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Item 07Sintesis, Kinetika Reaksi dan Aplikasi Kitin dari Cangkang Udang: Review(2017-01-09) Afriani, Yesi; Fadli, Ahmad; Maulana, Subkhan; Karina, IkaKitin merupakan biopolimer yang banyak ditemukanpadacangkang eksoskeleton artropoda (kepiting, dan udang), insekta, alga, dinding sel fungi, danyeast.Sumberbahan baku yang biasa digunakan untuk sintesis kitin adalah cangkang udang dan cangkang kepiting.Kitin berasosiasi dengan mineral dan protein didalam cangkang maupun dinding sel. Oleh karena itu, untuk mendapatkan kitin perlu dilakukan proses demineralisasi dan deproteinasi. Kedua proses isolasi kitin tersebut bisa dilakukan dengan dua macam metode yaitu metode enzimatis dan metode kimiawi. Enzim protease dan fermentasi asam laktat digunakan di dalam metode enzimatis, sedangkan di dalam metode kimiawi digunakan senyawa asam dan basa. Kitin memiliki sifat antibakterial, non-toksik, biokompatibilitas, dan biodegradabilitas sehingga dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai bidang. Pemanfaatan kitin banyak diaplikasikan sebagai adsorben ion logam dalam pengolahan air, pengawet, aditif makanan, pewarna, pigmen dalam rekayasa limbah, imobilisasi enzim,dan anti kolesterol. Kitin juga mudah diolah sebagai gel, membran, fiber dan film. Di bidang biomedis kitin dan turunannya dapat digunakan sebagai drug delivery, pembalut luka, dan pendiagnosis kanker. Selain itu, kitin juga merupakan bahan baku utama untuk membuat kitosan yang memiliki banyak manfaat diberbagai bidang dan memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi. Hal tersebut tentu memerlukan kualitas kitin yang baik sehingga secara tidak langsung akan berdampak terhadap kitin dan produk turunan yang dihasilkannya. Kinetika reaksi merupakan tinjauan untuk mendapatkan produk yang optimal dengan menggunakan konstanta reaksi yang didapat sebagai acuan untuk kondisi proses. Pada sintesis kitin tinjauan kinetika reaksi tentu akan lebih mengoptimalkan proses serta menghasilkan produk dengan kualitas lebih baik sehingga berdampak positif terhadap produk turunan yang akan dihasilkan. Pada makalah ini kami akan memaparkan penelitian terbaru tentang sintesis kitin dari cangkang udang termasuk tinjauan kinetika reaksi yang terjadi serta aplikasi kitin di berbagai bidang kehidupan.Item A. Daftar isi International Conference on Oleo and Petrochemical Engineering(2016-04-22)This present work focused on the characterization of treated oil palm frond (OPF) from ozonolysis pretreatment. The ozonolysis pretreatment was performed in a conventional semi-batch reactor at ambient condition. The effectiveness of ozonolysis pretreatment was validated by investigating the degradation of lignin and composition of solid product from pretreatment (treated OPF). In addition, crystallinity, surface area, pore structure, and morphology of untreated and treated OPF, as well as functional groups present were examined accordingly to study the effect of ozonolysis pretreatment on physical properties of OPF. The ozonolysis pretreatment on OPF was found to degrade the lignin structure, and exerted only a slight effect on the hemicellulose structure. Meanwhile, the cellulose yield was increased. As comparison to the untreated OPF, the crystallinity index OPF was increased while the surface area, pore volume, and mean pore diameter for the treated was decreased. This observation explained that the ozonolysis reaction has degraded the C=C bond of acid insoluble lignin into acid soluble lignin. Thus, the lignin could be removed easily by washing with water. Removing the amorphous component would lead to higher crystallinity index. Meanwhile, the pore properties of treated OPF would collapse during washing and drying process. Results of the present study indicated ozonolysis pretreatment as an effective method for OPF pretreatment to produce a washed clean substrate rich in cellulose and xylan. In addition, the physical properties of OPF were improved and ready for subsequent downstream bioconversion process such as acid hydrolysis for glucose productioItem A. Daftar Isi Riau International Nursing Conference 2015(2016-03-08)Currently, the incidence of urinary tract infection in patients with indwelling urinary catheter ranges between 10-80%. They are at risk for other problems that can cause death. Appropriate action is required to decrease the risk of urinary tract infection by periurethral area cleaning. The aim of this study was to analyze the differences of the effectiveness of the use of normal saline and 10% povidone iodine for periurethral area cleaning in decreasing the risk of urinary tract infection. Research method was true experimental design with the population of patients who used indwelling urinary catheter in one of the hospitals in West Java. Samples size were obtained by consecutive and allocated by block randomization which were divided into 2 groups, each group were 17 respondents. In the treatment group, periurethral area was cleaned with normal saline and in the control group with 10% povidone iodine. Urinary tract infection risk assessment was carried out by the leukocyte esterase dipstick test at 8 hours after insertion. The results indicated that the incidence of urinary tract infections risk in the group using normal saline was smaller than 10% povidone iodine with a comparison of 1:1.3. Number need to treat in this study was 6. The conclusion of this study is normal saline is more effective in reducing the risk of urinary tract infection.Item A. Daftar Isi Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Teknologi Oleo Petrokimia Indonesia(2017-01-09) Akbar, FajrilItem A.Daftar isi(2013-05-13) PadilItem A.Daftar Isi Prosiding Seminar dan Lokakarya Nasional FKPT-TPI 2014 BIDANG TEKNOLOGI INDUSTRI PERTANIAN 359(2016-03-02) Johan, Vonny Setiaries; Dini, Isna Rahma; IsnainiItem A.Daftar Isi Seminar UR-UKM Ke-7 2012(2014-05-22)Item Adaptasi Budaya Tionghoa Dan Melayu Di Kabupaten Rokan Hilir Provinsi Riau(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-07-29) Wirman, Welly; Sari, Genny GustinaKeberadaan etnis Tionghoa di Kabupaten Rokan Hilir ditandai dengan peristiwa mendaratnya Tongkang (kapal kayu) para leluhur pada tahun 1825 yang kemudian diperingati setiap tahun melalui tradisi Bakar Tongkang. Penelitian tahun pertama telah mengkaji mengenai etnografi tradisi Bakar Tongkang tersebut dari sisi Situasi, Peristiwa dan Tindak komunikatif. Hasil obeservasi selama penelitian tahun pertama menimbulkan point lain yang menarik untuk diteliti terkait keberadaan etnis Tionghoa tersebut di Provinsi Riau khususnya Kota Bagansiapiapi Kabupaten Rokan Hilir. Dengen kedatangan etnis Tiinghoa maka mau tidak mau proses adaptasi budaya harus terjadi yang didahului dengen keterkejutan budaya. Manusia cenderung sangat mudah berdaptasi dengan budayanya sendiri atau budaya-budaya lain yang masih serumpun dengan budaya yang dimilikinya, yang menjadi kesulitan adalah saat melakukan penyesuaian terhadap budaya orang lain yang jauh sekali perbedaannya dengan budaya sendiri. Penyesuaian-penyesuian tersebut disebut sebagai kejutan budaya (cultural shock) yaitu perasaan tanpa pertolongan, tersisihkan, menyalahkan orang lain, sakit hati dan ingin pulang kerumah. Adaptasi budaya kemudian tidak hanya berbicara perkara masa lalu namun juga masa sekarang. Melalui pendekatan Hermeneutika Budaya, penelitian ini akan melihat tahapan adaptasi budaya yang terjadi pada Etnis Tionghoa dan etnis Melayu sebagai masyarakat pribumi melalui empat tahapan adaptasi budaya, yakni tahap bulan madu, tahap frustasi, tahap penyesuaian ulang dan tahap resolusi. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan di Kabupaten Rokan Hilir dengan jangka waktu selama 9 bulan menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa empat tahap dalam adaptasi budaya memiliki jangka waktu berbeda pada masing-masing individu. Tahap bulan madu ditandai dengan ketertarikan masyarakat Tionghoa tentang tradisi dan kebiasaan masyarakat Melayu, tahap frustasi akan terjadi dipicu rasa jenuh pada rutinitas dan perbedaan nilai individu dengan nlai budaya Melayu, tahap penyesuaian ulang akan terjadi pada individu yang mencoba bertahan dan menemukan level keseimbangan dan tahap resolusi pada penelitian ini menunjukkan keberhasilan penyesuaian dan adaptasi budaya masyarakat Tionghoa dan Melayu melalui kemampuan mereka hidup damai berdampingan.Item Adaptive Reuse of Several Historical Buildings in Kuala Lumpur as Museums(2015-01-29) Jamal, Daeng Haliza Daeng; Hassan, Zuraidah; Ramli, ZuliskandarMalavsia is a countrv rich with histoncal build1nos most of which are part of the nat1onal heritaoe However, many of such buildinos that are located across the countrv have been ionored 1n recent vears. Realiz1nq the importance and potential of such buildmqs towards the countrv's qrowth, these build l ~s have been renovated and adapted to be reused again For a wide range of Functions. particularly in the vcinity of Kuala Lumpur Generally most of these restored historic buildinqs have been converted into museums. business premises, off1ces. restaurants, residential houses or even for public use. This paper a1ms to identify and focus on a few of the historcal build1nos 1n Kuala Lumpur which have been adapted to be converted 1nto museums. Apart from beinq a source of reference and leamm. the uniqueness of the Museum architecture serves as a symbol of the historical ident1tv of Kuala Lumpur that could draw the attention of tourists Furthermore, th1s paper aims to elevate the importance of historical buildings in developing the country's potential in tounsm through the promotion of heritage tourism.Item Adaptive Reuse of Several Historical Buildings in Kuala Lumpur as Museums(2016-11-07) Jamal, Daeng Haliza DaengMalaysia is a country rich with historical buildings, most of which are part of the national heritage. However, many of such buildings that are located across the country have been ignored in recent years. Realizing the importance and potential of such buildings towards the country's growth, these buildings have been renovated and adapted to be reused again for a wide range of functions, particularly in the vicinity of Kuala Lumpur. Generally, most of these restored historic buildings have been converted into museums, business premises, offices, restaurants, residential houses or even for public use. This paper aims to identify and focus on a few of the historical buildings in Kuala Lumpur which have been adapted to be converted into museums. Apart from being a source of reference and learning, the uniqueness of the Museum architecture serves as a symbol of the historical identity of Kuala Lumpur that could draw the attention of tourists. Furthermore, this paper aims to elevate the importance of historical buildings in developing the country’s potential in tourism through the promotion of heritage tourismItem Adsorption of Humic Acid From Aqueous Solution Onto Fe3o4 Coated Carbon: Effect of Temperature(2016-04-22) Zulfikar, Muhammad Ali; Suri, Fraulein IntanThe sorption of humic acid from aqueous solution onto Fe3O4 coated carbon under the influence of temperature has been investigated. Batch adsorption experiments were carried out using humic acid (HA) as an adsorbate. It was observed that the amount of humic acid adsorbed increase with increasing temperature. Thermodynamic parameters data indicated that the humic acid adsorption was non-spontaneous and endothermic under the experimental conditions, with the enthalpy (ΔH) and entropy (ΔS) of +29,44 J mol-1 and +74.96 J mol-1, respectively.Item Aktivitas Abu Terbang Batubara Membunuh Wereng Batang Padi Coklat (Nilaparvata lugens)(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-09) Fauzana, Hafiz; Wagiman, F.X; Martono, EdhiBrown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), is the main pest of rice that threatened Indonesia food security. The coal fly ash contribute to control the BPH. The coal fly ash contribute to control the BPH. The coal fly ash activity needs to be studied under semi-field and field conditions. The purpose of the study was to assess activity of coal fly ash to BPH tested in laboratorium, semi-field and field conditions. The coal fly ash obtained from PT. PLN (Govermental Electricity Corporation Ltd.) Tanjung Jati B Power Station in Jepara District, Central Java. Pot experiments were using the difference doses of coal fly ash as a treatment that was 0, 20, 40, and 80 g / clump. The experiment was arranged based on complete randomized block design (RCBD) with five replications. Field experiments were testing the effect of coal fly ash on the population of BPH were done by comparing the treatment and control of coal fly ash. The coal fly ash activity in the semi-laboratory conditions of 32 g coal fly ash / largest bowl caused the nymph mortality and BPH imago.The semi field experiment showed an effective dose of 80 g/hill which was equal to 20 tons/ha. Field trial compared the effect of coal fly ash dosage of 20 tons/ha to control the brown planthopper population. The findings showed that the activity of coal fly ash significantly reduced the BPH population until day 7 (H +7).Item AKTIVITAS SENYAWA BIOAKTIF ANTICENDAWAN DARI Ralstonia pickettii TT47 TERHADAP Rhizoctonia solani PENYEBAB PENYAKIT HAWAR PELEPAH PADI(2014-05-21) RustamR. pickettii TT47 (isolate TT47) were selected isolate having the potency of strong inhibition to the growth of R. solani in vitro and suppress the development of rice sheath blight disease in vivo. The antifungal activity test of the filtrate from fermentation broth of the isolate showed that the growth of R. solani reduced significantly. Presumably the culture broth of the isolate contains antifungal bioactive compounds. Antifungal activity in the culture broth of the isolate was significantly correlated with the cell growth of the isolate. Antifungal bioactive compounds were successfully extracted using buthanol or hexane solution for TT47 isolate.. MIC of TT47-hexana extract was 0,1 mg/l, and the extract was not phythotoxic against the rice seed. Stability of the active metabolites in filtrate broth cultured isolate was relatively stable on pH range from acidic to basic (pH 4, 7, and 10) but was sensitive to temperature.Item ALAT PENSTABIL TEGANGAN BOLAK-BALIK SATU FASA 220 V, 50 HZ MENGGUNAKAN THRYSTOR DENGAN DAYA 1,5 KVA(2014-03-04) Feranita; Safrianti, Ery; Alpayadia, OkyAlat penstabil tegangan satu phasa ini dirancang menggunakan thyristor yaitu triac BT 139 dan relai. Alat ini terdiri dari rangkaian kontrol dan rangkaian penstabil. Penggunaan komponen thyristor pada rangkaian penstabil ini yaitu dengan mengatu sudut penyalaannya melalui suatu rangkaian kontrol. Komponen thyristor yang digunakan, memanfaatkan sifat pemotongan gelombang sinus sehingga penstabil ini akan memberikan output yang konstan secara otomatis, bebas dari pengaruh inputnya dengan daya sebesar 1,5 kVA. Alat ini diberi tegangan dengan batas tegangan input sebesar 200 – 225 V dan diukur hasil outputnya. Kemudian alat diberi beban lampu sebesar 40 W – 150 W dan diukur arus yang mengalir pada beban. Apabila saklar Off ditekan maka alat penstabil tegangan tidak bekerjaItem Alat Penstabil Tegangan Bolak-Balik satu fasa 220 V, 50 Hz Menggunakan Thrystor Dengan Daya 1,5 kVA(2016-02-25) Feranita; Safrianti, Ery; Alpayadia, OkyAlat penstabil tegangan satu phasa ini dirancang menggunakan thyristor yaitu triac BT 139 dan relai. Alat ini terdiri dari rangkaian kontrol dan rangkaian penstabil. Penggunaan komponen thyristor pada rangkaian penstabil ini yaitu dengan mengatu sudut penyalaannya melalui suatu rangkaian kontrol. Komponen thyristor yang digunakan, memanfaatkan sifat pemotongan gelombang sinus sehingga penstabil ini akan memberikan output yang konstan secara otomatis, bebas dari pengaruh inputnya dengan daya sebesar 1,5 kVA. Alat ini diberi tegangan dengan batas tegangan input sebesar 200 – 225 V dan diukur hasil outputnya. Kemudian alat diberi beban lampu sebesar 40 W – 150 W dan diukur arus yang mengalir pada beban. Apabila saklar Off ditekan maka alat penstabil tegangan tidak bekerja.Item Algae Strain Growth and Cultivation for Biodiesel(2016-02-25) Padil; EvelynMicroalgal lipids are the oils of future for sustainable biodiesel production. However, relatively high production costs due to low lipid productivity can become one of the major obstacles impeding their commercial production. We recently studied the bioreactor options for cultivating alga and also the advantages and drawbacks of each option. It also discussed the effects of various parameters on algae growth and production and the cost estimates on bioreactor chosen. The successful coupling between chemical, physiology and technology is central to the success of algal biotechnology. Our literature studies strongly indicate that in the long term the photobioreactor systems offer the most profitable route for bio-fuel production, if they can be reduced in cost. This is because they offer the advantage due to reduced land use, high productivity rates over open pond systems and reduced contamination. Several optimal parameters to consider when cultivating algae strain are temperature (18-24 0C), salinity (20-24 g.l-1), light intensity (2,500-5,000 lux), photoperiod that is light: dark, hours (16:8 minimum and 24:0 maximum) and pH (8.2-8.7).