3.Seminar On Mathematics And Its Usage In Other Areas 2010
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Item SATUAN SUKATAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA(2012-11-09) MashadiDalam makalah ini dibahas berbagai kasus etnomatematika yang terdapat di Indonesia, Satuan tradiosinal yang dibahas adalah satuan tradisional yang berlaku di jawa, Bali dan Sumatra (khususnya di Provinsi Riau) sebelum abad ke 20. Beberapa satuan tradisional yang dibahas adalah satuan ukuran jarak, satuan ukuran luas , volume dan berat dan satuan hitung barang. Selain itu juga diungkapkan salah satu permainan galah panjang pada masyarakat Melayu Riau. Dibagian akhir juga di ungkapkan beberapa metoda perkalian yang sudah lama wujud diberbagai Pesantren yang ada di wilayah Provinsi Riau bagian daratan, akan tetapi metoda perkalian ini dalam sejarah matematika dikenal dengan perkalian mesir kuno dan Gelosia Multiplication dari Medioval Eropa. Khusus untuk satuan tradisional disisipkan pendekatan pembelajaran untuk satuan tradisional pada Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) bagi pelajar Sekolah Menengah Pertama/ Madrasyah Tsyawiyah (SMP/MTs).Item THE EXPLORATION OF INDONESIAN TRADITIONAL GAMES AS THE CONTEXT IN LEARNING FACTOR NUMBERS(2012-11-09) Wahyuni, Reni; lima Indra Putri, RatuThe main goal of this research is to explore the Indonesian traditional game as the context which is for acquiring the concepts of factor numbers. This research was held in the first semester 2010/2011 with a total number of 20 fourth grade students. Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) as the basic principle in teaching and learning processes of this research. With RME tenets, PMRI in Indonesia has an important role for a new pedagogy in mathematics classroom whereas students are encouraged to construct mathematical idea within their daily life. The research was conducted by design research methodology, comprising namely preliminary design, teaching experiment, and retrospective analysis phase. The discussion in classroom present to get information of the students' understanding about factor numbers through their experiences in playing bekel game. The result of this research shows the use of Indonesian traditional game as the context in learning factor numbers. So, the students can explore their understanding in learning process.Item MENEROKAI ETNOMATEMATIK MELAYU-ISLAM: TEORI KOMBINATORIK AL-KHATIB DALAM ALAM AL-HUSSAB DAN RA UDAH AL-HUSSAB(2012-11-09) Rofa Ismail, MatKertas ini membincangkan tentang teori kombinatorik menurut al-Khatib menerusi tulisannya 'Alam al-Hussab dan Raudat al-Hussab. Perbincangan ini bertujuan untuk memerlhalkan model perbincangan matematik tempatan di bawah pengaruh Islam. Kedua-dua karya tersebut ditulis pada akhir kurun ke-19 dalam dua versi Arab dan Melayu. Kombinatorik dibincangkan di bawah tajuk aljabar yang disebut sebagai ilmu bertemper dalam tulisan tersebut. Ketika Barat masih menggunakan istilah adaptasi asal Arab yakni algebra, etnomatematik Melayu mencipta istilahnya tersendiri iaitu bertemper untuk merujuk ilmu berkenaan, yang menunjukkan matematik Melayu sebagai satu kesimbungan matematik tamadun Islam, sebagaimana algebra Eropah sebagai lanjutan aljabar Islam yang diasas oleh al-Khawarizmi.Item THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MATHEMATICS TEACHING WITH OPEN-ENDED APPROACH TO UIN SUSKA RIAU MATHEMATICS STUDENT'S ABILITY OF MATHEMATICAL CREATIVE THINKING.(2012-11-09) Amir, ZubaidahCreative thinking and analytical thinking are both important ability in solving mathematical problems. But in most of the current formal education of mathematics, learning mathematics often focuses on developing analytical thinking skills only, while creative thinking skills are often overlooked, including in higher education. Therefore, it takes an effort to improve the creative thinking abilities of students by providing learning activities that can support the development of their creative abilities. Open-ended learning approach is one of learning approaches that allows students to cultivate creative thinking skills and make them actively involved in learning activities in lectures. Open-ended approach uses open-ended questions as a learning tool. An experimental study was conducted to find out the difference of creative mathematical thinking ability of students in the learning discrete mathematics by using an open-ended approach and their attitude toward learning. The research was conducted by using control group pretestposttest design. The population of this research was students who took discrete mathematics subject in academic year of the Department of Mathematics Education o f U IN Suska Riau, while the samples in this study were class A and B students who were randomly selected from all students as the control class and experimental class. The instrument used to collect data consisted of creative mathematical test contained math questions to measure ability of students' mathematical creative thinking. In addition, questiormaire on students' attitude with Likert-scale model to find out the students' attitudes towards learning by using open-ended ap^xozch. Based on analysis of data from the post-test results and findings of this research, it can be concluded that students' mathematical creative thinking skills learned by using open-ended approach is better than mathematical creative thinking ability of students who obtain regular learning. Based on questionnaire responses on the students' attitudes, students have a positive attitude towards learning by using open-ended approachItem A Game Theory Framework for Clustering(2012-11-09) Salhi, Abdellah; Lausen, Berthold; Rohmatul, Fajriyah; Baeshen, Marwa; Toreyen, OzgiinAbstract. The Game Theory-based Multi-Agent System (GTMAS) of Toreyen and Salhi, [10] and [12], implements a loosely coupled hybrid algorithm that may involve any number of algorithms suitable, o priori, for the solution of a given optimisation problem. The system allows the available algorithms to co-operate toward the solution of the problem in hand as well as compete for the computing facilities they require to run. This co-operative/competitive aspect is captured through the implementation of the Prisoners' Dilemma paradigm of game theory. Here, we apply GTMAS to the problem of clustering European Union (EU) economies, including Turkey, to find out whether the latter, based on a number of criteria, can fit in the EU Eind find out which countries, if any, it has strong similaries with. This clustering problem is first converted into an optimisation problem, namely the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) before being solved with GTMAS involving two players (agents) each implementing a standard compbinatorial optimisation algorithm. Computational results are included.Item DESIGN RESEARCH IN PMRI: USING MATH TRADITIONAL DANCE IN LEARNING SYMMETRY FOR GRADE FOUR OF PRIMARY SCHOOL(2012-11-09) Helsa, Yullys; lima Indra Putri, RatuThe new innovation of education is an important point of Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI), Indonesian version of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). Using the theory of R M E we conducted design research with the aims to build upon students' reasoning and reach the mathematical goals of symmetry. This research aims to produce a learning process and to understand the concept of symmetry. Design research was chosen to get the goal of this research. Three steps o f design research were followed namely preliminary design, teaching experiment and retrospective analysis. This research was conducted with 22 students in M I N 2 Palembang. The result of this research is students' understanding of the symmetry concept using math traditional dance.Item A L O C A L SMOOTING S T R A T E G Y MULTIGRID M E T H O D F OR STABILISED DISCRETISATIONS O F CONVECTION-DIFFUSION PROBLEMS(2012-11-09) SyeunsudhuhaIn this paper, we discuss the development and practical application of multigrid methods with local smoothing to solve convection diffusion problems on adaptively refined meshes. The meshes are generated through adaptive refinement according to local error indicated by a residual-based a posteriori error estimation technique. We present a multigrid algorithm in which the smoothing is carried out only on the refined portion of the mesh. The smoothers, such as Gauss Seidel and ILU, give a good performance in both standard multigrid and local smoothing multigrid. Through several numerical examples, it seems that the rate of convergence of multigrid does not depend on the grid size and the viscosity parameter.Item BIRTHDAY CAKE ACTIVITYSTRUCTURED ARRANGEMENT FOR HELPING CHILDREN DETERMINING QUANTITIES(2012-11-09) Mariana, NeniFew researches have been concerned about relation between children's spatial thinking and number sense. Narrowing for this small research, we focused on one component of spatial thinking, that is structuring objects, and one component of number senses, that is cardinality by determining quantities. This study focused on a design research that was conducted in Indonesia in which we investigated pre-school children's (between 2 and 3.5 years old) ability in making structured arrangement and their ability to determine the quantities by looking at the arrangements. The result shows us that some of the children were able to make such arrangement. However, the children found difficulties either to determine quantities from those arrangements or to compare some structures to easily recognize number of objects.Item T H E M A X I M A L I D E A L O F L O C A L I Z A T I O N O F R I N G P O L Y N O M I A L O V ER D E D E K I N D D O M A IN(2012-11-09) R i a n t i H e l m i, M o n i k aLet i? be a Dedekind domain with infinitely many primes and {/) C R[X] a principal prime ideal which is not maximal. Let m be a maximal ideal of R[X] and n be a maximal ideal of R[X]/ (/). Then localization of R[X]/(/) at n is principal if and only if there exist t in such that mi?[X]ni =Item ANALYSIS OF CRITICAL THINKING ABILITY OF STUDENTS OF THE RSBI CLASS IN HIGH SCHOOL ON MATHEMATICS PROBLEM SOLVING(2012-11-09) RasimanThe purpose of learning mathematics in primary and secondary school is that students are expected to provide the arrangement of reasoning, critical thinking, attitude formation and the ability of application in their life and in learning various sciences (Depdiknas, 2004). Thus, students should be equipped with abilities to develop and evaluate arguments in problem-solving. One of the capabilities that must be developed to achieve these objectives is the ability to think critically. A student has the ability to think critically if it is able to analyze facts, generalize and organize ideas, defend opinions, make comparisons, draw conclusions, examine arguments, and solve problems (Chance, 1986). In addition, critical thinking skills can improve in a systematic way of thinking, awareness of thinking, and have the ability to distinguish truth from error.On the other hand, the government or local government must has at least one unit of education at all levels of education to be developed into standard international school (RSBI). Goal of this program is RSBI graduate students are expected to compete with the global knowledge for the same level as graduates from other country. Reality that mathematics teachers do not realize that students are also required to be able to think critically, so have a solid foundation for learning mathematics. To determine students' critical thinking skills through the learning of mathematics is not easy, teachers must have the courage to take the attitude by providing variation math problems, and one question that needs to be given is a mathematical problem in the real world. Polya (1973), said that problems in mathematics are the problems to find and the problem to proof Both of these types have no specific rules but the students demanded to know the data and information from the problems. Based on the special features of mathematics and related issues with the purpose of the RSBI class in high school, it can improve students' ability for critical thinking, analytical, systematic, and logical in order to find alternative solutions to problems through the exploration of empirical data in order to cuhivate a scientific attitude.Item TRACKING PERSON IN OUTDOOR AND DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENT(2012-11-09) Elfizar; Shing Ng, LiangThis research is intended to track person in the video sequences. The videos used in this research consist of persons walking in the outside of building with dynamic environment. There are two cameras used in this research with different field of view but with overlapping views. Each video has specifications i.e. frame size of 576x768 pixels, rate of 30 frame per second, and avi format. After reading the input, we do background estimator. The background is taken from the initial frame where there is no people walking in the observed area. After the segmentation process, then we use Kalman Filter to predict the tracked person walking in the view. The filtered position yielded by the above algorithm is used to mark the rectangles which state the foreground. When there is occlusion in one view, the homography from this view to other views is estimated from previous tracking results and used to infer the correct transformation for the occluded view. The experiment results show that the tracking process in outdoor and dynamic environment can be done correctly, although some problems still occur to be a challenge for the next research.Item USING "BSR" AS TRADITIONAL GAME TO SUPPORT NUMBER SENSE DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN'S STRATEGIES OF COUNTING(2012-11-09) Nasnillah; ZulkardiIn line with PMRI approach, the use of Bermain Satu Rumah (BSR) as traditional game to support children's counting classroom wherein students are encouraged to construct mathematical understanding. This requires an adjustment to the activity of students, adjustments in the learning process for mathematization, as well as a reinventing of what constitutes mathematics. Design research was methodology that be used to investigate the role of BSR to support students in promoting and eliciting the basic concepts of counting. The study reported in this paper will describe analysis and evidence from a research effort involving grade 3 PMRI classroom in MIN 2 Palembang. Evidence of rich strategies and discussion on the notion of counting will be analyzed and reported. Our findings suggest that BSR as a contextual problem, students were able to develop the sense of number by different strategies of counting.Item RARE EVENT MODEL SIMULATION FOR HEAVY TAILED DISTRIBUTION(2012-11-09) Devianto, DodiIt is shown that the sum of rare event random variable X„j generated from generalization of negative binomial distribution in the scheme of infinitesimal system of ^ = {{^„y}y=i2 n) converges to a kind of stable distribution with skewed property and heavy tailed. The sum of random variables X„j show a good s h ^ to figure out a rare event phenomenon where most of fail events have high probability concentrated around random variables zero, and the remainders (success events) have veiy low probability to appear.Item Fuzzy On n Banach Spaces(2012-11-09) Muda, YuslenitaThe main aim of this paper is to introduce the notion of fuzzy of n-Banach space with respect to an- norm for it is a complete fuzzy n -normed linear with respect to a- n -norm.Item COMPARISON OF HEPATITIS-A AND HEPATITIS-B SURVIVAL FUNCTION BY USING LIFE TABLE SURVIVAL ANALYSIS (Case study at Dr. M. Djamil Hospital Padang in 2008)(2012-11-09) Yozza, Hazmira; Maiyastri; Swastika, HardesHepatitis is an inflammation of the liver, most commonly caused by a viral infection. There are five main type of hepatitis, referred to as types A, B , C, D and E . In this paper the survivor function of hepatitis A and hepatitis B patients are compared. Data is analyzed by using Life Table Survival Analysis. In general, hepatitis B viruses had better survival experienced than hepatitis A viruses, so the hepatitis A patients will recover faster than hepatitis B patients. The median survival time was 9,29 days for hepatitis A patients and 17,36 days for hepatitis B patients.Item USING MACROMEDIA FLASH IN IMPROVING STUDENTS' ACHIEVEMENT AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES OF GEOMETRY AT GRADE IX OF MTsN SUNGAYANG ACADEMIC YEAR 2010/2011(2012-11-09) Fitriza, RoziGeometry is one of lessons that teachers and students often complain with. Teachers, sometimes, do not optimally use teaching media, while a better way to teach geometry is through media. Macromedia Flash is one of computerized media that can be used to teach geometry. This paper discusses a research report about the implementation of macromedia flash in learning mathematics (geometry). The result of this study is that the students who are taught through using macromedia flash shows better result in geometry than they are who do not. Moreover, the research also found an increasing on student activities that are taught through macromedia flash.Item TIGA DASAWARSA PENGALAMAN MENYEMBUL UNSUR ETNOSAINS MATEMATIK RUMPUN MELAYU(2012-11-09) b.M.Z, ShaharirEtnomatematik di Malaysia secara tidak langsungnya bermulai pada tahun 1978 lagi, menerusi penubuhan Akademi Sains Islam Malaysia (ASASI), yang memperjuangkan "sains Islam" dan "penglslaman sains dan teknologi", kerana sebab dan tujuannya, dalam suatu aspeknya, sama seperti yang berlaku pada terbitnya etnomatematica di Brazil tajaan D'Ambrosio 1975 (yang terbukti setakat ini) dan ethnomathematics di Amerika Syarikat (AS) menerusi penubuhan International Study Group on Ethnomathemtics dalam tahun 1985, di AS tajaan bersama D'Ambrosio. Yang dimaksudkan dengan aspek kesamaan itu ialah segi penggalian sejarah matematik terhadap sesuatu kumpulan etnik atau bangsa pribumi yang terjajah selama ini (oleh Eropah) untuk membebaskan bangsa itu daripada cengkaman penjajahan minda di dalam pendidikan bidang ini, dan sekaligus membangkitkan keyakinan diri dan patriotisme baru di kalangan bangsa tersebut. Namun nama etnomatematik atau lebih am lagi etnosains matematik di Malaysia hanya muncul dalam tahun 1996 dengan penubuhan Kumpulan Penyelidikan Etnosains Matematik Melayu di ATMA, UKM yang dianggotai oleh penulis ini sebagai ahli sub-bidang di dalam kumpulan penyelidikan yang lebih besar, Kumpulan Penyelidikan Etnosains dan Etnoteknologi Melayu di universiti tersebut. Perbezaan yang ketaranya antara etnomatematik Pertugisan dan Inggerisan dengan etnomatematik rumpun Melayu tajaan penulis Ini sejak penglibatannya dengan ASASI dan seterusnya penajaan perluasannya kepada pemeribumian ilmu 1995, induk etnosains di Malaysia, dijelaskan. Berbezanya pemeribumian ilmu di Malaysia dengan indigenization of knowledge yang sedia ada di luar Malaysia juga diterangkan. Latar belakang inilah menjadikan berbezanya kegiatan etnosains matematik di Malaysia dengan etnosains matematik yang dipengaruhi oleh gagasan D'Ambrosio itu. Ekorannya maka wujudlah dua kaedah besamya di dalam amalan etnosains matematik Malaysia, iaitu penerapan doktrin kosmologi etnik itu sendiri (Melayu-Islam) untuk menghasilkan sains baru, sains Melayu, atau lebih lunaknya, etnosains Melayu, daripada sains matematik kontemporer daripada Barat, sains Barat, atau sebenamya etnosains Barat, dan pentelaahan prasasti rumpun Melayu pra-Islam, manuskrip rumpun Melayu-Islam (Melayu Jawi), dan sastera lisan rumpun Melayu, untuk menyembulkan unsur-unsur sains matematik yang terpendam di dalamnya, iaitu mulanya seadanya sahaja yang dipaparkan secara dominannya di dalam bahasa bersama etnik itu sendiri (bahasa Melayu) dan selanjutnya sebahagiannya mungkin sesuai dikontemporerkan juga menerusi doktrin kosmologi Melayu-Islam seperti yang dilakukan terhadap ilmu kontemporer Barat itu juga Contoh-contoh konkret hasil penyembulan (etnosains) matematik Barat kontemporer kepada etnosains matematik rumpun Melayu oleh penulis dan rakan-rakannya dipaparkan satu persatu di dalam bidang yang diceburinya selama tiga dasawarsa ini. Bidang itu ialah matematik kewangan dan perbankan; pengoptimuman; teori Einstein dan teori quantum; teori kebarangkalian, kemungkinan, set dan mantik; pendidikan dan pengajaran matematik sekolah dan universiti. Kajian dilakukan terhadap belasan prasasti mmpun Melayu sejak abad ke-5 M hingga abad ke-14 M; dan 12 buah manuskrip jawi; peribahasa dan beberapa buah cerita rakyat. Akhimya dibentangkan kajian baru sama sekali sekurang-kurangnya di Malaysia yang dinamainya etno-epistemologi sains matematik mmpun Melayu khususnya peranan bahasa di dalam penjanaan sains matematik dengan beberapa hasil konkrit yang diperolehnya setakat mi.Item PERKEMBANGAN LOGIK DI INDIA DAN PENGARUHNYA KEPADA ALAM MELAYU(2012-11-09) Alinor bin Abdul Kadir, MohammadPada Makalah ini akan dibincangkan perkembangan bidang pengetahuan yang digelar epistemologi dan logik di India, bukan sepertimana biasa membincangkannya di Greek, seolaholah seluruh hal berkaitan bidang ini datangnya dari Greek. Sarjana-sarjana Barat baru sahaja mengiktiraf kewujudan bidang ini di India menerusi buku yang popular ditulis oleh Bochenski (1956), yang memaparkan sejarah perkembangan logik di Eropah/Barat, Islam dan India. Pengiktirafan Bochenski tersebut tidaklah bermaksud tiadanya langsung wujud perbincanganperbincangan berkenaan perkembangan logik di India sebelumnya, ini cumaM bermaksud perbincangan tersebut berpindah dikalangan sejarawan kepada logikawan. Selepas daripadanya, logik India mula dikaji secara lebih saintifik, terutamanya dibandingkan dengan logik Barat. Makanya, banyak dasar-dasar logik India disamatarafkan dengan dasar-dasar logik Barat. Namun, satu perkara yang masih belum dijelaskan dengan baik adalah, adakah logik Greek ambilan daripada logik India, atau sebaliknya? Tiada yang mampu membahas isu ini. Satu perkara lagi yang tidak dijelaskan dengan baik adalah tentang hubungan India dengan Alam Melayu dalam bidang logik. Selalunya, apabila berbicara berkenaan logik di Alam Melayu, semuapun yang berbincang berkenaan sejarah logik di dunia menyepi, kalau adapun, sekali-sekala tersentuhlah beberapa wilayah berkaitan Alam Melayu, seperti "Funan", "Campa", "Sriwijaya", "Acheh", "Patani", "Melaka" dan sebagainya. Inilah sahaja pengiktirafan tarhadap perkembangan logik di Alam Melayu yang ditulis oleh sejarawan logik India dan Islam. Sejarawan logik Eropah/Barat mungkin sahaja tidak tahu dimanakah kedudukan yang digelar Alam Melayu itu. Makanya di sini, kami akan berusaha mengumpulkan maklumat-maklumat yang jauh lebih baik daripada hanya menyebut-nyebut beberapa wilayah dan nama orang yang berkaitan kepada Alam Melayu, dan tumpuan kami adalah India dan Alam Melayu.Item PRELIMINARY STUDY OF ETHNOMATHEMATIC ELEMENTS IN ACEH(2012-11-09) Arif, SalmawatyAs an area which has close relation with Islamic culture, Aceh has included mathematics in some religious activities of its community. The paper highlights a preliminary study of two topics of ethnomathematics related to Acehnese culture, namely faraid, the law of inheritance and geometry of its wooden house ornaments.Item MODEL ATI (APTITUDE TREATMENT AND INTERACTION) & QAIT (QUALITY, APPROPRIATENESS, INCENTIVE, TIME) IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION(2012-11-09) RisnawatiQAIT learning and ATI model focus more on the adjustment of learning with diverse student characteristics, to meet the needs of different students. Furthermore, the best lesson would not be successful if students are not motivated to learn it or not provided sufficient time to enable all students to learn. Students have the power of comprehension, absorptive, thinking power and intelligence of unequal power between one student and another student in a classroom. Therefore, how to educate and learn the students actually vary depending on the level of intelligence of each student. But what happens during this is a uniformity of procedure of learning in every classroom, as if all students have the characteristics and motivations of the uniform. In fact, the characteristics, motivation, every student was very different, so I taught him was to be diverse. Especially in mathematics, learning mathematics, learning or teaching and learning activities in this lesson is different from other lessons. This is because mathematics, including lesson that is difficult when compared to other lessons. This paper will discuss QAIT Learning Model (Quality, Appropriateness, Incentive, Time) and ATI (Aptitude Treatment and Interaction) in Mathematics Education. Model approach and Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI) is a learning model that can serve students' individual differences, that is tailor treatment / treatment (teaching method) with the characteristics and motivation of students. In application, it emphasis more on the provision of treatment (treatment) that differ in learning, based on the characteristics of each group of students (high, medium, low). Model ATI will be effective when combined with QAIT model, because this QAIT model will consider time spent on the students to learn in relation to the amount of time they need to learn. The time needed is a product orientation and ability to learn, time is actually used depends on the time clock is available for learning, quality teaching and student persistence.