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Item Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Dengan Teknologi Mikrob Mendukung Pertanian Terpadu Berkelanjutan Berbasis Tanaman Pangan Pada Lahan Gambut(2017-06-08) Hapsoh; Wawan; Dini, Isna RahmaBeberapa tanaman pangan utama seperti padi dan kedelai telah dibudidayakan di tanah gambut. Meskipun produktivitas tanah gambut rendah yang disebabkan karena minimnya kandungan unsur hara baik makro maupun mikro yang tersedia untuk tanaman. Selama ini, pemberian bahan organik beserta amelioran dan pupuk organik menjadi salah solusi untuk mengatasi kekurangan unsur hara pada lahan gambut, namun seringkali mendorong aktivitas dekomposisi bahan gambut oleh mikrob dekomposer yang berdampak pada peningkatan emisi dan subsidensi. Padahal bahan organik dengan teknologi mikrob yang diaplikasikan pada tanah gambut dapat berfungsi sebagai sumber unsur hara bagi tanaman, selanjutnya sisa bahan organik yang belum terdekomposisi mampu mengkonvensasi kehilangan bahan gambut yang terdekomposisi. Dengan cara demikian, di satu sisi produktivitas tanaman dapat ditingkatkan karena tersedianya unsur hara, di sisi lain subsidensi dapat diminimalisir bahkan dapat ditiadakan. Bahan organik yang diberikan dapat berasal dari limbah tanaman pangan maupun perkebunan. Hal ini merupakan salah satu konsep pertanian terpadu secara in-situ di mana limbah salah satu tanaman dapat dimanfaatkan untuk tanaman yang lain. Maka, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan pupuk organik dengan teknologi mikrob pada tanaman pangan padi dan kedelai di lahan gambut sehingga dapat mengatasi berbagai permasalahan budidaya tanaman pangan di lahan gambut. Penelitian ini direncanakan selama 3 tahun dan terdiri atas 6 tahap percobaan yaitu: Tahap 1: Isolasi mikrob dari serasah tanaman (akasia, kelapa sawit, padi) di tanah gambut dan uji ketahanan mikrob yang terisolasi pada pH rendah; Tahap 2: Pengujian optimasi pertumbuhan mikrob pada beberapa bahan organik; Tahap 3: Pengujian isolat sebagai dekomposer pada bahan baku limbah (padi, kedelai, dan TKKS); Tahap 4: Pengujian cara aplikasi langsung mikrob sebagai dekomposer limbah organik pada tanaman padi dan kedelai; Tahap 5: Pengujian cara aplikasi kompos dan aplikasi langsung pada tanaman padi dan kedelai pada skala petak (pengujian water level); Tahap 6: Pengujian cara aplikasi pupuk organik kompos dan aplikasi langsung pada tanaman padi dan kedelai pada skala lapangan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan sebuah teknologi tepat guna yang dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat petani untuk mengaplikasikan pupuk organik dengan teknologi mikrob pada tanaman padi dan kedelai yang ditanam di lahan gambut.Item Isolation Cellulolytic Bacteria Degradation Of Empty Fruit Bunch Of Oil Palm In Peatland(2017-06-08) Hapsoh; Wawan; Dini, Isna Rahma; Daspina, MaidiaThe using of a peatland as the food crops cultivationhave been motivate the part of an agriculture to more developing the agricultural innovations, such as the making of an organic fertilizer that can be used by the food crops in the peatland. An organic material that can be used as the raw material to make an organic fertilizer, which one it is the empty fruit bunch of oil palm (EFBP). It is something like the compost heap or the waste of oil palm trees, which is contain of cellulose with the result that the substrate for the growth of the cellulolytic bacteria. The election of EFBP as the source of the isolate is because there is many oil palm trees which is cultivated on the peat land and it is naturally degraded around the palm trees. The natural degradation of EFBP will require along time enough. Therefore, this study is purposed to isolating the cellulolytic bacteria from EFBP and to obtain bacteria that having a high cellulolytic index and also acid-resistant bacteria, and later could be used to remodel the EFBP itself as well as the other organic mater inthe peatland. Based on the isolation result and morphology observation according to gram coloring, it is obtained 12 isolates which there is 4 isolates that negative Gram cocci form, 1 isolate that positive Gram cocco form, 2negative Gram basil, 2 gram negative diplobasil, 2 positive Gram basil, 1 negative Gram basil. Furthermore to do the measuring of celulolytic is to know the ability of the bacteria of producing an cellulase enzyme that pass through the clear zone which is formed around the colony. Based on the observation, the highest amount of cellulolytic index is 7 which are obtained form the diplobasil shaped positive gram. The best time to apply the making of organic fertilizer which one is should be done on the third day of incubationItem Pengaruh Pemberian Biochar dan Pupuk N, P dan K Terhadap Tanaman Cabai Merah (Capsicum annuum L.)(2013-06-21) Howe, Tuhumena; Wawan; Nasrul, BesriThe research objective was to determine the effect of biochar and N, P, and K fertilizer to the value of electrical conductivity (EC) in the soil and to determine the effect of biochar and fertilizer N, P and K to the red pepper plant. This research has been conducted on the home screen of the Faculty of Agriculture University of Riau, Pekanbaru from June until September 2012. The research was conducted in the form of factorial experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD), each treatment was repeated 3 times. The first factor is the dose of biochar (B) consisting of three levels, namely: B0 = without giving biochar, biochar B1 = giving as much as 0.5 kg / plant, B2 = giving as much biochar 1kg / plant. The second factor is the dose of fertilizer N, P and K (P) which consists of four levels, namely: P0 = no fertilizer, P1 = 0.5 times the recommended dosage, P2 = 1 times the recommended dosage, P3 = 2 times the recommended dosage. There by obtaining 12 combinations of treatments and 3 replications in order to obtain a total of 36 experimental units overall. The data obtained were statistically analyzed using analysis of Variety with linear models. Furthermore the results of analysis of variance followed by DNMRT test (Duncan's New Multiple Range Test) at 5% significance level.Item Pengaruh Pemberian Kapur Dan Bahan Organik Pada Tanah Dystrudepts Dari Areal Kelapa Sawit Terhadap Perkembangan Cacing Tanah (Pontoscolex corethrurus)(2013-01-28) Arzon; Wardati; WawanDystrudepts soil has a low of pH and organic matter, it is not eligible for the live of earthworms. It is necessary to give lime and organic matter into the soil by Calopogonium Sp and Asystasia gangetica. This study aims to determine the effect of lime, organic matter and their interactions, and the best treatment on the earthworms live on Dystrudepts soil from palm oil area. Experimental study was conducted using a factorial completely randomized design with two factors treatments and 3 replications. The first factor is the limes with level 0, 10, 20, 30 g/pot and the second factor is the organic matter 50 g/pot Calopogonium Sp and 50 g/pot Asystasia gangetica. The giving of lime increased the amount of juvenile earthworms, amount of cocons and amount of earthworms weight. The interaction between lime and organic matter can increase the amount of juvenile earthworms, amount of cocons and amount of earthworms weight on the treatment with 30 g/pot of lime and 50 g/pot of Calopogonium Sp, but did not increase the amount of adult earthworms. The best treatment for the earthworms live with lime 30 g/pot and 50 g/pot of Calopogonium Sp.Item PENGARUH TINGGI MUKA AIR TANAH DAN MULSA ORGANIK TERHADAP SIFAT TANAH, PERTUMBUHAN KELAPA SAWIT DAN EMISI CO2 DI LAHAN GAMBUT(2016-07-14) Alhaq; WawanPenelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tinggi muka air tanah dan mulsa organic serta interaksinya terhadap sifat tanah, pertumbuhan kelapa sawit dan emisi CO2 di lahan gambut. Penelitian dilakukan di areal konsesi PT. Teguh Karsa Wana Lestari di Kecamatan Bungaraya Kabupaten Siak. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksperimen dengan menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terbagi. Petak utama adalah tinggi muka air saluran drainase yang terdiri dari : 50 cm, 70 cm dan 90 cm. Anak petak adalah pemberian mulsa organik yang terdiri dari: tanpa mulsa organic, tandan kosong kelapa sawit, pelepah kelapa sawit, dan Mucuna Bracteata. Dengan demikian terdapat 12 kombinasi perlakuan yang diulang 3 kali. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis menggunakan sidik ragam dan untuk mengetahui perbedaan antar perlakukan dilakukan uji Wilayah Berganda Duncan (DNMRT) pada taraf nyata 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1). Tinggi muka air tanah 70 cm merupakan perlakuan yang menghasilkan kandungan N total, P total, K, Ca, dan Mg, lebih tinggi dibanding tinggi muka air tanah 50 cm dan 90 cm sedangkan tinggi muka air tanah 90 cm menghasilkan kadar air tanah lebih rendah, dan suhu tanah serta emisi CO2 lebih tinggi dibanding tinggi muka air tanah 50 cm dan 70 cm. 2). Mulsa tandan kosong sawit merupakan perlakuan yang menghasilkan kandungan N total, K, Ca, dan Mg, suhu dan kadar air tanah, pertumbuhan akar kelapa sawit yang lebih tinggi, namun disertai emisi CO2 yang lebih tinggi pula dibanding mulsa organik lain. 3). Kombinasi tinggi muka air tanah 70 cm dan mulsa organik TKKS menunjukkan kandungan N total, K, Ca,dan Mg, pertumbuhan akar yang lebih tinggi dengan emisi yang lebih rendah dibanding kombinasi tinggi muka air tanah 90 cm dengan mulsa organik yang sama.Item PENGOLAHAN AIR GAMBUT MENJADI AIR LAYAK KONSUMSI DENGAN KOAGULAN ALAMI EKSTRAK BUAH (AVERRHOA BILIMBI)(2016-07-13) Ardiansyah; Bahri, Syaiful; Saryono; WawanPesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk berdampak pada peningkatan kebutuhan hidup manusia. Ketersediaan air layak konsumsi sampai saat ini masih merupakan masalah bagi daerah tertentu, karena letak geografis dan kondisi daerah tersebut. Pemenuhan kebutuhan air bersih dilakukan dengan cara yang masih belum tepat dan belum sesuai dengan kaidah kesehatan. Salah satu solusi yang dapat ditempuh adalah dengan memanfaatkan potensi air alam yaitu air gambut. Buah Averrhoa Bilimbi merupakan salah satu bahan alami yang memiliki kandungan senyawa aktif yaitu tanin, flavoniod dan triterpenoid yang dapat digunakan sebagai koagulan dalam pengolahan air gambut. Senyawa aktif inilah yang diperkirakan mampu berreaksi dengan senyawa organik air gambut yang terdiri dari senyawa humik, senyawa fulfik dan senyawa humin, sehingga terjadi proses penggumpalan dan proses pengendapan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak buah Averrhoa Bilimbi dengan variasi konsentrasi (100 gr/l, 150 gr/l dan 200 gr/l) dan variasi waktu kontak (60 menit, 90 menit dan 120 menit) terhadap warna, pH dan TDS air gambut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi konsentrasi ekstrak buah Averrhoa Bilimbi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap warna air, pH dan TDS air gambut, semakin tinggi konsentrasi ekstrak buah Averrhoa Bilimbi, maka semakin tinggi perubahan warna, pH dan TDS air gambut. Dalam penelitian ini perubahan warna, pH dan TDS air gambut, optimum terjadi pada konsentrasi 200 gr/l. Begitu juga halnya dengan variasi waktu kontak, juga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap warna dan TDS air gambut, semakin lama waktu kontak, maka semakin tinggi perubahan warna dan TDS air gambut. Dalam penelitian ini perubahan warna dan TDS air gambut, optimum terjadi pada waktu kontak 120 menit. Namun, variasi waktu kontak ekstrak buah Averrhoa Bilimbi tidak berpengaruh terhadap pH air gambut.Item Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Hutan Alam Menjadi Hutan Tanaman Industri (Hti) Acacia crassicarpa Terhadap Beberapa Sifat Kimia Tanah Gambut(2013-07-31) Khotimah, Khusnul; Wawan; WardatiThe increasing of material timber industrial will lead to extension of plantation forest area in peat soil. In natural peat land forest, condition of soil is always reductive and moist, soil reaction (pH) is very acid and content of nutrient N, P, K, Ca, Mg, K, Na is very low. Some activity in plantation forest will changes some chemical properties in peat soil. The purpose of this research was to know lands use change from natural forest to plantation forest Acacia crassicarpa on some chemical properties in peat soil. Method in this research was survey, with purposive sampling. Data was analysed by descriptive and graphics model. The parameters were pH, organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphor and base cations K, Ca, Mg, Na. The result of research show that land use change from natural forest to plantation forest Acacia crassicarpa will increasing some chemical properties in peat soil. The longer time of land use change will increasing some chemical properties in peat soil. The increasing is fluctuative, as pH, total nitrogen, total phosphor, and base cations K, Ca, Mg, Na, whereas for organic carbon increase is linierly.Item Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Hutan Alam Menjadi Hutan Tanaman Industri (Hti) Acacia crassicarpa Terhadap Beberapa Sifat Kimia Tanah Gambut(2013-07-17) Khotimah, Khusnul; Wawan; WardatiThe increasing of material timber industrial will lead to extension of plantation forest area in peat soil. In natural peat land forest, condition of soil is always reductive and moist, soil reaction (pH) is very acid and content of nutrient N, P, K, Ca, Mg, K, Na is very low. Some activity in plantation forest will changes some chemical properties in peat soil. The purpose of this research was to know lands use change from natural forest to plantation forest Acacia crassicarpa on some chemical properties in peat soil. Method in this research was survey, with purposive sampling. Data was analysed by descriptive and graphics model. The parameters were pH, organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphor and base cations K, Ca, Mg, Na. The result of research show that land use change from natural forest to plantation forest Acacia crassicarpa will increasing some chemical properties in peat soil. The longer time of land use change will increasing some chemical properties in peat soil. The increasing is fluctuative, as pH, total nitrogen, total phosphor, and base cations K, Ca, Mg, Na, whereas for organic carbon increase is linierly.Item Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Hutan Alam Menjadi Hutan Tanaman Industri Acacia crassicarpa Terhadap Beberapa Sifat Fisika Tanah Gambut(2014-02-13) Ade, Noviria; Wawan; IkhsanThe purpose of this research was determine how the effect of lands use change from natural forest to plantation forest Acacia crassicarpa on some physical properties of peat soil.The research wasconducted by survey method, with purposive sampling. Data was analysed by descriptive and graphics model. The parameters were particle size distribution, bulk density, particle density and porosity. The result of research show that land use change from natural forest to plantation forest Acacia crassicarpa was increasing total of smalles particle, bulk density, and particle density, while the porosity decreases. The longer time of land use change was increasing the decomposition of the peat soil, which improves the physical peat soil.Item Perubahan Sifat Fisik Berbagai Jenis Tanah Di Bawah Tegakan Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis jacq.) Yang Diaplikasi Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (Tkks) Di Pt. Salim Ivomas Pratama(2013-07-11) Al Khoiri; Annom ,Edison; WawanThis study aims to determine the change of the physical properties of soils types various under stands of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is applied oil palm empty bunches (OPEB). The research was conducted by survey method. The research showed that giving oil palm empty bunches (OPEB) on soil type Podsolic Haplik, Podsolic Plintik, Kambisol District and District Gleysol the understory palm oil can improve the physical properties of the lower bulk density and particle density, and increased total of pore space, permeability, infiltration rate and water content in the depth of 0 - 20 cm. Decrease of bulk density and particle density, and increase of permeability and water content of soil applied Podsolic Haplik oil palm empty bunches (OPEB) is lower than on land Podsolic Plintik, Kambisol District and the District Gleysol which is not applied oil palm empty bunches (OPEB). Total of pore space increases on the soil Podsolic Plintik, and infiltration rate increases on the District Kambisol applied oil palm empty bunches (OPEB).Item Sifat Fisika Ultisol Di Bawah Tegakan Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis giuneensis Jacq.) Yang Berbeda Umur Dan Kaitannya Dengan Pemadatan Tanah(2013-06-25) Panjaitan, Fany Juliarti; Wawan; IslanThe purpose of this research is to determine the physical properties of Ultisols under oil palm stands of different age and evaluate the level of soil compaction. The research was conducted by survey method. The results of observation showed that the increasing age the oil palm stands caused the physical properties of Ultisol soil, such as soil aggregate stability, pore space total, infiltration rate, soil permeability, and water content of field capacity increased, while soil bulk density, soil particle density, and soil penetration decreased on die path, the circle, and life path in the depth of 0 – 20 cm and 20 – 40 cm. The increasing age the oil palm stands showed that the soil aggregate stability, pore space total, infiltration rate, soil permeability, and water content of field capacity on die path is higher than on the circle, and the circle is higher than on life path, while soil bulk density, soil particle density, and soil penetration on die path is lower than on the circle and the circle is lower than on life path in all age the oil palm stands in the depth of 0 – 20 cm and 20 – 40 cm. The increasing age the oil palm stands decreased the soil compaction level in the depth of 0 – 20 cm and 20 – 40 cm on die path, the circle, or life path.