 4-7% and will be discussed clearly in this article.
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    Hydrotophography Approach on Aquaculture Development at The Reclaimed Tidal Lowlands
    (2016-03-29) Susanto, Robiyanto H; Fitrani, Mirna; Marsi
    There are 1.8 million ha of reclaimed lowlands for transmigration financed by the government of Indonesia scattered in Sumatra, Kalimantan and Papua. An estimate of more than 1 million main house holds and additional ones living on each of 0.25 home plots. Each of the family has at least 2.0 ha of land planted with rice, corn, beans or tree crops. Experiences in Telang I, Muara Telang sub-districts, and Telang II, Tanjung Lago subdistricts, schemes in Banyuasin districts of South Sumatra have shown that rice-rice-corn, rice-corn-water melon cropping pattern can be achieved depend on the hydrotophographical (A, B, C, D type) condition of the areas. At the lower area of type A where the tidal water can easily penetrate to the land ( land less than 1.50 m above the mean sea level) food crops such as: rice-rice-corn per year can easily be grown. Land with type B of 1.50-2.00 m above mean sea level where only high tide in the rainy season can flood the soil surface has rice – ratton rice - corn or rice- water melon- corn cropping pattern in one year. Increased farmers income and standard of living have made the improved houses or even the new ones are made. Earthen soil to rice the house floor was taken around the home plots resulting the formation of small to medium size water ponds depth of 1-1.5 m. These water ponds are later used for aquaculture with different degree of success. Water table fluctuation of the soil together with the rainfall and tidal data are very usefull for managing the pond water quality for fish culture in this regards. The hydrotophography concept is useful for planning, organizing, actuating and controlling the quality of fish culture on such areas.