2.Seminar Hasil Penelitian Dosen Jurusan Teknik Sipil Tanggal 29 Maret 2008
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Item PERILAKU STRUKTUR BANGUNAN BERTINGKAT YANG BERBENTURAN AKIBAT BEBAN DINAMIK(2012-11-07) Suryanita, RcniGround excitation on two buildings can cause pounding if the gap between them is not enough for their free vibration response. Pounding can cause amplification of internal forces of the response structure elements and impact force at the contact zone that usually have not calculated yet in the preliminary design. Therefore, it can cause damage and failure of the building. The two buildings are modeled as MDOF discrete. To release the bounding between the degree of freedom, the dynamic analysis is carried out by modal superposition method, then the analysis is continued by numerical analysis by Runge Kutta method. The parameters of study are mass of the model, stiffness of the model, pounding stiffness, and the initial gap between the buildings. The result of study, shows that the pounding force will increase as the initial gap between the buildings is decrease. Minimum gap between the buildings to avoid pounding is less than the relative maximum of total absolute value range of the both buildings under designed earthquake force. Therefore, by knowing minimum gap between buildings so the pounding can be avoidedItem MODEL FISIK PEMBANGKIT LISTRIK TENAGA MINI-MIKROHIDRO (PLTM)(2012-11-07) Rinaldi; HarmainiThe use of mini-microhydro electricity power generator is still conducted rarely. It needs to know its effectivity and efficiency. It needs special treatment by using new technology, so it could be especially in the rural areas those had water resources for that treatment. In this research physical model of mini-microhydro electricity power generator was made. The procedure of this research consist of three steps : the installation and adjustment of equipment (tank installation and pipe installation, dynamo and turbin restraint, turbin and dynamo intallation), the model test (water supply measurement, tutrbin angular velocity measurement), and running model (dynamo angular velocity measurement, and voltage measurement). The result of the research that was conducted, the maximum water suplly 5,513 Us, average of dynamo angular velocity 548,6 rpm. The maximum voltage that is produced model 80 volt. On the model condition no energy is produced, because the voltage and angular velocity that was planned are not reached yet.Item KUAT TEKAN DAN MODULUS ELASTISITAS BETON MENGGUNAKAN SILIKA PRESIPITASI (SiOz) BASIL EKSTRAKSI LIMBAB ABU SAWIT(2012-11-07) Romey Sitompul, Iskandar; Tahara, EdoThe using additive for concrete mixing has developed recently aim to increase the behaviour and compression strength of the concrete. Silica presipitated is one of additive materials used for concrete mixing. It's obtained from the crude palm oil industrial process. On this research, silica presipatated will be added by using comparison 0%, 4%, 8%, 12% of cement weight. According to this research, concrete compression strength increase 9,77% with addition 4% silica presipitated of concrete 0% silica presipitated at age 28 day. Modulus elasticity also increase 2,02% on adding 4% silica presipitated of concrete 0% silica presipitated at age 28 dayItem POTENSI TASIK NAMBUS UNTUK MELAYANI KEBUTUHAN AIR BERSIH KOTA SELAT PANJANG(2012-11-07) Siswanto; MujiatkoNowadays, the requirement of clean water increases as the number of human population rises as well as people awamess of being health. So far people in Tebing Tinggi subdistrict, Selat Panjang get clean water for they daily need from a water resources that provided by local government. The capasity of this fasility had been upgraded from 10 1/dt up to 30 It/dt. In accordance with the increase of populaton, that amount still has not enough yet to fullfill the people need of clean water. Tasik Nambus (Nambus Pond) is one of potential water resources available in Tebing Tinggi subdistrict. Based on the research study and hydrologycal analysis, it was shown that the Nambus Pond holding capasity can reach up to 289,509 m3/hr.Item PEMODELAN PENELUSURAN BANJIR DENGAN METODE MUSKINGHUM(2012-11-07) Hendri, Andy; Inra MTujuan penelusuran banjir salah satunya adalah peringatan dini banjir, salah satu metode yang terkenal dikembangkan oleh Muskingun. Untuk menghormati penemunya, metode tersebut dinamai Muskingum. Metode in! telah diterapkan secara intensif pada beberapa sungai di Inggris. Menurut Saihul (2006) Muskingum termasuk metode yang cukup akurat, tingkat kesalahan prediksinya rata-rata sebesar 14 persen. dan kesalahan prediksi waktu debit puncak rata-rata 0,16 jam. Metode Muskingum tidak didasarkan atas hukum-hukum dasar hidrolika. Metode ini hanya meninjau hukum kontinuitas dan tampungan. Metode Muskingum menggunakan data debit masuk dan debit keluar yang diukur pada waktu yang bersamaan. Metode ini sering sekali memakan waktu yang lama dikarenakan adanya perulangan-perulangan pada perhitungan konstantakonstanta penelusuran sehingga dalam proses perhitungan memungkinkan terjadinya kesalahan (systematic error). Penelitian ini disusun setelah melalui serangkaian kegiatan penelitian tentang Pemodelan Penelusuran Banjir metode Muskinghum. Penelitian ini pada dasamya hanya pemodelan numerik saja, sedangkan data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Untuk hasil ketiga simulasi tersebut sendiri mempunyai trend yang sama antara satu dengan yang lainnya, hal tersebut dapat dilihat pada simpangan rerata untuk simulasi data per 1 jam, 2 jam dan 3 jam yang mempunyai nila simpangan rerata berturut-turut adalah: 18,3%, 19,8, dan 21,3%. Nilai tersebut tidak terlalu signifikan sekali, sehingga untuk mengambil data di lapangan tidak perlu data yang per 1 jam-an karena untuk yang 3 jam-an saja sudah terwakilkan dan nilainya pun tidak terlalu berpengaruh.Item ANALISIS STRUKTUR KONFIGURASI TIANG DERMAGA TERHADAP GAYA LATERAL(2012-11-07) Ismeddiyanto; Sutikno, SigitPlanning and design of jetty for general cargo port always use piles for its lower structure. Arrangement of Pile configuration in jetty is very important thing in stability of structure as well as for construction cost. This research has analysed structurally three alternatives of pile configuration design, those are pile configuration Type-], Type-2, and Type-3. The Type-I and Type-2 are the conventional configuration pile that are the most commonly designed. The Type-3 is a configuration piles that is proposed to be the more stable structure than the conventional configurations. All of the alternatives configuration are analyzed structuraly using SAP 2000 VI 1.0.0 to find maximum lateral displacement, axial force, shear force, and moment in pile. Base on the result of structural analysisis can be concluded that jetty Type-3 is the mostItem KAPUR TOHOR DAN ABU SAWIT SEBAGAI BAHAN TAMBAH ATAU SUBSTITUSI SEMEN PADA MORTAR(2012-11-07) Kurniawandy, Alex; Ismediyanto; Novalina, TettyThe aim of this research is to learn the influence of palm oil fly ash and quick lime with the certain percentage against strength that was produced. Using of the additive or substitution of palm oil fly ash and quick lime can be hoped to save the use of cement in the mortar mixture. Moreover it will be useful to give waste added value of the industry that has not yet made use of optimally especially as the building materials (close the environment). The ratio between cement and sand in this research was 1:3. The specimen was made total 108 samples, the size of specimen is 5x5x5 cm. Palm oil fly ash and quick lime that are used with the percentage 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% against heavy cement, while the composition of palm oil ash fly ash and the lime that is 67.5- 32.5. In the meantime as the standard mortar was made by the mixture of the level of palm oil fly ash with quick lime 0 % and 100%.The results of the research show that the optimum value in the percentage of 20% with strength 202.06 Kg/cm2 (the age 28 days) and 40 % with strength 197.69 kg/cm2 (the age 56 days). While the biggest porosity and absorption value was obtained in mortar with 100% and 80 % palm oil fly ash and quick lime.Item SISTEM PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN (DECISSIONSUPPORT SYSTEM, DSS) PERBAIKAN DAN PEMELIHARAAN LERENG BERDASARKAN PROSEDUR MANAJEMEN ASET(2012-11-07) Sandyavitri, Ari; Muhardi; Burhanuddin; Sucipto Wijaya, Andi; Zulfi, Albert; Wibisono, GunawanThe simulation of Decision Support Systems (DSS) based on the Assets Management procedure (in managing rock slopes systematically) was demonstrated in this paper. Rock fall Hazard Rating System (RHRS) and Rock fall Mitigation Cost Estimate (RMCE) methods were applied in this paper to mapping, evaluate, and analyze rock fall hazard at the road section of Pekanbaru- Bukittinggi KM 75 to KM 115. Two major elements are subjects to investigate as follow; (i) technical aspect; and (ii) economy one. Based on the RHRS criteria, there should be the riskiest slopes and potential rock fall hazard be prioritized to be managed, they are slopes at KM 80.2 (left), KM 77 and KM 10.3 with RHRS values of 581, 542 and 420 points. The higher RHRS value of the slope the riskiest the slope to the road users. RMCE considers economy aspect to be put into consideration together with RHRS values. Cost estimate for managing rock fall is divided with RHRS is known as cost risk (CR). The CR may comprehensively assist process of DSS for managing the slopes within the road section above by offering flexible options such as; prioritizing the riskiest slopes with moderate CR values eg. Slopes of KM 109.3, KM 77 and KM 80.2 with the BR values of 200.000, 351.000, and 312.000 respectively; or prioritizing the rock fall hazard slopes with the lowest CR values (eg. CR below300.000) for slopes at KM. 109.5, 109.3, 112 dan 80.23.For the first option, it may yield 3 slopes can be repaired, and at second option it may repair 4 slopes.Item ALTERNATIF SOLUSI PENGGUNAAN GEOTEXTILE PADA KONSTRUKSI JALAN DIATAS TANAH LUNAK(2012-11-07) Maizir, HarnediItem KAJIAN POLA ALIRAN DAN KAPASITAS SALURAN DRAINASE SEBAGAI USAHA MENGATASI BANJIR GENANGAN DI KOTA SIAK SRI INDRAPURA(2012-11-07) Mudjiatko; SiswantoPerubahan karakteristik kota Siak Sri Indrapura iiarus diimbangi dengan sistem jaringan drainase yang memadai yang dapat dan mampu mengontrol serta mengendalikan aliran air permukaan yang akan terjadi sehingga meminimalkan wilayah banjir di Kota Siak. Penelitian ini bertujuan sebagai suatu kajian komprehensif berkenaan dengan pola aliran dan kapasitas saluran pada sistem jaringan drainase Kota Siak Sri Indrapura.Data data curah hujan, Rencana Detail Tata Ruang Kota Siak 2010, data topografi wilayah kajian dan hasil inventariasasi pola aliran exisilng dibutuhkan sebagai dasar kajian pola aliran dan analisa kapasitas saluran. Data Curah hujan stasiun buatan selama 20 tahun dianalisa dan diuji untuk menentukan curah hujan rencana. Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa kapasitas saluran yang ada di kota Siak Sri Indrapura saat ini, tidak mampu menampung curah hujan yang terjadi sehingga dibutuhkan pengaturan ulang terhadap pola aliran. Sebagai akibatnya, harus dilakukan perubahan dimensi saluran untuk 80 % saluran yang ada di Kota Siak Sri Indrapura.